The final project for the first semester requires students to: 1) Explain their creative concept for an advertisement through a storyboard or video; 2) Create a complete A4 print advertisement or video including copy, visuals, slogan, logo, and catch phrase; 3) Develop a complete media planning proposal with explanations and recommendations, including use of social media.
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Final project semester 1 2ºe2 e4
1. Final project semester 1:
1. Briefing given by the client
-if need be, state the target audience, product
features etc. again
2. Thoroughly explain the creative concept (through a
story board if you feel creative )
3. A complete A4 advert (Copy + visual + catch phrase +
Company logo + Company slogan etc.)
OR A video.
4. A complete Media-planning proposal (including social
media) with explanations + recommendations.