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Candidate Details
Photo provided by candidate.
VERIFIEDStatus of Credential:
Final Medical DiplomaType of Credential:
Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela) Facultad de Medicina
Medical School:
Last Name: Gutierrez Villalba
Rest of Name: Javier Alejandro
Generational Suffix:
Date of Birth: 07 September 1985
Gender: Male
Credential Details
This report is intended only for the report recipient (the entity to which the report is issued). Any reproduction, transfer, distribution, or other
dissemination for use other than by the report recipient is strictly prohibited and could result in legal action.
This report is valid only if obtained by the report recipient through the EPIC Report Portal. ECFMG makes no claims about the authenticity of any
Verification Report not obtained by the report recipient through the EPIC Report Portal. The use of the term VERIFIED indicates that ECFMG has
authenticated a physicians credential as indicated in this report through ECFMGs primary-source verification process. This includes the
authentication of the credential by the issuing authority, which ECFMG does not control. ECFMG does not guarantee, certify, or assure that such
verification is accurate. ECFMG makes no recommendations or endorsements of physicians.
If the credential was submitted to ECFMG in a language other than English, the physician was required to include a certified English translation of
the document. That translation, if applicable, is included for your reference; ECFMG does not verify the content of the translation and makes no
endorsement of the agency or company that prepared the translation.
For more information on EPIC, please visit www.ecfmgepic.org.
EPIC ID: C-GJ009027
Name on Document: Javier Alejandro Gutierrez Villalba
Final Medical Diploma
Javier Alejandro Gutierrez Villalba
Report Issued: 10 August 2016
Issued to:
Javier Gutierrez
Apollo beach, FL, USA
Verification Report; Credential; Translation of
Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
Final Report

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Final Report

  • 1. Candidate Details Photo provided by candidate. VERIFIEDStatus of Credential: Final Medical DiplomaType of Credential: Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela) Facultad de Medicina Merida, VENEZUELA Medical School: Last Name: Gutierrez Villalba Rest of Name: Javier Alejandro Generational Suffix: Date of Birth: 07 September 1985 Gender: Male Credential Details Disclaimers This report is intended only for the report recipient (the entity to which the report is issued). Any reproduction, transfer, distribution, or other dissemination for use other than by the report recipient is strictly prohibited and could result in legal action. This report is valid only if obtained by the report recipient through the EPIC Report Portal. ECFMG makes no claims about the authenticity of any Verification Report not obtained by the report recipient through the EPIC Report Portal. The use of the term VERIFIED indicates that ECFMG has authenticated a physicians credential as indicated in this report through ECFMGs primary-source verification process. This includes the authentication of the credential by the issuing authority, which ECFMG does not control. ECFMG does not guarantee, certify, or assure that such verification is accurate. ECFMG makes no recommendations or endorsements of physicians. If the credential was submitted to ECFMG in a language other than English, the physician was required to include a certified English translation of the document. That translation, if applicable, is included for your reference; ECFMG does not verify the content of the translation and makes no endorsement of the agency or company that prepared the translation. For more information on EPIC, please visit www.ecfmgepic.org. EPIC ID: C-GJ009027 Name on Document: Javier Alejandro Gutierrez Villalba VERIFICATION REPORT Final Medical Diploma Javier Alejandro Gutierrez Villalba Report Issued: 10 August 2016 Issued to: Inclusions: Javier Gutierrez Apollo beach, FL, USA Verification Report; Credential; Translation of credential