The Digital Media Studio provides resources and training to students on digital media tools and software. It offers PC and Mac computers, printers, scanners, and specialized equipment. Students can receive help from staff on using media applications, copyright resources, and completing projects. The form collects names and contact information to schedule tours, software training, research assistance, and opportunities for classroom collaboration combining these services. The goal is to enable exploration of digital media across disciplines for learning, collaboration and creative expression.
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1. Digital Media Interest Form
Interested in : (check all that apply)
Digital Media Studio
Copyright free Software
resources training (for
group or individuals) find it all. here.
Software General studio
overviews tour for classes
Research Library
Assistance Instruction
Need anything else? Let us know.
Digital Media Studio
Name Walker Library
Middle Tennessee State
Phone 1301 East Main Street, box 13
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
When would you like to schedule something?
This semester Summer Fall Phone: 615-904-8526
Next Spring E-mail:
2. Digital Media Studio
Collaboration Opportunities
The Digital Media Studio was cre- What we offer: We have a spectrum of collaboration
ated in the Fall of 2010. We pro- 8 high end Dell PC¡¯s and 12 Mac¡¯s! options from a simple walk in to a
vide knowledgeable staff who structured class combining research
Laminator/Color printers
assistance, software training, copy-
offer direction to appropriate re- Project finishing tools (Paper cutters, mount-
right basics and help with project
sources, train users on the use of ing glue, etc.)
completion. If you are interested in
media applications and collabo- Oversized monitors having us work with your class for-
rate on projects. We
24 flat bed scanners mally or informally, simply call or fill
offer the latest digital
Latest Open Source & Commercial out the attached interest form. Our
tools and unique fa- goal is to provide access to the entire
cilities to enable the scope of resources and tools that the
exploration of rich HELP from Studio Assistants & Librarians
library provides. Our studio assistants
digital media for learning experi- are trained to work with anyone, re-
ences, collaboration and crea- gardless of major or skill level.
tive expression. The Digital Media
Studio is a welcoming, collabora-
tive space for users of all abilities, The Digital Media Studio is unique be-
disciplines, levels and interests. cause we offer a high level of cus-
tomer service, full research assistance
We help students: and a combination open and com-
develop key presentation mercial software lab. This gives stu-
skills dents the ability to work on media
guide them through project rich projects that will enhance their
development professional skill sets.
expose them to copyright
friendly resources
Introduce new production
Use cutting-edge technolo-
Help them share their work
with the world