This 12-week English language program focuses on financial topics relevant to Korean professionals working in banking, securities trading, mergers and acquisitions, and other financial sectors. The program covers major trends in the Korean financial industry since 1998 and allows participants to discuss changes, present financial data, and practice currency conversions. Through mini presentations and interactive exercises, it aims to improve English communication skills for discussing financial matters internationally.
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Finance English
1. FFiinnaannccee EEnngglliisshh::
This is a 12-week, 72 hour program.
This program is for Koreans working for financial institutions, for employees engaged in
securities trading, restructuring issues, M&As, and the banking sector. Most of this program
deals with the Korean financial industry. This booklet was well-researched and data was
collected from excellent sources, including the Bank of Korea (, Financial
Supervisory Service (, & The Ministry of Finance and Economy
( So this program is also good for Korean CFA candidates or chartered
You will discuss major trends in the Korean financial industry since 1998. Everyone will
have the chance to share their views on the major changes that have taken place, including
the rise of foreign ownership in the banking securities.
Your business trainer will challenge participants to make mini presentations to the group.
Everyone will practice explaining financial statistics and ratios. Persons will also get a few
chances to practice large currency conversions, from Korean won to U.S. dollars, so that
you become better able to discuss large project financing without too much confusion
John Broden
HIBT President
WWeellccoommee ttoo HHIIBBTT!!
PPrrooggrraamm OOvveerrvviieeww