2. Who we are Epi-Digm Financial & Insurance Marketing Group Epi-Digm offers a choice of products, programs and providers to help meet today’s financial challenges. Locations Orange County Los Angeles County Inland Empire San Diego County Santa Clara County
3. Insurance Protection Life (Term, Whole, IUL) Health & Accident Disability Income Critical Illness Medicare Supplement Cross Purchase Buy-Sell Key Person Retirement Planning IRA, Roth-IRA Annuity Sep-IRA Estate Planning (Capital Transfer) College Fund Plans Residential Mortgage Financial Solutions That Works For You Epi-Digm’s broad array of client-focused solutions offers individuals and families and the small business owner the tools they need to help them meet both today and tomorrow’s financial demands What we do
5. Financial Roadmap 1 4 3 2 5 6 Ensure Proper Protection Create an Immediate Estate Life(Death), Health(Illness), Disability, Income, Liability, Build Long-Term Assets Accumulation Outpace Inflation and Minimize Taxation Understand Investment Risk Increase Cash Flow Create Additional Business/Professional Income Create Passive Income (+) Rate, Safety, (-) Tax Manage Debt Eliminate Debt Consolidate Debt Create Emergency Fund Three to Six Months of Income Emergency Expenses Preserve Your Estate Protect Family Assets (+) Transfer Reducing Estate Taxes (-) Tax
6. Money + Time +/- Rate of Return - Inflation - Taxes WEALTH
7. Are you saving Money ? Where ? 1. Mattress 2. Bank Checking, Saving, CD, M/M 3. Investment Stocks, Mutual Fund, IRA, Roth, IRA, 401k
8. Cash Value Life Insurance Roth IRA Stocks Mutual Funds Bonds Bank Savings M/M, CDs IRA 401(k)/403(b) Annuities(NQ) Stock Education IRA/529 Real Estate Interest Rate Bank Saving Account : 0.01 ~ 1.30% Money Market : 1.08 ~ 1.75% Certificate of Deposit : 1yr 0.60 ~ 2.90% ($10,000.00) : 3yr 1.84 ~ 2.50%
9. You earn it. You spend it. You save it. You die. 4 Major Tax Problems They tax it. They tax it. They tax it. They tax it. Rev.08.25.2010 (internal use only)
10. Rule of 72 Yr. 4% $ 10,000 18 $ 20,000 36 $ 40,000 Yr. 6% $ 10,000 12 $ 20,000 24 $ 40,000 36 $ 80,000 Yr. 8% $ 10,000 9 $ 20,000 18 $ 40,000 27 $ 80,000 36 $160,000 Yr. 12% $ 10,000 6 $ 20,000 12 $ 40,000 18 $ 80,000 24 $160,000 30 $320,000 36 $640,000 Rule of 72: Divide 72 by the interest rate to estimate the number of years it takes for your money to double.
17. Conversion( 転換 ) 既存 IRA から所得税を払って Roth IRA に Convert する事が出来ます。 注意事項 Convert する金額から税金分は差し引く事は出来ません。 ( 別途用意 or 見越し Tax Return 分で考慮 ) AGI(adjusted Gross Income) が $100,000 以下。 Convert した分も AGI に含まれる。 注 ) 税金に関しての詳しい事、控除の有無に関しては CPA の方にご確認下さい。 Traditional IRA Roth IRA 拠出時 拠出額 Federal Income Tax 非課税 拠出額 Federal Income Tax 課税 運用益 Federal Income Tax 非課税(年金受取時課税) Federal Income Tax 非課税 年金受取時 ( 59.5 歳を過ぎて引き出す場合) Federal Income Tax 課税 Federal Income Tax 非課税
19. (3) Annuity 保険会社が運用する個人退職年金プラン。 最大の利点は利益に対しての税金が引き出し時まで繰り越される事と 401(k) や IRA のように上限の設定がありません。 また、契約期間により開設時にボーナスが付くものがあります。 Types of Annuity Immediate Annuity Deferred Annuity
24. Up then Down Market (+)50% (-)50% Q: If your stock went up +50% last year and went down -50% this year, what is the total rate of return? Answer: (-)25%: Not 0%!
25. Down then Up Market (-)50% (+)50% Q: If your stock went down -50% last year and went up +50% this year, what is the total rate of return? Answer: -25%: Not 0%!