- NSSF provides a 200% match on employee contributions, meaning for every 1 shilling contributed, the employer contributes 2 shillings.
- Over the long run, the NSSF contributions will exceed both employee and employer contributions to total savings.
- After 10, 20, or 25 years of saving with NSSF at a 5% average annual return, total savings including NSSF contributions would be over 4.6 million, 12.3 million, or 17.8 million shillings respectively.
2. From the above, it can be observed that:
• For every 1shs you save with NSSF, you receive 200% from your employer as
an additional benefit.
• Over the long term, NSSF’s contribution towards your total savings will exceed
either your own contribution or that of your employer. (Scenario B and C)
• In addition, your NSSF and Employer contributions will exceed 80% of your total
benefits over the long term. (Scenario B and C
*Although 10 year average return on your NSSF savings has exceeded 6%,
the above computation used a simplified rate of 5%. Furthermore, actual
performance may be different from assumptions made above.
Saving Tips!
As we grow your retirement savings, the tips below will you help save for your dreams.
Savings are not about the size of an individual’s income but about what that person
chooses to save- saving is a mindset
• Prepare a monthly budget and include a savings amount in it. Take off the
savings amount first! Do not wait to take off the savings allocation after your
expenses- It will improve your financial discipline.
• Explore the option of joining a credible savings or investment club- It will
improve your savings discipline.
• Avoid credit and if you must, pay it off early- It will improve your credit
• Take advantage of sales discounts or sales promotions.
• Look for savings opportunities in your household expenditure e.g. utilities,
telephone, travel and entertainment- It will stretch your shilling.
If you want to be sure of your financial future, you should be saving between 20% and 30%
of your gross salary.
Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C
Monthly Salary 200,000 200,000 200,000
Your Contribution (5%) 10,000 10,000 10,000
Employer Contribution (10%) 20,000 20,000 20,000
Total Monthly Savings 30,000 30,000 30,000
Assumed Years of Employment 10 20 25
*Assumed Average Interest Paid by NSSF 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%
Future Value of Savings 4,658,468 12,331,010 17,865,291
Break down of Savings
Your Contribution 1,200,000 2,400,000 3,000,000
Employer Contribution 2,400,000 4,800,000 6,000,000
NSSF Contribution 1,058,468 5,131,010 8,865,291
Total Savings 4,658,468 12,331,010 17,865,291
Assuming a monthly salary of 200,000/=, your 5% contribution (10,000/=) and
your employer contribution of 10% (20,000/=), consider the scenarios below.
Saving with NSSF pays!