The document discusses strategies for financial services companies to improve their web presence. It recommends making content discoverable through search engine optimization, integrating new technologies like rich media and maps for better user experience, providing valuable context-sensitive information by rearranging content based on user needs, engaging audiences through blogs and social media, and extending the web presence across multiple online channels. The overall message is that the web should be a company's richest marketing and sales channel by adopting new technologies and practices.
2. Web is the most
cost effective channel,
offering rich experience,
high personalization and
extended reach
in a unique way
3. Web has been enhanced
with new technologies,
people are used in new
practices and
interaction is happening in
various places, not
only your web site
4. Web shouldnt be
treated anymore as a
brochure, a have-to-
do project, a
message board, a
campaign execution
5. Web should be able to
generate new leads,
make existing customers
return for more content
and services,
drive actual sales
12. Integrate video, photos, audio, rich
internet applications, wherever
possible in order to enrich user
13. Videos as well as other resources
and information should be
embeddable and sharable as
14. Use and integrate all available
channels for customer service right
through your web properties
15. Use full text search as an alternative
for navigation, since your users are
used to it over the internet
16. Call to action
> Make your content discoverable
> Integrate new technologies and rich
media for great user experience
> Provide valuable, context sensitive
18. Make comparison and selection of
products easier including
competition wherever you can
19. Categorize products and services
properly, making research and
selection easier for the visitor
20. Call to action
> Make your content discoverable
> Integrate new technologies and rich
media for great user experience
> Provide valuable, context sensitive
> Talk to your audiences and let them
talk to you
22. Let your customers help you to design
your new financial products or services,
getting their feedback early
23. Call to action
> Make your content discoverable
> Integrate new technologies and rich
media for great user experience
> Provide valuable, context sensitive
> Talk to your audiences and let them
talk to you
> Extend your web presence
outside of your web site
29. So
>There are more in your existing
content and services
>Web can|should be your richest
marketing and sales channel
30. So
>There are more in your existing
content and services
>Web can|should be your richest
marketing and sales channel
>Take advantage of new social
technologies and practices
31. So
>There are more in your existing
content and services
>Web can|should be your richest
marketing and sales channel
>Take advantage of new social
technologies and practices
>Go to your customers, dont wait for
them to come