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August – October 2016
Do you feel a sense of fulfilment from your job? What drives you? How do you
find your purpose in life? We ask experts and business leaders for their advice.
How to find a job yo u love
The two most
important days
in your life are
the day you
were born and
the day you
find out why
U n d e r s t a n d
your ‘why’– your
passions and what
drives you. Then
clarify what you
want, what your ideal role looks like
and the type of company you want
to work for. Define your personal
it, look at how others do this and
adopt it in your own authentic way.
Take risks, say yes to the things
that scare you, you might surprise
yourself. Never underestimate the
done something great, share it and
have an open mind-set. Do the
same for others, it’ll come back to
you tenfold.
Jennifer Candee, head of global
talent acquisition, SABMiller plc
Does your job
you are today and
contribute to the
person you want to
become? We can all be ‘founders’
of our work happiness but it starts
with identifying how you want work
to shape you as a person.
A coach once asked me to do an
audit of what I loved, what types
of work made me ecstatic, what
zapped my energy, where did I feel
loved working in and why. People
in career transitions should also do
this to highlight their patterns, the
pivots they could have made and
what held them back.
Samantha Clarke, happiness
consultant and faculty member
at The School of Life
Finding a job you love isn’t easy, but
finding a job you love is important.
Don’t be afraid to make drastic
changes to help you achieve that
goal. Having intended to be an
engineer, switching to insurance,
now running a tech start-up, I’ve
once enjoyed isn’t right anymore.
and diverse people. Enthusiasm
helps generate different and better
employees are encouraged to try
new things and see the results of
their own actions rather than being
locked into a hierarchy.
Douglas, CEO,
Find what motivates you. It could be maximising your
earning potential, working abroad or working on diverse
projects. The experience you gain throughout your career
may reveal that you value things you wouldn’t have guessed you would.
Don’t feel compelled to stick to your original plan if you realise your
priorities have changed. It’s also crucial to consider the role you do
as important as the kind of company you work for. While working for
large ‘big name’ companies may have great appeal, many professionals
find the dynamic environment of an SME can suit them better where
they have a less defined role.
Sally Martin, director, Robert Walters
Focus on what you enjoy and don’t enjoy about what
you are doing now. A good test is what I call the ‘battery-
dynamo’ question. If on a Friday afternoon after work you
feel drained, the job has been taking energy out of you and
not putting any back – you have been running on a battery.
If on the other hand you feel you want to keep going, the job has
been giving you back the energy you expend – you have been running
on a dynamo. Look for dynamo jobs. You’ll not only enjoy them more,
you’ll be better at them too.
Stephen Bungay, director, Ashridge Strategic Management Centre
The two most important days in your life are the
day you were born and the day you find out why.
The latter is the day you discover your purpose
– your reason for existence. If you can uncover
this (this is not easy and usually requires skilful
guidance from someone who knows how to uncover purpose)
you can then find a job that has purpose and meaning for
you personally. If you know what sort of job aligns with your
purpose, then you will love what you do. Good luck.
On the days that you bounce out of bed into
the office or leave work late but with a real
sense of achievement – what did you do that
day to make you feel the way you do? Taking
time out to think about this can help build a
clearer picture of what makes you feel fulfilled
at work and can be useful when looking for a
new role you will love. Remember it might not
Clare Thornton, partner,
Frazer Jones
Don’t be afraid to tell a
potential employer how
much you really want the
job, nothing is as flattering
or positive in an interview.ÌýThis doesn’t just
apply to junior levels – I once placed a CEO
who wrote to me saying it was his ‘dream
job’. Align the culture of any future employer
with your own values and personality.
There’s no point in picking a very traditional
and slow culture if you are a lively, informal
person who thrives on relationships. You’ll
feel like a fish out of water and that doesn’t
lead to top performance.
James Ryding, head of talent
acquisition, easyJet
You need to know
what you love,
what you are good
at, and broadly
speaking where
the opportunities are. This helps
define the potential space for a job
that you love. Then you need to find
Exposure and confidence make
yourself in the way of opportunity
– broaden your experience, explore
new ideas, meet new people.
And then, when you find the
right thing, have the confidence
§and commitment to jump in with
both feet.
Claudia Harris, CEO, The
Careers & Enterprise Company
What do you love doing and what
job do you feel passionate about?
Frequently, people are unable to
answer these questions. First, look
to your personal strengths. By this
I mean what tasks do you excel at
AND enjoy AND that are energising
AND come naturally to you.
When people are aware of their
jobs that will allow them to apply
their strengths more frequently,
productive, having greater love for
their job and being happier. This
is what I’ve done and
I’m flourishing!
Dan Collinson,
director, Positive
Psychology Learning
| Sarah Clark

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Find a job you love

  • 1. CAREER Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx CAREER Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx 64 August – October 2016 65 Do you feel a sense of fulfilment from your job? What drives you? How do you find your purpose in life? We ask experts and business leaders for their advice. How to find a job yo u love The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why U n d e r s t a n d your ‘why’– your passions and what drives you. Then clarify what you want, what your ideal role looks like and the type of company you want to work for. Define your personal brandandtakemeasurestoamplify it, look at how others do this and adopt it in your own authentic way. Take risks, say yes to the things that scare you, you might surprise yourself. Never underestimate the powerofyournetwork,whenyou’ve done something great, share it and have an open mind-set. Do the same for others, it’ll come back to you tenfold. Jennifer Candee, head of global talent acquisition, SABMiller plc Does your job representtheperson you are today and contribute to the person you want to become? We can all be ‘founders’ of our work happiness but it starts with identifying how you want work to shape you as a person. A coach once asked me to do an audit of what I loved, what types of work made me ecstatic, what zapped my energy, where did I feel inmyflow,whichcompaniesIhated/ loved working in and why. People in career transitions should also do this to highlight their patterns, the pivots they could have made and what held them back. Samantha Clarke, happiness consultant and faculty member at The School of Life Finding a job you love isn’t easy, but finding a job you love is important. Don’t be afraid to make drastic changes to help you achieve that goal. Having intended to be an engineer, switching to insurance, now running a tech start-up, I’ve learntit’sOKtoadmitthatwhatyou once enjoyed isn’t right anymore. Surroundyourselfwithenthusiastic and diverse people. Enthusiasm bringsmoreenthusiasmanddiversity helps generate different and better ideas.Ienjoycreatingaculturewhere employees are encouraged to try new things and see the results of their own actions rather than being locked into a hierarchy. Alastair Douglas, CEO, TotallyMoney. com Find what motivates you. It could be maximising your earning potential, working abroad or working on diverse projects. The experience you gain throughout your career may reveal that you value things you wouldn’t have guessed you would. Don’t feel compelled to stick to your original plan if you realise your priorities have changed. It’s also crucial to consider the role you do as important as the kind of company you work for. While working for large ‘big name’ companies may have great appeal, many professionals find the dynamic environment of an SME can suit them better where they have a less defined role. Sally Martin, director, Robert Walters Focus on what you enjoy and don’t enjoy about what you are doing now. A good test is what I call the ‘battery- dynamo’ question. If on a Friday afternoon after work you feel drained, the job has been taking energy out of you and not putting any back – you have been running on a battery. If on the other hand you feel you want to keep going, the job has been giving you back the energy you expend – you have been running on a dynamo. Look for dynamo jobs. You’ll not only enjoy them more, you’ll be better at them too. Stephen Bungay, director, Ashridge Strategic Management Centre The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. The latter is the day you discover your purpose – your reason for existence. If you can uncover this (this is not easy and usually requires skilful guidance from someone who knows how to uncover purpose) you can then find a job that has purpose and meaning for you personally. If you know what sort of job aligns with your purpose, then you will love what you do. Good luck. AlanWatkins,neuroscientistandCEOofCompleteCoherence On the days that you bounce out of bed into the office or leave work late but with a real sense of achievement – what did you do that day to make you feel the way you do? Taking time out to think about this can help build a clearer picture of what makes you feel fulfilled at work and can be useful when looking for a new role you will love. Remember it might not alwaysbewhatyouaregood atthatmakesyoufeelgreat. Clare Thornton, partner, Frazer Jones Don’t be afraid to tell a potential employer how much you really want the job, nothing is as flattering or positive in an interview.ÌýThis doesn’t just apply to junior levels – I once placed a CEO who wrote to me saying it was his ‘dream job’. Align the culture of any future employer with your own values and personality. There’s no point in picking a very traditional and slow culture if you are a lively, informal person who thrives on relationships. You’ll feel like a fish out of water and that doesn’t lead to top performance. James Ryding, head of talent acquisition, easyJet You need to know what you love, what you are good at, and broadly speaking where the opportunities are. This helps define the potential space for a job that you love. Then you need to find aspecificopportunityinthatspace. Exposure and confidence make thedifferencehere.Youneedtoput yourself in the way of opportunity – broaden your experience, explore new ideas, meet new people. And then, when you find the right thing, have the confidence §and commitment to jump in with both feet. Claudia Harris, CEO, The Careers & Enterprise Company What do you love doing and what job do you feel passionate about? Frequently, people are unable to answer these questions. First, look to your personal strengths. By this I mean what tasks do you excel at AND enjoy AND that are energising AND come naturally to you. When people are aware of their strengths,theycanbegintolookfor jobs that will allow them to apply their strengths more frequently, whichwillresultinthembeingmore productive, having greater love for their job and being happier. This is what I’ve done and I’m flourishing! Dan Collinson, director, Positive Psychology Learning | Sarah Clark