This presentation discusses the genealogy research tool Find-A-Grave. It provides an overview of the site's features such as searching for cemeteries and individuals, requesting photos, and contributing photos. The presentation walks through a case study of researching the Deats surname in Hunterdon County, New Jersey as an example of how to utilize Find-A-Grave. It also discusses how to document research findings from the site and link them to other genealogical records and databases.
2. This Presentation
Talk briefly about Find-A-Grave
Genealogy Tool
What is on Find-A-Grave
What might you find
How to Request a photo
How to Contribute
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3. Find-A-Grave Case Study
Started as a project to help do
research for a friend
Name and Location
Find the Cemetery
Visit Cemetery
Record Findings
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4. How to use Find-A-Grave
What is available
How to search
How to request photo
What can you expect
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30. Deats Plot, using Family Tree
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31. Web Search from Genealogy
Census Records
Family Groupings in Household
Ages / Dates
Census Record
Burial Entry
Photo as Source-Citation Media
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52. What you might find
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53. Software Used
USB Camera to PC
Filed by Date (folder)
Camera Filenames
Picasa (version 3)
Copy Files from Photo Folder to FAG Folder
Reduces file size
Can Delete what is not used
Windows Explorer (to Rename
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54. How to Track
Spread sheet
Basic Fields for Find-A-Grave
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55. Tracking Information For
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Maiden Name
Birth Month
Birth Day
Birth Year
Death Month
Death Day
Death Year
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56. How to Track
Spread sheet
Basic Fields for Find-A-Grave
Naming of files
What is posted:
Genealogy Database
Tombstone Tuesday
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57. Additional Fields
T.T. [ Tombstone Tuesday]
F-A-G. [ Find-A-Grave]
FTM [ Genealogy Database ]
State, County, Cemetery, Name
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58. Photos to Data for Database
Recorded Names
Recorded Dates
Date Calculator
Recorded Relationships
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60. Websites
My Tombstone Collection
By Cemetery
By Surname
Family Tree Maker Member Family Tree
Genealogy Wise
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62. Taphophilia
From the Greek words taphos,
meaning "tomb" or "sepulcher, and
philia, meaning "attraction or affinity
to something, in particular the love or
obsession with something"
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Editor's Notes
#2: Going to talk about Find-A- GraveAs a Research Tool
#3: Want to talk about:What is on Find-A-GraveWhat you might find thereHow to Request a PhotoHow to Contribute to Find-A-Grave
#4: I had use F-A-G as a research tool, with my genealogy database programStarted with the Family Name, and Location, area, where they lived. Didnt really know the Cemetery. So, I had to find it. Then Visit the Cemetery.What did I findHow did I record the findings
#5: Will show some of the Features of F-A-GHow do to a searchHow to request a photoWhat can you expect
#6: Will leave exploring of the website up to youFind Famous GravesFamous Grave SearchQuestions and AnswersFrequently Asked QuestionsFind GravesForums, Store
#7: Here is what I knew:USANew JerseyHunterdon County
#8: From the FAG WebsiteSelect Search for a Cemetery
#9: Didnt know the Cemetery Name for sureSelected United StatesTip: Cursor in Country field, hit the U, then U until United States Shows upSelected New JerseySelected Hunterdon County
#10: Only 169 Cemeteries in Hunterdon CountyHad to Refine
#11: Knew Name, but only entered SurnameFound to Start general, then refineICONS: Virtual Flowers Famous Person Sponsored Person Photo of Headstone for the individual
#12: Three Cemeteries where Deats were buried37 Deats buried in Hunterdon County
#13: 37 Deats3 CemeteriesLooked for Hiram Deats who Died in 1963
#14: Scrolled down the previous screen3 Hiram DeatsClicked on the Cherryville Baptist CemeteryFlemingtonHunterdon CountyKnew Died in 1963
#15: AddressSearch BoxLinksView InternmentsAdd a NameSubmit Spread Sheet - Later
#16: Scrolling Down ScreenOther ViewsSatelliteHybridEarth
#17: Gets an idea of the area Especially if you havent been there beforeLarge Fields on the Left side of the screen
#18: Hybrid View adds Street Names and Cemetery NameZoom In / Out to get a feel for the area
#23: Scrolling down, find that there are three Hiram DeatsBottom one Died 1963Check the Dates:Hiram Deats: Died 1887Hiram Deats, Jr: Born 1853Hiram E Deats: Born 1870Dont jump to conclusions, or is there a story here.
#24: Where I parked, found a Deats plotBut, where are the other Deats that were listedLooked around Found another PlotTook pictures of everything
#25: Drive to CemeteryGPSOr can get directions from mapNote: TreeMonument on LeftMonument on Right
#26: Tree on Left of both pictures are the same treeClose BUTFirst Monument: Hiram Deats, Jr, and a couple others, not the 21Second Monument: Hiram Deats and Hiram E. DeatsNOTE the railing around 2nd monument
#27: Deats MonumentHiram E DeatsWife: Eva A Taylor (wife of Hiram E Deats)John Deats:Buried at Newark, OhioWatch for In Memory of: as they may not be buried there
#28: Here is the FAG Page for Hiram E DeatsListed 2 years before a picture was posted.Note Monument and Foot StoneFoot Stones outer circleNote:Add a Photo for this PersonRequest a Photo
#29: SurnamesMaudWilsonHoffLittleJulia Maud was the Wife of Ray C Wilson and Daughter of Porter C and Ellen Hoff Little 2 Generations shown
#31: Note Red CircleNote the list of Names who are Buried HereGPS Setting on RightTree2nd Monument
#32: Take Pictures:First picture is something to identify the CemeteryRecorded all information that was on the HeadstoneOnce in my database, searched for Census Records, since I was building a family fileHouseholdsDates and RelationshipsCite the Sources from the CensusUse the Burial FACT to record the CemeteryHave a Source-Citation as a Cemetery Visit and the DateUse the Image at the Source-Citation Media
#33: Changing ViewsYou can JoinIts FreeAll you need is an Email AddressCreates a ProfileContact EmailBlog websiteContributionsFriends
#34: Communicate to other FAG ContributorsQuick link to the Cemeteries that I contribute toNot covering Memorials but you can create Memorials
#35: Contributor ToolsPhoto Volunteer10 mile radius of Zip CodeMy Cemeteries
#36: Part of My Cemetery ListQuick Links to Cemetery
#37: Requesting a Photo sends an email to a VolunteerGo to the Cemetery Page and Locate the person, or use the Link to the person from the Internment ListingIn this case, Union Cemetery in Hackettstown for Richard Van HorneClick on Request A Photo
#38: Email Request:Name of the Person looking forCemeteryContactDetails are HelpfulHas Plot Number
#39: This is what I did since the Cemetery of covered with SnowSnow on the ground doesnt necessarily slow me down
#40: Requesting a Photo sends an email to a VolunteerPrep for VisitPrint RequestSee if there are other Photo Requests Print OthersLook for other Surnames, especially if the photo request is for a femaleLook at F-A-G Symbols for Photo ICONLook for others with the Same SurnameLook for Female SurnameDont Accept Request until I am walking out the door
#41: Surname ListSee name of requested PhotoRIP ICON = Photo OnlineLook at that photo as it may give hints about the surroundings
#43: Add Photo ButtonUpload a SpreadsheetWhen spreadsheet accepted upload photos
#44: Upload a Spread SheetEXCEL TemplateWill cover details shortly
#45: For Veterans Day, took some Vets Photos:Show Birth Dates on two head stonesDifferent View
#46: Different ViewFredrick and FredAlso, the Son is to the right of the Father
#47: Different ViewFredrick and FredAlso, the Son is to the right of the FatherHead Stone: March 6Veterans Plaque: March 9Tell Story, if there is time
#48: Watch for links.Since this is my person, I can create a link between Edward Lord Abblebey and Nettie Louise Smith ApplebeyMy wifes grandparents.Generally, I enter information that is on the Headstone. I have additional information, so that if I am contacted, I can share information.What is here, for Nettie First, her name has been in question within the family. Confirmed by Birth CertificateHer birth Surname is listed and shown in ItalicsThe relationships are set up with the Memorial #
#49: Request for Georgia Lammason AnthonyGot out of car, saw Budd Anthony on closest Stone but it was Grace AnthonyConnection between Anthony and Budd
#50: View of Budd / Anthony StoneAnthony StoneFrom the other direction See Car
#51: Dialog with person requesting photo as she was looking for those relationshipsI dont try to understand the Relationships, but report findings
#52: Wonder IF:Church RelatedDonaldsons Farm is across the street from where I liveIts a Farm
#53: Wonder what the Carpenters occupation wasGolfer
#54: German Valley CemeteryVolunteer FirefighterFirehouse right down the streetFiremans TagHun BunSmoker
#55: What do I use to do all of thisFilenames of Photos are importantPicasa had TagsCemeterySurnameGeo Tags for Location
#57: Fields in that TemplateFill in what I know OR what is on the Headstone
#58: Spreadsheet worked, but needed to expandI may use those pictures for:FAGFTMTombstone TuesdayGroup of Bloggers who post stories or pictures on Tuesdays
#59: Additional FieldsFilename helps with Sorting of the FileHave added Cemetery ID NumbersHave added Memorial ID Numbers
#60: Date Calculator:May have DateAged: Years, Months, Days (some times)FTM has that calculator
#61: Three ICONs to watch for:GeneaBloggersGrave Yard Rabbit AssociationGrave Mappers
#62: Find-A-GraveBlogMy Tombstone CollectionTombstone TuesdaysCan view by CemeteryBy SurnameHelp Family Tree Maker UsersHave a Member Family Tree on Ancestry for the Deats tree is onlineGenealogy Wise (groups)SurnamesLocationsFind-A-GraveAncestry Member TreeFamily Tree Maker
#63: HandoutTableCemetery NotebookCemetery FilesGenealogy Books from Family Tree MakerQuestionsContactsNameEmailFamily Tree Maker BlogCemetery Blog