This document presents a multi-touch interface system called the Multi-Touch House Information (MTHI) system for exploring house information. The MTHI system uses multi-touch gestures on a Microsoft Surface to navigate a 3D housing information environment. Key features of the MTHI system include an i-navigator module for navigation, a thematic multi-layer interface for viewing different property information themes, and a media info window for viewing details. The system was developed to improve the process of finding vital house information using an immersive multi-touch interface.
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Finding the vital houses information using immersive multi-touch interface
1. Finding vital information on houses
using immersive multi-touch interface
Kai Tzu Lu, Hsin-Hou Lin, Ting-Han Chen, Chi-Fa Fan
Xxtralab Design Co.
6. Multitouch gestures used for 3D Scene The Multitouch Marking Menu system in use on a
Navigation. Microsoft Surface. The green contact points have been
Left column: Pan/Tilt operation. added for illustration purposes.
Right column: Object movement and
7. How to develop the natural
exploration of multi-touch system
into design practice ?
27. “Mark”: the user draws a circle on
the target building; the orange
house tag icon shows the link on it.
“Delete”: user draws a cross on the
orange house tag icon for the icon
to disappear.
“Pull”: user pulls the different topic
layers from the main region layer.
28. Conclusion
• Redefinition of the gestures used for real
estate field
• The MTHI system really answered the needs
of house sale’s procedures.
• For futurework we try to decrease the total
cost and the projection distance.
29. Thank for your listening !
Kai Tzu Lu, Hsin-Hou Lin, Ting-Han Chen, Chi-Fa Fan
Xxtralab Design Co.
Editor's Notes
#2: let me introduce myself, i am KT Lu, i work for xxtralab design. I am here today to present our research paper “Finding vital information on houses using immersive multi-touch interface”.\n \n
#3: In the past when people wanted to buy some houses they had at least to proceed in three steps. First they had to choose a location where to live. \n
#4: Second, they had to do further enquiries about the type of building, the number of rooms, the facilties and the price. \n
#5: Finally, they had to go through long picture and detail listings. Another disadvantage was the impossibility to do multiple search at once.\n
#6: Therefore we started to think about how to facilitate the browsing of house data for the customers and the real estate co. Thus in 2009 we came out with a solution. Since the launch of the Iphone and Window7, the multi-touch functions were available .\n
#7: We decided to review the different research topics to see which existing system would fit our needs, from the capacstive sensor, IR laser matrix to (Frustrated Total Internal Reflection method. For browsing gestures, The multitouch gestures for 3D Scene Navigation as well as the experimental Multitouch Marking Menu System were among the controlling gestures we studied. We finally opted for the (Frustrated Total Internal Reflection )FTIR technology.\n
#8: our next move was to find how to design and develop a multitouch system using natural behaviors in its exploration process. \n
#9: let me introduce the multi-touch house information system.\nthis system is described in a map presentation mode creating an intelligent space designed to carry the real estate company’s exclusive luxurious services to its customers. \nToday i will share with you the details on the hardware, the system structure and user interface.\n
#11: Base on FTIR technology, we combine two systems to enlarge the size of a 190” touch screen. \nFor the display we use two projectors and the video conversion system to merge the graphic interface. \nFor the touching function, the glass surface is illuminated by 8 IR lasers, using a IR camera and Touchlib to capture the finger points signal. \n
#13: The software system structure includes 3 main functions. 1.i-Navigator, 2. The thematic multi-layer, 3.The media info window on the MTHI system. later on i will describe in details the 3 main functions.\n
#15: This navigator wheel is like a marking menu that contains switching functions for regions and the thematic multi-layer. \n“The region switch” can change different area maps from region 1 ~ region 3 or 4 to present a location introduction. \n“The thematic multi-layer switch” can link different topic layers to show an urban plan in details, from surrounding environments to transportation, and so on.\n
#16: The gesture definition of a navigation wheel flies to where ever the user double clicks on the sides of the screen. \nWhy we chose double clicking on the sides of the screen as a user behavior? Bcz, we think that vivid presentation behavior is not just standing on one side of a screen, especially when it is a 190” screen. \n
#23: then the Users can use a circle gesture to post an orange house icon tag on the house of their choice and click the tag to show the media info window. \n\n
#24: Once, the media info window pops up, it shows the content of the selected house’s details. including size, facilities, plan, etc...(et ce te ra)\n
#25: and you can double check the exact location of house on a google map. \n
#26: After these 3 main functions description. Let us see the short video clip of MTHI system.\n
#28: As a result of the implementation we provide five gestures for the MTHI system. that is Drag, Zoom, Mark, Delete, Pull. you can see from that movie clip. we especially customized the mark, delete and pull gestures which are not the basic setting functions in Windows 7 or i OS platform.\n
#29: To conclude, in this paper we present the key contributions of the MTHI system to the real estate market: \nthe redefinition of the gestures used for the real estate field. the answer to the needs of house sale’s procedures. \nOur next target is to decrease total cost and the reduction of the system projection distance. \n\n
#30: our customers have been using our system since 2009 to their complete satisfaction. \nThank to Yungchin real estate company and my co-workers! and thank for your listening! \n