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LYCEE ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLECHERBOURG<br />185293021590034<br />THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE SCHOOLThis part of the building houses the headmistresss, her deputies and secretaries offices<br />1310005-3810A general view of the school<br />This school was built in the early 1960s and is named after Alexis de Tocqueville, a French political thinker and historian best known for his Democracy in America, published in 1835 and 1840.<br />Today Lyc辿e Alexis de Tocqueville has about 1500 students attending courses either in general and technological subjects or in the vocational part of the school.<br />The vocational department, which has about 400 students, offers courses in<br />  Fashion design and tailoring<br />   Dressing for theatre and show business<br />Caring for the elderly or handicapped<br />   Cooking and waiting<br />  Electronics<br />   Maintenance of industrial equipment<br />  Sheet metal work<br />All the students taking part in the Comenius project are students in the fashion and tailoring section of the school of the vocational department.<br />A group portrait of the 2nd year in fashion design and tailoring: all involved in Fine<br />1343025438150<br />The same, in the workshop<br />                     choosing material-633095-375920Cl辿mence and Manon Working on pleats2072005309880<br />433070171450<br />-4881880724535Ironing油:  such an interesting job油!!!<br />5724525-255905<br />Other WorshopsSheet metal work690880-156845Automation5567680-156845<br />5043805304801090930163830<br />ElectronicsMaintenance of industrial equipment<br />The cafeteria where students have fun after work<br />38100053975<br />A room in the Boarding school<br />

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  • 1. LYCEE ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLECHERBOURG<br />185293021590034<br />THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE SCHOOLThis part of the building houses the headmistresss, her deputies and secretaries offices<br />1310005-3810A general view of the school<br />This school was built in the early 1960s and is named after Alexis de Tocqueville, a French political thinker and historian best known for his Democracy in America, published in 1835 and 1840.<br />Today Lyc辿e Alexis de Tocqueville has about 1500 students attending courses either in general and technological subjects or in the vocational part of the school.<br />The vocational department, which has about 400 students, offers courses in<br /> Fashion design and tailoring<br /> Dressing for theatre and show business<br />Caring for the elderly or handicapped<br /> Cooking and waiting<br /> Electronics<br /> Maintenance of industrial equipment<br /> Sheet metal work<br />All the students taking part in the Comenius project are students in the fashion and tailoring section of the school of the vocational department.<br />A group portrait of the 2nd year in fashion design and tailoring: all involved in Fine<br />1343025438150<br />The same, in the workshop<br /> choosing material-633095-375920Cl辿mence and Manon Working on pleats2072005309880<br />433070171450<br />-4881880724535Ironing油: such an interesting job油!!!<br />5724525-255905<br />Other WorshopsSheet metal work690880-156845Automation5567680-156845<br />5043805304801090930163830<br />ElectronicsMaintenance of industrial equipment<br />The cafeteria where students have fun after work<br />38100053975<br />A room in the Boarding school<br />