The document outlines plans to create an iOS app to aid fine motor control therapy. The first sprint objective is to compile a database of therapy methods that will be integrated into the app. The document includes a basic finger therapy chart listing various exercises categorized by motion, dexterity, and strength, along with difficulty levels and descriptions. It also includes a six thinking hats analysis where optimism remains for the project but compiling the initial database took longer than expected, so scoping the project focus may be needed.
Finger Therapy
Exercise Dificulty Description
1 Finger Lift Easy move each finger upwards
2 Finger Drop Easy move each finger downwards
3 Finger Wag Easy move each finger side to side
4 Finger Curl Easy curl each finger
5 Fiinger Rotation Easy move each finger in a circular motion
1 Finger Circle Moderate Using each finger, trace a circle
2 Finger Drag Moderate using each finger, trace a line
3 Two finger spread Hard move two adjacent fingers appart
4 Two finger close Hard move two adjacent fingers together
5 Pinch Hard move thumb and another finger together
6 Grab and hold Hard pick up and hold an item
1 Coin drag Moderate using each finger drag coins of increasing weight towards you
2 Coin push Moderate using each finger push coins of increasing weight away from you
3 Pencil Lift Hard using the thumb and another finger lift a finger with out moving your wrist
4 Finger Rubber Band Lift Hard while holding a rubber band down with a finger lift other end of the band with an adjacent finger
5 Finger Rubber Band Curl Hard palm up, while holding a rubber band down with a finger lift other end of the band with an adjacent finger
Red Hat I still feel optimistic about this project because this is a cause I feels strongly
about it and I still feel it is completely feasible
Yellow Hat Whats been going well is the progress, conversation as well as good
cooperation from both the therapist and app programmer
Black Hat Compiling the database alone was far more daunting than a week. Fully
Understanding all aspect of fine motor therapy will take much longer than anticipated
Green Hat Perhaps we may want to focus the scope of the project to focus on one
aspect of fine motor therapy and analyze which aspect would benefit most from the app
Blue Hat because this project overlaps with my job, Ive been using some observational
time at work to observe some motor therapies in action. Ill continue to do this to
maximize time usage