This document describes improvements made to the Fingercode fingerprint matching algorithm. The original Fingercode approach extracts a 640-byte feature vector from a fingerprint image using minutiae points, tessellation into sections, and Gabor filtering. The first improvement uses minutiae as reference points and local orientation. The second improvement adds section weighting and allows for orientation and localization variations. Experimental results on two fingerprint databases show the improved approach achieves error rates below 6%, outperforming other top algorithms. The improvements make the approach more robust to noise and errors while increasing computational complexity.
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2. Contents
The Original Approach--Fingercode
Minutiae, Tessellation, Gabor Filter, Fingercode
First Improvement
Minutiae as reference points, local orientation
Second Improvement
Section weight, variations
Performance and Evaluation
3. Background
Fingerprint matching
Widely used
Give an yes-or-no answer
fast and convenient
Shortage for previous approaches
Be of variable length
Ridge Endings
4. Fingercode
a 640-byte feature vector
The matching process
calculate the Euclidean distance between the
sensored fingercode and the template fingercode
5. Fingercode1
Reference Frame Determination
reference point: Maximum curvature
reference axis: local symmetry of ref point
10. Why does it work...
Each Garbor filter contains information about
ridges and furrows both globally and locally.
Band width is 20 pixels.
Inter-ridge width is 10 pixels.
So large variation means ridges and furrows along
the direction.
11. Why does it work...
Detected ref point can be 12 pixels away.
Orientation can be 20 away
Since fingerprint is "smooth", and we use
statistical (rather than is-or-no) data.
12. First Adjustment
Minutiae as reference points
Fingercode at every minutiae
Ref axis along the minutiae
1.Avoid pre-alignment risks
2.More robust
17. Matching
Input fingerprints Minutiae list
Template fingerprints Minutiae list
Compute the Distances for each pair
8 Directions
80 sectors
Find the minimum one
18. Test Data Base
Exploit databases from Fingerprint
Verifictation Competition
100 distinct fingers for each base
8 impressions for each finger
24. Experimental Results
Ref Points selection compared to fingerCode
The ref point is close to border
Scars near the ref points(DB3-a)
DB2-a DB3-a DB4-a
25. Cons and Pros
Avoid pre-alignment risk
Able to get correct result from poor picture.
Computaional expensiveness
Assume 30 minutiae every
picture, we have to compute
30*30=900 pairs.