63E1F745-7D41-4F34-98B3-BB8971C06D85:merged_fileAlina Iman
The document describes different types of projects including residential projects for a young couple's small apartment, corporate projects involving a reception area and meeting rooms along with office space, commercial projects like a furniture store and kitchen expo stand, and cultural projects such as a theatre makeover, graduation project, and museum of history.
Mercurio es el planeta m¨¢s cercano al Sol. Es el m¨¢s peque?o pero tiene la superficie m¨¢s craterizada. Tarda 88 d¨ªas en orbitar el Sol y su rotaci¨®n dura casi dos a?os terrestres. Carece de atm¨®sfera y el cielo se ve negro incluso de d¨ªa.
Este documento describe varios programas de nutrici¨®n y alimentaci¨®n en Ecuador, incluyendo el Sistema de Vigilancia Alimentaria Nutricional (SISVAN), el Programa Nacional de Micronutrientes (PIM), el Programa Nacional de Alimentaci¨®n y Nutrici¨®n (PANN 2000) y el Programa de Educaci¨®n Alimentaria Nutricional (PEAN). Tambi¨¦n describe los grupos objetivo de estos programas, como embarazadas, lactantes y ni?os menores de 5 a?os, y los productos que reciben, como hierro, vitamina A, leche fortific
Jack Cole TSP Industrial Placement Timeline Aug15Jack Cole
This document provides details about the applicant's work placements at TATA Steel Projects from September 2014 to June 2015. It describes several projects the applicant worked on in detail, including architectural work for a community hub in Sessay, Yorkshire and a biomass power plant. The applicant gained experience in BIM modeling, drafting, detailing, rendering, and working with contractors on construction documents. Their duties included making amendments to drawings, developing models, and assisting with design choices.
1. The document discusses approximating matrices for recommendation by factorizing rating matrices into low-rank approximations using matrix factorization.
2. It proposes learning personalized rating transformations for each user to map raw ratings to transformed values before approximating, since directly approximating ratings may not preserve orderings.
3. Experimental results on MovieLens datasets show the personalized rating transformations approach achieves better performance than directly approximating raw ratings, in terms of both test loss and preserving the correct relative order of ratings.
63E1F745-7D41-4F34-98B3-BB8971C06D85:merged_fileAlina Iman
The document describes different types of projects including residential projects for a young couple's small apartment, corporate projects involving a reception area and meeting rooms along with office space, commercial projects like a furniture store and kitchen expo stand, and cultural projects such as a theatre makeover, graduation project, and museum of history.
Mercurio es el planeta m¨¢s cercano al Sol. Es el m¨¢s peque?o pero tiene la superficie m¨¢s craterizada. Tarda 88 d¨ªas en orbitar el Sol y su rotaci¨®n dura casi dos a?os terrestres. Carece de atm¨®sfera y el cielo se ve negro incluso de d¨ªa.
Este documento describe varios programas de nutrici¨®n y alimentaci¨®n en Ecuador, incluyendo el Sistema de Vigilancia Alimentaria Nutricional (SISVAN), el Programa Nacional de Micronutrientes (PIM), el Programa Nacional de Alimentaci¨®n y Nutrici¨®n (PANN 2000) y el Programa de Educaci¨®n Alimentaria Nutricional (PEAN). Tambi¨¦n describe los grupos objetivo de estos programas, como embarazadas, lactantes y ni?os menores de 5 a?os, y los productos que reciben, como hierro, vitamina A, leche fortific
Jack Cole TSP Industrial Placement Timeline Aug15Jack Cole
This document provides details about the applicant's work placements at TATA Steel Projects from September 2014 to June 2015. It describes several projects the applicant worked on in detail, including architectural work for a community hub in Sessay, Yorkshire and a biomass power plant. The applicant gained experience in BIM modeling, drafting, detailing, rendering, and working with contractors on construction documents. Their duties included making amendments to drawings, developing models, and assisting with design choices.
1. The document discusses approximating matrices for recommendation by factorizing rating matrices into low-rank approximations using matrix factorization.
2. It proposes learning personalized rating transformations for each user to map raw ratings to transformed values before approximating, since directly approximating ratings may not preserve orderings.
3. Experimental results on MovieLens datasets show the personalized rating transformations approach achieves better performance than directly approximating raw ratings, in terms of both test loss and preserving the correct relative order of ratings.
El resumen del documento es el siguiente:
1. Un grupo de hormigas ten¨ªa varios problemas de comunicaci¨®n y organizaci¨®n.
2. Con el tiempo, el equipo mejor¨® su comunicaci¨®n y comenz¨® a funcionar mejor.
3. Las hormigas tuvieron dificultades para decidir su proyecto de invierno y qu¨¦ plantas recolectar.
El documento discute la delincuencia juvenil, incluyendo definiciones, teor¨ªas como la elecci¨®n racional y la desorganizaci¨®n social, factores de riesgo como los trastornos mentales y la pertenencia a familias desestructuradas, y estrategias de prevenci¨®n como la educaci¨®n y charlas informativas.
The document discusses automation and JDF (job definition format) workflows in the printing industry. It summarizes that:
1) Both small and large printing companies are finding benefits from automation, with JDF allowing automation to benefit smaller printers by standardizing job tickets and specifications across different printing processes.
2) Case studies of smaller printers like Action Printing and Stevens Printing show how JDF automation has helped speed up production times and reduce errors.
3) While automation has benefits, adoption has been slow as bindery equipment is often not automated and integrated automation (CIM) is still low on many printers' priorities. However, automation is becoming more accessible and beneficial for all size printers over time.
This document provides a summary of Michael Street's qualifications and experience as a Quantity Surveyor with over 30 years in the construction industry. He has worked for both contractors and clients, with experience in areas like estimating, cost control, final account negotiations, and claims. His roles have involved working on projects across sectors like rail, building, and infrastructure. He is qualified with direct membership to the C.I.O.B. and has worked on contracts using forms like JCT and NEC.
Jos¨¦ sali¨® a correr con su primo atleta para probar una nueva aplicaci¨®n llamada MyFitnessPal que pod¨ªa medir el tiempo, las calor¨ªas quemadas, las pulsaciones y la distancia recorrida. La aplicaci¨®n mostr¨® que corri¨® 4.5 km a una velocidad promedio de 9 km/h, con 160 pulsaciones por minuto y aproximadamente 300 calor¨ªas quemadas. Aunque al principio se cans¨® r¨¢pido, luego se acostumbr¨® y termin¨® sinti¨¦ndose satisfecho.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos y partes de un calentamiento adecuado antes de jugar voleibol. Explica que el calentamiento general y espec¨ªfico es importante para preparar los m¨²sculos y el cuerpo cardiovascularmente. Luego detalla ejercicios para calentar las diferentes partes del cuerpo como pies, rodillas, hombros, brazos y cabeza, as¨ª como ejercicios espec¨ªficos de voleibol para calentar el ritmo de juego.
Austria is an independent country located in Central Europe. In 2006, Austria had a population of over 8.2 million people. The capital and largest city of Austria is Vienna. The Danube River is the longest river in Austria and Grossglockner is the highest mountain.
Suiza limita al norte con Alemania, al oeste con Francia, al sur con Italia y al oeste con Austria. La fondue de queso es la comida t¨ªpica de Suiza y su capital es Berna. Dos personas importantes de Suiza son el tenista Roger Federer y el personaje principal del libro infantil Heidi, una ni?a que vive en los Alpes suizos.
5. Finlandiako hiri importantena
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Helieskei, Tampere,
Turku, Rova-mieme,
Oulu, Espoo,
Savolinna eta Lahti
dira hiri