Bu sunum Finansal Matematik Analiz için gerekli ve temel olan konuları içeriyor. Bunlara ek yapılabilir veya daraltılabilir. Her konu wikipedia ile bağlantılı hale getirilmiştir. Böylece içerik ve kapsam hakkında fikir edinilebilir.
2. Bu sunum Finansal Matematik Analiz
için gerekli ve temel olan konuları
Bunlara ek yapılabilir veya daraltılabilir.
Her konu wikipedia ile bağlantılı hale
Böylece içerik ve kapsam hakkında fikir
3. Temel Matematik
Power / Taylor Series
Differential Equations
Real Analysis
Mathematical models
4. Olasılık ve Dağılımlar
Probability Distributions
Quantile Functions
Value At Risk
Expected Value
İntegral Dönüşümler
Moment Üreten Fonksiyon
Laplace Transformation
Karakteristik Fonksiyon
8. Stokastik Analiz
Risk-neutral Measure
Stochastic Integrals
Chapman-Kolmogorov KDD
Partial Differential Equations
Heat Equation
Stochastic Differential Equations
Itô's Lemma
Stochastic Calculus
Brownian Motion
Lévy Process
Bu kısma ben talibim: K. M.
9. Türev Ürün Fiyatlama
The Brownian Motion Model of Financial Markets
Rational pricing assumptions
Risk neutral valuation
Arbitrage-free pricing
Futures contract pricing
Put–call parity (Arbitrage relationships for option
Intrinsic value, Time value
10. Black-Scholes Fiyatlama
Black–scholes Model
Black Model
Binomial Options Model
Monte Carlo Option Model
Implied Volatility, Volatility Smile
Optimal Stopping (Pricing Of American Optio
12. The table shows the relationship of the more common sensitivities to
the four primary inputs into the Black-Scholes model
(spot price of the underlying security,
time remaining until option expiration,
volatility and
the rate of return of a risk-free investment)
and to the option's value, delta, gamma, vega and vomma.
Greeks which are a
first-order derivative are in blue,
second-order derivatives are in green, and
third-order derivatives are in yellow.
Note that vanna is used, intentionally, in two places as the two
sensitivities are mathematically equivalent.
17. Nümerik Teknikler
Numerical Analysis
Monte Carlo Method
Numerical Methods
Laplace Transforms
Fourier Transforms
Numerical Partial Differential Equations
Crank–Nicolson Method
Finite Difference Method
Finite Elements Method
18. Faiz Türevleri
Interest rate derivatives
Short rate model
Hull-White model
Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model
Chen model
LIBOR Market Model
Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework
19. Diğer Destek Konular
Chaos Theory and Fractals
Computational Finance
Quantitative Behavioral Finance
Derivative (Finance), List Of Derivatives
Modeling And Analysis Of Financial
International Swaps And Derivatives
Fundamental Financial Concepts - Topics
Model (Economics)
List Of Finance Topics