A 10-day old female infant was brought to the hospital with abnormality of the right upper limb since birth. Examination found a flexed right elbow and wrist with an absent thumb. X-rays showed an absent radius bone in the right forearm. The baby was diagnosed with Holt-Oram syndrome based on the limb abnormality and an atrial septal defect found on echocardiogram. Holt-Oram syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by abnormalities of the upper limbs along with congenital heart disease.
Cvyapcw 2012(5) (solar & trainer-m & mes)IR YAP CHEE WAH
This resume provides a summary of Yap Chee Wah's career objective, personal details, academic and professional qualifications, skills and work experience. The summary highlights that Yap has over 30 years of experience in various roles including as an electrical engineer, production engineer, project engineer and electrical consultant for renewable energy projects. He has extensive experience managing electrical design, installation, commissioning and maintenance projects for developments. Yap holds numerous technical certifications and is a registered professional and graduate engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia.
Educational technology and innovation reportJuner Gultiano
The document discusses the history and role of educational technology. It describes how technology has been used in education from the early 1900s with silent films up to modern times. Key developments included the introduction of computers in the 1950s/60s and the rise of the internet in the 1990s/2000s which allowed for online learning tools. The document outlines the various roles technology can play in education from delivering instruction to serving as a learning tool, productivity tool, and social/communication medium. It emphasizes that effective technology use can increase student learning, understanding, motivation and development of skills like critical thinking.
Brazil has a long colonial history with Portugal and is now the largest country in South America with nearly 200 million people. It has a diverse economy focused on exports like aircraft, automobiles, and coffee. Brazil hosts major global events like the World Cup and Olympics and has a vibrant culture centered around Carnival celebrations. As a founding member of BRICS, Brazil has strong potential to contribute manufactured goods and services to the global economy through its growing foreign investment and trade relationships.
The twin cities, Ulhasnagar and Shahad are thriving with strong Sindhi Population. Hence petitioned for new District called as :-
SINDH District
The document discusses the importance of choosing the right path and behaviors in life. It notes that choosing the right allows one to have certain rights and benefits, follow rules, be trusted, and feel good, while choosing the wrong could result in lost privileges and trust. Specific examples are given of people who chose the right, like Gordon Hinckley and Michael Phelps, and those who chose the wrong, like gang affiliations. Overall, choosing the right is said to show respect, responsibility, and honesty.
The document provides a list of questions for patients to ask their hearing specialist before purchasing hearing aids. It covers four major topics: hearing loss, styles and features of hearing aids, financing options, and operation and care of hearing aids. Some example questions are what type of hearing loss the patient has, which styles best fit their needs, total costs and insurance coverage, how to operate and clean the hearing aids, and follow up care. Being prepared with these questions will help patients get hearing aids tailored to their individual situation.
This document summarizes the services provided by Social Buzz '14, which include online reputation monitoring, professional design assistance, and helping businesses attract the right audience through social media marketing. The goals are to increase a business's visibility, viability, brand loyalty, and find new customers. Key points emphasized are the importance of reviews, dynamic content, and peer recommendations to drive traffic and increase revenue. Services aim to help businesses stand out in search results and make a good first impression online.
This document provides a transition implementation plan for devolving forestry functions in Taita Taveta County, Kenya from 2015-2017. It outlines the county's forest cover, including four main forest types. It also describes past afforestation efforts and current challenges to forestry development, such as encroachment, fires, and climate change. The plan maps obligations between the Kenya Forest Service and county government to support implementation of farm and dryland forestry programs under devolution.
Summarizes recent research that has linked hearing loss to more serious conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, memory impairment, and general cognitive decline.
Este documento discute os perigos nos alimentos, incluindo microrganismos que podem causar doen巽as se ingeridos. Ele explica que perigos f鱈sicos, qu鱈micos e biol坦gicos como bact辿rias, v鱈rus e parasitas representam riscos sa炭de se estiverem presentes nos alimentos. O documento tamb辿m descreve onde esses microrganismos podem ser encontrados e como alguns s達o 炭teis na produ巽達o de alimentos, enquanto outros podem deterior叩-los ou causar doen巽as.
Deepak Sen is seeking a rewarding position in marketing, finance, data analysis, or investments. He has over 8 years of experience in roles such as sales coordinator, MIS executive, costing accountant, and business development executive. He has strong skills in Microsoft Office, Tally, Excel, SQL, and communication software. He holds an MBA in financial administration and is proficient in English and Hindi.
Sm奪l奪n p奪 dagen er forbruksl奪n, som regel i underkant av 50 000 kroner. L奪n av denne typen kan brukes til finansiering av middels til st淡rre innkj淡p av varer og tjenester; som for eksempel elektroniske artikler, hvitevarer, m淡bler, reiser, oppussing og re
Skal du pusse opp kj淡kkenet og er p奪 utkikk etter et forbruksl奪n p奪 dagen? Vi hjelper deg med 奪 sammenligne forbruksl奪n p奪 dagen slik at du kan spare penger, SAMMENLIGN FORBRUKSLN OPPTIL 350.000,- HOS OSS OG FINN DITT FORBRUKSLN P DAGEN!
Samle sm奪l奪n med bad credit i mange banker og finansinstitusjoner tilbyr d奪rlig kreditt l奪n og de fleste er garantert 奪 bli godkjent. Det er selskaper som er spesialister p奪 sm奪 l奪n for folk med d奪rlig kreditt poster. Klikk dette nettsted http://www.kommunekreditt.no/forbrukslan/ for mer informasjon samle sm奪l奪n.
L奪n uten sikkerhet - NorFinance har vurdert de beste l奪neneHaven1387
Boligl奪n, bill奪n eller b奪tl奪n. Alle disse tre l奪netypene er l奪n der s淡keren (du) er n淡dt til 奪 stille sikkerhet for l奪net n奪r du s淡ker. I f淡rstnevntes tilfelle er det vanligste at banken tar pant i boligen din, alts奪 at det egentlig er de som eier den inntil gjelden er innfridd.
Refinansiering av gjeld, l奪n og kredittkort - NorFinanceThomasMulligan
Vi 束fjellaper損, som danskene kaller oss, har blitt eksperter p奪 奪 l奪ne penger. Det finnes ikke noe statistikk over hvor mye vi l奪ner fra venner og familie, men at vi tar opp stadig st淡rre l奪n i bankene, hersker det ingen tvil om. Og hva l奪ner vi til? Jo, det er ferie, bil- og bolig det, men vi ser at stadig flere ogs奪 tar opp sm奪l奪n. Med den enkle tilgangen man har til b奪de l奪n og kredittkort, s奪 sier det seg n脱rmest selv at noen kommer til 奪 g奪 p奪 en smell.
Brazil has a long colonial history with Portugal and is now the largest country in South America with nearly 200 million people. It has a diverse economy focused on exports like aircraft, automobiles, and coffee. Brazil hosts major global events like the World Cup and Olympics and has a vibrant culture centered around Carnival celebrations. As a founding member of BRICS, Brazil has strong potential to contribute manufactured goods and services to the global economy through its growing foreign investment and trade relationships.
The twin cities, Ulhasnagar and Shahad are thriving with strong Sindhi Population. Hence petitioned for new District called as :-
SINDH District
The document discusses the importance of choosing the right path and behaviors in life. It notes that choosing the right allows one to have certain rights and benefits, follow rules, be trusted, and feel good, while choosing the wrong could result in lost privileges and trust. Specific examples are given of people who chose the right, like Gordon Hinckley and Michael Phelps, and those who chose the wrong, like gang affiliations. Overall, choosing the right is said to show respect, responsibility, and honesty.
The document provides a list of questions for patients to ask their hearing specialist before purchasing hearing aids. It covers four major topics: hearing loss, styles and features of hearing aids, financing options, and operation and care of hearing aids. Some example questions are what type of hearing loss the patient has, which styles best fit their needs, total costs and insurance coverage, how to operate and clean the hearing aids, and follow up care. Being prepared with these questions will help patients get hearing aids tailored to their individual situation.
This document summarizes the services provided by Social Buzz '14, which include online reputation monitoring, professional design assistance, and helping businesses attract the right audience through social media marketing. The goals are to increase a business's visibility, viability, brand loyalty, and find new customers. Key points emphasized are the importance of reviews, dynamic content, and peer recommendations to drive traffic and increase revenue. Services aim to help businesses stand out in search results and make a good first impression online.
This document provides a transition implementation plan for devolving forestry functions in Taita Taveta County, Kenya from 2015-2017. It outlines the county's forest cover, including four main forest types. It also describes past afforestation efforts and current challenges to forestry development, such as encroachment, fires, and climate change. The plan maps obligations between the Kenya Forest Service and county government to support implementation of farm and dryland forestry programs under devolution.
Summarizes recent research that has linked hearing loss to more serious conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, memory impairment, and general cognitive decline.
Este documento discute os perigos nos alimentos, incluindo microrganismos que podem causar doen巽as se ingeridos. Ele explica que perigos f鱈sicos, qu鱈micos e biol坦gicos como bact辿rias, v鱈rus e parasitas representam riscos sa炭de se estiverem presentes nos alimentos. O documento tamb辿m descreve onde esses microrganismos podem ser encontrados e como alguns s達o 炭teis na produ巽達o de alimentos, enquanto outros podem deterior叩-los ou causar doen巽as.
Deepak Sen is seeking a rewarding position in marketing, finance, data analysis, or investments. He has over 8 years of experience in roles such as sales coordinator, MIS executive, costing accountant, and business development executive. He has strong skills in Microsoft Office, Tally, Excel, SQL, and communication software. He holds an MBA in financial administration and is proficient in English and Hindi.
Sm奪l奪n p奪 dagen er forbruksl奪n, som regel i underkant av 50 000 kroner. L奪n av denne typen kan brukes til finansiering av middels til st淡rre innkj淡p av varer og tjenester; som for eksempel elektroniske artikler, hvitevarer, m淡bler, reiser, oppussing og re
Skal du pusse opp kj淡kkenet og er p奪 utkikk etter et forbruksl奪n p奪 dagen? Vi hjelper deg med 奪 sammenligne forbruksl奪n p奪 dagen slik at du kan spare penger, SAMMENLIGN FORBRUKSLN OPPTIL 350.000,- HOS OSS OG FINN DITT FORBRUKSLN P DAGEN!
Samle sm奪l奪n med bad credit i mange banker og finansinstitusjoner tilbyr d奪rlig kreditt l奪n og de fleste er garantert 奪 bli godkjent. Det er selskaper som er spesialister p奪 sm奪 l奪n for folk med d奪rlig kreditt poster. Klikk dette nettsted http://www.kommunekreditt.no/forbrukslan/ for mer informasjon samle sm奪l奪n.
L奪n uten sikkerhet - NorFinance har vurdert de beste l奪neneHaven1387
Boligl奪n, bill奪n eller b奪tl奪n. Alle disse tre l奪netypene er l奪n der s淡keren (du) er n淡dt til 奪 stille sikkerhet for l奪net n奪r du s淡ker. I f淡rstnevntes tilfelle er det vanligste at banken tar pant i boligen din, alts奪 at det egentlig er de som eier den inntil gjelden er innfridd.
Refinansiering av gjeld, l奪n og kredittkort - NorFinanceThomasMulligan
Vi 束fjellaper損, som danskene kaller oss, har blitt eksperter p奪 奪 l奪ne penger. Det finnes ikke noe statistikk over hvor mye vi l奪ner fra venner og familie, men at vi tar opp stadig st淡rre l奪n i bankene, hersker det ingen tvil om. Og hva l奪ner vi til? Jo, det er ferie, bil- og bolig det, men vi ser at stadig flere ogs奪 tar opp sm奪l奪n. Med den enkle tilgangen man har til b奪de l奪n og kredittkort, s奪 sier det seg n脱rmest selv at noen kommer til 奪 g奪 p奪 en smell.
Refinansiering av gjeld, l奪n og kredittkort - NorFinanceThomasMulligan
1. http://www.finsa.no/
Vi samarbeider med n淡ye utvalgte
l奪netilbydere for 奪 tilby deg det l奪net du
淡nsker, inkludert langsiktige og kortsiktige
l奪n, kontaktl奪n og andre former for usikrete
2. http://www.finsa.no/
Hvilke fordeler har jeg av dette?
Hvert selskap som tilbyr forbruksl奪n har forskjellige
prisbetingelser: Noen gir l奪n til lavere priser, mens andre
holder dem h淡yere.
3. http://www.finsa.no/
Hvordan fungerer det?
N奪r du velger l奪nebel淡p og tidsrom, vil v奪r nettside
automatisk sammenligne flere tilbud av selskapene som
er valgt av oss, og som tilbyr deg den billigste avtalen.
4. http://www.finsa.no/
Vi vil hjelpe deg:
Til 奪 spare fra 5 til ~10 000 kroner i l淡pet av to minutter
Til 奪 spare tid ved 奪 gj淡re et s淡k som sjekker flere
velge mellom flere konkurrerende tilbud
Vi tar ingen gebyrer eller kommisjoner. V奪r tjeneste er 100
% gratis!
6. http://www.finsa.no/
M奪let er 奪 SPARE!
Der konkurransen er h淡y, vinner forbrukeren alltid. Vi
analyserer prispolitikken av l奪neselskapene, og finner de
som tilbyr kundevennlige priser.