4. 特許と弊社の強み
欧州特許弁護士 Alec Messulam 氏のコメント
The invention of this application is concerned with how one can emulate the
layout of a QWERTY keyboard, i.e. one with a conventional typewrite
keyboard layout designed for use with ten fingers, using a telephone keypad
or remote controller having three columns and four rows. It has previously
been proposed to use one key to select more than one character but even if
each key can select three alphanumeric characters that still only allows for
nine characters per row, whereas a QWERTY keyboard requires eleven. .
The solution offered by the invention is to place characters between keys and to
require two adjacent keys to be depressed simultaneously in order to record
a keystroke. Nowhere in the prior art has it been suggested to use the tip of
one finger to press two keys simultaneously. Shift, Alt and Ctrl keys on a
keyboard are actuated at the same time as other keys but not using the tip of
the same finger, indeed not even using two fingers of the same hand. .
The invention offers for the first time, the possibility of one finger text entry using
a keypad having the layout of a conventional telephone while allowing the
operator to find all the characters intuitively in the same relative positions
as they would occupy on a conventional ten-finger keyboard. Neither this
objective, nor the method by which it has been achieved is suggested by the
prior art. .
2011/7/17 FIO Technology Inc. confidential 4
6. News !!
Nikkei Electronics Tech-On introduced FIO-KeyBO as a top
article on 10/4/09.. Check video at www.fiotechnology.com
2011/7/17 FIO Technology Inc. confidential 6
15. 家庭用ゲームコンソール用
Game console – 2011年1月時点での世界中
Game console – 2011年1月時点での世界中
での累積販売台数 1億7,000万台
? Nintendo Wii…………(7,700万台)
? Nintendo Wii…………(7,700万台)
? MS Xbox360…………(5,000万台)
? MS Xbox360…………(5,000万台)
? Sony Play Station3..(4,200万台)
? Sony Play Station3..(4,200万台)
2011/7/17 FIO Technology Inc. confidential 15
16. Proposal idea Nintendo
New Wii Controller
FIO-KeyBO featured Wii Controller
Enables quick search by adding direct text entry feature
2011/7/17 FIO Technology Inc. confidential 16
17. Proposal
Game Controller
FIO-KeyBO featured Game Controller
Real time on-line games with text chat & Skype
QWERTY Wii[77 mil]____
Wii[77 mil]____
Game console – Worldwide sales by Jan/2011, total 170mil
Game console – Worldwide sales by Jan/2011, total 170mil X-box[50 mil]____
X-box[50 mil]____
units! Nintendo Wii(77mil), MS Xbox360(50mil), Sony Play
units! Nintendo Wii(77mil), MS Xbox360(50mil), Sony Play PS3[42mil]-----
Station3 (42mil) Motion censor control is NOT suitable for
Station3 (42mil) Motion censor control is NOT suitable for
quick search and text chat over the networked community.
quick search and text chat over the networked community.
2011/7/17 FIO Technology Inc. confidential 17
38. 日本のスマートフォン市場でのフリック現象
~ アップルのiPhone用フリック入力が日本市場でデファクト文字入力として普及 ~
What is ““ Flick ”” input?
What is Flick input? マルチタップよりも高速文字入力を実現
Press and release[2]………Ka
Press and release[2]………Ka
Press and move left[2]….…Ki
Press and move left[2]….…Ki
Press and move UP[2]…….Ku
Press and move UP[2]…….Ku
Press and move right[2]….Ke
Press and move right[2]….Ke
Press and move down[2]...Ko
Press and move down[2]...Ko
US application No.(12/107,711)
US application No.(12/107,711)
既存のPrior Arts;
既存のPrior Arts;
(Hanabi[JPN], FIO-KeyBO[US: 2005])
(Hanabi[JPN], FIO-KeyBO[US: 2005])
2011/7/17 FIO Technology Inc. confidential 38