The document provides details about a firefighter skills challenge to take place on March 26th, 2011 at the Fort Rucker Firefighter Training Area. The challenge consists of 6 simulated firefighting tasks performed individually and as part of teams while wearing full gear. Events include a pack carry, hose hoist, forcible entry, hose advance, and victim rescue. Food will be provided and families are encouraged to attend. Directions to the training area are provided.
2. What is it?
The Challenge seeks to encourage firefighter fitness and demonstrate the
profession's rigors to the public. Wearing "full bunker gear, competitors
race head-to-head as they simulate the physical demands of real-life
firefighting by performing
a linked series of six tasks
including climbing the tower,
hoisting, chopping, dragging
hoses and rescuing a life-sized,
175 lb. "victim" as they race
against themselves, their
opponent, and the clock.
3. Timeline
0800: FPD arrives, finish setup, dry-run, test speaker system
1000: Competitors arrive
1030: Welcome guests and competitors, safety briefing by FPD Safety
NCO, Course run-through
1130: Start Cooking, continue event
1230: Individual Events
1330: Awards Presentation
1400: Clean-up
1500: Clear Training Area
4. What do they do?
Event: team and individual
5 events in order:
High-rise pack carry
Hose Hoist
Forcible entry
Hose advance
Sled Pull
Victim rescue
-each must be
completed in order
before moving to
the next
Teams full gear, SCBA worn, no
mask, will use the baton.
Individual full gear, SCBA and mask
(will breathe compressed air), no baton.
5. Free FOOD!!!
Food will be provided. Menu is are as follows:
Vegetable Trays
Food will be grilled by a firefighter during the event.
6. Family Event
Family members are encouraged to attend. This is a
family event and will be treated as such, i.e. no
alcohol permitted, profanity, or any other
unprofessional behavior. Fire Officers will be
accountable for their own crews.
Sparky the Fire Dog will be there for families.
The Fort Rucker Fire Prevention Office will have
their Stop, Drop, and Roll Smokehouse available
to teach children what to do in case of a fire .
7. Post Access and Directions
In order to access post in privately owned vehicles you must have on hand;
Vehicle Registration
Insurance Information
Valid State Drivers License
From the Enterprise Gate:
Follow Andrews AVE; turn Right on Dust Off St.; head straight for 遜 mile;
F.D. Training Grounds will be on your Left
From Daleville Gate:
First traffic light turn Left on Novosel St.; next traffic light turn Left on
Andrews Ave; next traffic light turn Left on Dust Off St.; head straight for 遜
mile; F.D. Training Grounds will be on your Left
From Ozark Gate:
Follow Andres Ave; turn Left on Dust Off St.; head straight for 遜 mile; F.D.
Training Grounds will be on your Left