A quick look at 10 of the biggest names in retail today and their involvement with First Nations including some thoughts on co-branding and helpful hints for retailers. Profiled retailers include: Target, The Home Depot, Walmart, McDonalds, Subway, Money Mart, TD Canada Trust, Staples, Rogers Wireless, and Shell.
5. Co-Branding:
Doesnt take away from brand
The images and artist are local
Retailers could do this in their stores
Be sure to use images that are local
Retailers of choice
8. Reasons First Nations Communities do this:
Economic development
Employment development
Nation building process
12. What can a local retailer do?
Research local First Nations Communities
Look for opportunities to do business
Advertise in local First Nations publications
Hire locally
Sponsorships and donations
16. Kudos!
Target The Home Depot
Walmart McDonalds
Subway Money Mart
TD Canada Trust Staples
Rogers Shell