This document provides information about different types of fishing. It discusses fish farming, capture fishing, culture fishing, marine fisheries, inland fisheries, and composite fish farming. It describes different fish species used in composite fish farming like catla, rohu, common carp, which feed in different zones. The document also discusses problems with composite fish culture like monsoon breeding and lack of quality seed, and how hormonal stimulation is now used to breed fish and ensure pure seed supply.
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5. Hey, Fisherman!Hey, Gentleman!How was you, my
I am fine!
What do you know
about, Fishing?
Okay! I gonna tell you
about, Fishing?
Lets go ahead!
6. Fish Farming
Capture & Culture Fishing
Marine Fisheries
Inland Fisheries
Composite Fish farming
Quality Fish Seed
12. Capture Fishing: Capture fishing involves
obtaining fish from natural resources. Like in
sea water or fresh water.
Culture Fishing: Culture fishing involves
culturing the fish in small enclosures.
14. Fishing in saltwater regions is called Marine
Mariculture involves culturing of fish in
marine water.
Marine fishery resources include 7,500 KM
of the Indian Coastline.
17. Mariculture involves culturing of fish in
marine water.
Mariculture is a specialized branch
of aquaculture involving the cultivation
of marine organisms for food and other
products in the open ocean, an enclosed
section of the ocean.
19. Inland fisheries comprise fresh water &
sea water where fish are trapped or
Fresh water resources include canals,
ponds, reservoirs & rivers.
Sea water resources include oceans.
There is an overlap between bodies of
water classified as coastal and
bodies of water classified as estuaries.
22. The Composite fish farming system is a technology developed in India by the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research in the 1970s.
In this system both local and imported fish species, a combination of five or
six fish species is used in a single fish pond.
These species are selected so that they do not compete for food among
them having different types of food habitats.
As a result the food available in all the parts of the pond is used.
Fish used in this system include catla and silver carp which are surface
feeders, rohu a column feeder and mrigal and common carp which are
bottom feeders.
Other fish will also feed on the excreta of the common carp and this helps
contribute to the efficiency of the system which in optimal conditions will
produce 30006000 kg of fish per hectare per year.
24. These fishes can use all the foodin the pond
without fightingwith each other.
This increases the fish yieldfrom the pond.
25. In intensive culture systems there is a decreased dependence on the
availability of natural food and greater dependency on the use of
commercial feeds.
Densities of fish kept within such holding areas are limited by species
tolerance, ability to grow at raised stocking densities and maintenance
of environmental parameters rather than the production of a natural
food supply.
26. Extensive aquaculture is the other form of fish farming.
Extensive aquaculture is more basic than intensive aquaculture in
that less effort is put into the husbandry of the fish.
Extensive aquaculture is done in the ocean, natural and man-made
lakes, bays, rivers, and Fiords.
Fish are contained within these habitats by multiple mesh enclosures
which also function as trapping nets during harvest.
27. One problem with such composite fish culture is that
many of these fish breed only during monsoon.
Even if fish seed is collected from the wild, it can be
mixed with that of other species as well. So, a major
problem in fish farming is the lack of availability of good-
quality seed.
To overcome this problem, ways have now been worked
out to breed these fish in ponds using hormonal
Fishes are now injected with hormones that stimulate
the production of eggs or seeds.
This has ensured the supply of pure fish seed in desired