This document discusses different aspects of physical activity intensity including domains of activity, dimensions of fitness, measuring intensity, and metabolic equivalent levels. It defines low, moderate, and vigorous intensity based on talk test, heart rate as a percentage of maximum heart rate, and MET levels. The key point is that intensity has the most impact on long term health benefits and is measured using various physiological indicators.
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2. Domains Types of PA
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4. Intensity
The level of intensity has the most impact on the
long term health and fitness benefits individuals
obtain from physical activity
The intensity of the activity impacts the
frequency, time and type of activity you can
5. Measuring Intensity
Low, moderate and vigorous
The talk test
Low should be able to sing
Moderate should be able to comfortable carry out
a conversation
Vigorous talking will not be possible
7. Target HR - % Max HR
Low intensity less than 50% of MAX HR
Moderate intensity 50% - 70% of MAX HR
Vigorous intensity more than 70% of MAX HR
Max HR = (220 age) OR 208 (0.7 x age)
8. Metabolic Equivalent
(MET) level
A more exact measure of intensity is the MET. ONE
MET equals the energy (oxygen) used by the body as
you sit quietly.
The harder your body works, the higher the MET
Low = less than 3 MET level
Moderate = 3 6 MET level
Vigorous = More than 6 MET level