P. Mohamed Ali is a highly respected veteran entrepreneur in Oman who founded the successful Galfar Construction Company. Some key facts about him include that he was born in Kerala, India but spent most of his childhood in Oman. He has received numerous awards from the Omani and Indian governments for his contributions to developing Oman through his company, which is the largest employer of Omani nationals. Though very successful, he remains committed to philanthropic causes in India through organizations he founded.
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Five facts about P Mohamed Ali
1. Five Facts about P MohamedAli
A highlyrespectedandveteranentrepreneurinOmanis Mr. P. MohamedAli.Havingachieved
worldwide success andrecognition withthe GalfarConstructionCompany,he soonbecame aglobal
figure inbusinessleadershipandaprominentpersonalityinOman.Hiscompanyistouted as one of the
top companiesinGulf nationsandisthe largestemployerof Omani nationalswithbranchesinAbu
Dhabi,Kuwait,Qatarand India.He has alsowon numerousawardsforhiscontributiontowardsthe
developmentof Oman.
Here are five factsaboutP. MohamedAli we betyoudidntknow:
1. Althoughhe isa successful businessperson fromgulf country,he wasbornand broughtupin
Thalikulamin Thrissurvillage of Kerala.HisrootsbelongtoIndiaandhe has spentmostof his
childhoodinthe country.
2. He wasawardedthe prestigiousCivilOrderGrade Threeawardby the governmentof Oman
for hiscontributiontowardsthe developmentof the country.Hiscompanyisthe largest
conglomerate inthe gulf.
3. He wasranked12th inthe listof RichestIndiansinthe Gulf bythe Arabian.comandhisnet
worthat thattime was $950 million.
4. Atal Bihari Vajpayee,the thenPrimeMinister of IndiaawardedhimaPravasi BharatiyaSamman
award,for promotingandhonoringIndianlegacyandthe countrysname ina foreignmarket.
5. Apart frombeinga greatbusinessman,he doesextensive philanthropyworkandhastiedwith
variousorganizationsforthe same.He hasalso wonmanyawards forhiscontributiontowards
upliftmentof the society.He isalsoone of the foundingmembersof the Social Advancement
Foundationof India(SAFI) andthe P.M.Foundation.
Eventhoughhe has achievedsomuchsuccess,he didnot forgethis rootsand hiscountry,he continues
to do social workforthe bettermentof hishometownandvillage.