Fixin is under development to be a simple and flexible public framework that built from the ground for PHP 7.1+
3. Owner-Managed Classes
Constructor-based injection via options
__construct($resourceManager, array $options, string $name);
No public dependency getters and setters
Responsibility goes to the creator
Class constants
Prevents mistyping and hidden not-used options
4. Managed Class
Abstract implementation of ManagedInterface
Supports lazy-loading
Supports options mapping
Declares $options processing
6. Options Mapping
protected const THIS_SETS = [
self::DELAY => [Types::INT, Types::NULL],
self::NAME => [self::USING_SETTER, Types::NULL],
self::REPOSITORY => [self::LAZY_LOADING => RepositoryInterface::class]
List of possible options and their allowed types
Supports lazy-loading
Supports custom setters
7. Resource Manager
Holds shared Resources and preinitialized Prototypes
Has con鍖guration for the keys
Supports creation by class name, Factory, and
Abstract Factory
Request with unde鍖ned key interpreted as class name
8. Resource Manager
Getting a Resource:
$manager->get(BaseJsonJson, JsonInterface::class);
Loads options from the con鍖guration on initialization
Returns a ResourceInterface
Always returns the same instance for the given key
9. Resource Manager
Cloning a Prototype:
$manager->clone(BaseJsonJson, JsonInterface::class, [
JsonInterface::DECODING_MAX_DEPTH => 2
Loads options from the con鍖guration on
Returns a cloned instance for the given key with the
additional options
13. Namespace Fallback
Referencing without top level
The root namespace will be determined
De鍖ned root search order
Zero con鍖guration for class overriding
Just put into the right folder
16. Cargo
Holds the content and its type
Delivered 鍖ag shows 鍖nal state
Subtypes has other data too
17. HTTP Cargo
Environment, Server
Cookies, Session
Protocol Version, Uri, Method
Request Headers, Parameters
Status Code, Response Headers
18. Cargo Handlers
One required method
public function handle(CargoInterface $cargo): CargoInterface
19. Delivery System
Application creates a Cargo
Cargo goes through a Route
Route builds up from Nodes
A Hub might send to other handler
(Action Handler, Restful Handler, Route)
Application unpacks the Cargo