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Study under Devon’s leading Hypnotherapy Specialist

                                  Diploma in
                                  This is a Diploma level course in Hypnotherapy offering the
                                  opportunity to become a qualified hypnotherapist with a
                                  Diploma in Hypnotherapy Practice recognised and approved by
                                  the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) and
                                  acceptance to the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and
                                  also the Complementary & National Healthcare Council (CNHC)
                                  on successful completion of the course.

                                  Course Prospectus 2013

Fleet Hypnosis Training
Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist
Dip Hyp, Adv Dip Hyp, HPD, GQHP
Why study with Chris,
Devon’s leading
                                                             Chris Fleet has trained under:
                                                             Donald Robertson of The UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy Specialist?
                                                             Henry Whitfield of Mindfulness Training Ltd
                                                             Jonathon Chase of Academy of Hypnotic Arts
                                                             Dr John Butler of the Hypnotherapy Training Institute
                                                             Nicholas Evans of INLPTA
Chris Fleet runs a successful practice on the English
                                                             Valerie Austin of Austin Training Institute.
Riviera, during the past ten years he has treated
hundreds of clients and changed their mindset for the        Chris’ Hypnotherapy Qualifications:
better. Chris is also a mindfulness and self-hypnosis        Diploma in Advanced Structured Hypnotherapy
trainer as well as being an expert in stress                 Diploma in Hypnotherapy
management and Trauma Incident Reduction. His                General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice
                                                             NLP Practitioner
combined knowledge and wealth of experience is a
                                                             Certification in Traumatic Incident Reduction
great asset as a                                             Certification in Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
teacher and you                                              Certification from The Academy of Hypnotic Arts
can learn more
on Chris’ course                                             Chris is a member of:
on hypnotherapy                                              General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)
                                                             National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH)
practice than
                                                             Register of Evidence Based Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy (REBHP)
you could                                                    International Stress Managers Association (ISMA)
normally expect                                              NHS Trusts Association (NHSTA)
at this level.                                               Listed in the NHSTA Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners

                                                             Chris also hosts the weekly health program on Riviera FM.

                 Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist
                 Dip Hyp, Adv Dip Hyp, HPD, GQHP
                                                        “   It’s exciting being a hypnotherapist…
                                                            It’s fascinating to see how minds work, helping people is
                                                            satisfying, and the more experience you gain the wider your
                                                            case load can be - and the more interesting it all becomes.
What’s so good about our course?
 With over 10 years successful hypnotherapy provision             The training also provides commercial aspects including
 plus the services of a modern, busy clinic, there is no          marketing, the law and the Advertising Authority rules. It is a
 better environment in which to study, learn and become           comprehensive course enabling students to change careers
 a therapist.                                                     and to be a successful hypnotherapist.

 Your training comprises two vital features spread over 10        Over the 10 months you will undertake research and
 months                                                           assignments plus some practical sessions under strict
 •     Hypnosis                                                   supervision.
 •     Hypnotherapy
 Without the hypnosis skills, hypnotherapy may become             It all builds to achieving the Diploma in Hypnotherapy
 ineffective. As a result your future practice will struggle.     Practice recognised and approved by the General
 This course ensures you have the professional skills to          Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) and acceptance
 develop a successful practice and service. The tuition gives     to the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and also the
 you a sound knowledge in both the theory and practice of         Complementary & National Healthcare Council (CNHC)
 hypnotherapy. As a competent hypnotherapist you will be
 able to tackle issues such as stress management, ego
 strengthening, confidence building, weight control, smoking
 cessation, dealing with phobias and unwanted habits.

               Fleet Hypnosis Training
               Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist
               Dip Hyp, Adv Dip Hyp, HPD, GQHP
                                                                Study under Devon’s leading Hypnotherapy Specialist
                                                                Gain a recognised Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice
                                                                Understand the practicalities of setting up your own practice
Our Syllabus
                                WeekenD 2                           WeekenD 3                          WeekenD 4                        WeekenD 5
The course will last a
minimum of 450 hours of         THeoRy                              THeoRy                             THeoRy                           THeoRy
which 170 hours are in-class    •Rapport building                   •Resistant client or inflexible    •What is stress?                 •Script writing
training over a 20 day period   •Receiving enquiries                practitioner?                      •What causes stress?             •When to pass a client on
                                •Setting up a practice              •Knowing your limits               •Physiology of stress            •Aftercare
FReQUenCy:                      •Initial consultation               •Client centred hypnotherapy       •Anxiety reduction               •Educating the client to adopt
One weekend per month for       •Hypnotherapy and the law           •Treating the client               •Mindfulness of breathing        self-care procedures
10 months                       •Advertising Standards              •How many sessions                 •Mindfulness of sound            •Smoking cessation
                                Authority                           •Writing a plan                    •Noisy environments – keep it    •Parts therapy
The remaining hours will        •Assessing the needs of the         •Keeping you safe                  internal                         •Symbolism
consist of a combination of     client                              •Forms and what to do with         •Types of motivation forward
reading material*, research     •Testing for hypnosis               them                               to or away from                  PRaCTICal
and assignments.                •Different deepeners                •SUD scales                        •Recognising what motivates      •Parts therapy
                                •Abreactions – dealing with         •Conversational hypnosis           a client                         •Symbolism
                                •Direct suggestion                  •Listening to your client          •Verbal swish
WeekenD 1                       •Indirect suggestion                  – re-framing                                                      Learn the secrets of parts
                                •metaphors                                                             PRaCTICal                        therapy by talking to the
THeoRy                                                              PRaCTICal                          •Mindfulness                     subconscious        mind,     a
 •History of hypnosis           PRaCTICal                           •Conversational hypnosis           •Mindful inductions              technique used when scripts
•Uses                            •Deep trance                       •Body language                     •Swish                           alone just aren’t enough. Parts
•Fears                          •Becoming Eon                       •Confidence building               •Verbal swish                    therapy is an advanced
•Misconceptions                 •Ego strengthening                  •Recognising language              •Healing lake                    technique that accesses
•Contra-indications             •Circle of confidence               patterns                           •Healing waterfall               different parts of a client’s
•Induction techniques           •Time line work                     •Recognising thinking errors                                        personality, a very powerful
•Terminating trance             •Script writing                     •Fork in the path                                                   method of creating successful
                                                                    •Coping to mastery                 When you are in practice one     change for your client.
PRaCTICal                       This    important       weekend                                        of the biggest things you will
 •Progressive inductions        teaches you ‘testing for            This weekend you learn that        come across as a practitioner
•Eye fixation Induction         hypnosis’. You learn how to be      the client is always right, here   is stress and anxiety related
•Elman induction                certain a client is in a hypnotic   we teach you how to be             issues. This weekend is key to
•Snap induction                 state,    before       continuing   adaptable to each client to suit   starting you off in the right
•Simple deepener                treatment. This is an essential     them best by being able to         direction for understanding
•Guided visualisation           key to becoming a successful        read     their    needs      and   how stress and anxiety can be
                                hypnotherapist. You also learn      understanding their viewpoint.     treated through successful
You will experience the         how to write your own scripts       This is a key factor in building   hypnotherapy sessions.
hypnotic phenomena first hand   and deepen trances. The             a successful practice
and learn how to hypnotise      weekend teaches you how to
from this weekend. You also     work with a client when they
gain    a   firm  basis    of   are in hypnosis, to create
understanding hypnotherapy.     change from within.
Our Syllabus continued....
WeekenD 6                      WeekenD 7                          WeekenD 8                       WeekenD 9                         WeekenD 10

THeoRy                         THeoRy                             THeoRy                          THeoRy                            THeoRy
 •Thinking errors and how to   •Regression                        •Smoking cessation              •Recapping everything             •Insurance
recognise them                 •Age regression                    •Smoking the ASA & you          covered so far, in particular     •Keeping the books in order
•ABC model of CBT              •Past life regression – is it or   •Reasons to quit                •Stress                           •Data protection – record
•Cognitive Behavioural         isn’t it genuine?                  •Smoke filled room              •Anxiety                          keeping
Hypnotherapy (CBH)             •Dangers                           •Fork in the path               •Weight                           •GHR membership
•The Downward arrow            •Ab-reactions                      •Testing carbon monoxide        •Smoking                          •NCH membership
•Socratic questioning          •How to incorporate parts          levels                          •CBT techniques                   •Advice on setting up in
                               •When to use                       •Weight Loss                                                      practice
                               •When NOT to use                   •Fork in the path               PRaCTICal                         •Marketing
PRaCTICal                                                         •Emotional eating               •Working ‘live’ with volunteers
•Recording CD’s                PRaCTICal                          •Boredom eating                 from the general public           PRaCTICal
•Introduction to CBT           •Using different styles learnt     •The buffet table               (supervised).                     •Preparation for final
                               so far                             •When to go further             •Training practice for final      assessment
Learn the power of combining   •Orange liquid                                                     assessment                        •Final assessment
CBT with hypnotherapy to       •Q&A                               PRaCTICal
create    your    successful                                      •Learning the styles to best    Gain critical insight into your   All you need to know about
practice.                      Learn about the key factors of     suit the client.                hypnotherapy techniques by        setting up in practice for
                               regression, keeping you and        •‘Being Present’.               practising your new skills on a   yourself, getting clients and
                               your client safe and knowing       •‘Learning your style of        volunteer                         pitfalls to avoid. And your final
                               when to use it and when not to     therapy.’                                                         assessment.
                               use it. This increases your
                               practice’s skillset.               This weekend focuses on the
                                                                  most commercial aspects of
                                                                  hypnotherapy treatment, the
                                                                  bread and butter of your
                                                                  practice. This is an intense
                                                                  weekend giving you sound
                                                                  grounding in the treatment of
                                                                  two of the biggest health
                                                                  issues in the country/world.
What you will need...

•Students will need a reasonable command of the English language.             ReaDInG lIST
•You must be over the age of 16 years.                                        •Hartland’s Medical & Dental Hypnosis – Heap & Aravind
•A core reading list is opposite for complete reading outside the training    •Scripts & strategies in hypnotherapy – Roger P Allen
sessions.                                                                     •Hypnosis for inner conflict resolution – Roy Hunter
•You will be expected to practice on volunteers such as family or friends     •The art of hypnotherapy – Roy Hunter
•You will keep a diary and submit it to the course tutor outlining the out-   •Cognitive hypnotherapy – Alladin
of-class hours worked.                                                        •Change your thinking – Dr Sarah Edelman
•Written assignments will outline and demonstrate the thought
processes in compiling a treatment plan for hypothetical clients,             aCCReDITaTIon
presenting symptoms such as anxiety, weight loss, smoking cessation,          This is a Diploma level course in Hypnotherapy offering the opportunity
and arachnophobia.                                                            to become a qualified hypnotherapist with a Diploma in Hypnotherapy
•Students will show the skills learnt from weekend 3, by working with         Practice.
friends and family.
•On the penultimate weekend (weekend 9) you will work on a member             SUbjeCT To SUCCeSSFUl CoMPleTIon yoU WIll be -
of the public in full supervised sessions.                                    •Recognised and approved by General Hypnotherapy Standards
                                                                              Council (GHSC)
                                                                              •Accepted to the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)
                                                                              •Accepted to the Complementary & National Healthcare Council

                 Fleet Hypnosis Training
                 Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist
                 Dip Hyp, Adv Dip Hyp, HPD, GQHP
What’s the cost?                                 What are the benefits?
We are offering the accredited diploma for        •Study under Devon’s leading Hypnotherapy Specialist
£1850 spread over the length of your course.
£400 to be paid when booking followed by 10       •Gain a recognised Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice
monthly payments of £145.                         •Understand the practicalities of setting up your own practice
Alternatively, we are offering a £100 discount    •Change of career and lifestyle
on fees for those who want to pay in full prior   •Work your own hours
to starting the course. One payment of
£1750.                                            •emotionally and financially rewarding

on successful completion of the course
you will be ready and qualified to set up
your own Hypnotherapy Practice where
you will be able to charge upwards of £50
                                                              I got into hypnotherapy through curiosity, and found it wasn’t
                                                              what I thought it was. I became fascinated by it, especially
per hour.                                                     with helping others.

                  For more information and to book your place...

                  Enrol as a student with Chris today...
                  Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist
                  Fleet Hypnosis, 55, Hyde Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 5BP.
                  Tel: 01803 500 300, chris@fleethypnosis.com www.fleethypnosis.co.uk
Fleet Hypnosis Training
Start your new career today - call 01803 500 300

                      Fleet Hypnosis, 55, Hyde Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 5BP.
           Tel: 01803 500 300, chris@fleethypnosis.com www.fleethypnosis.co.uk
   Chris Fleet Limited, Registered Office: Grosvenor House, 1 New Road, Brixham, UK, TQ5 8LZ. Company No. 07212707

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Fleet hypnosis hypnotherapy diploma prospectus 2013

  • 1. Study under Devon’s leading Hypnotherapy Specialist Diploma in Hypnotherapy Practice This is a Diploma level course in Hypnotherapy offering the opportunity to become a qualified hypnotherapist with a Diploma in Hypnotherapy Practice recognised and approved by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) and acceptance to the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and also the Complementary & National Healthcare Council (CNHC) on successful completion of the course. Course Prospectus 2013 Fleet Hypnosis Training Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist Dip Hyp, Adv Dip Hyp, HPD, GQHP
  • 2. Why study with Chris, Devon’s leading Chris Fleet has trained under: Donald Robertson of The UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy Specialist? Henry Whitfield of Mindfulness Training Ltd Jonathon Chase of Academy of Hypnotic Arts Dr John Butler of the Hypnotherapy Training Institute Nicholas Evans of INLPTA Chris Fleet runs a successful practice on the English Valerie Austin of Austin Training Institute. Riviera, during the past ten years he has treated hundreds of clients and changed their mindset for the Chris’ Hypnotherapy Qualifications: better. Chris is also a mindfulness and self-hypnosis Diploma in Advanced Structured Hypnotherapy trainer as well as being an expert in stress Diploma in Hypnotherapy management and Trauma Incident Reduction. His General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice NLP Practitioner combined knowledge and wealth of experience is a Certification in Traumatic Incident Reduction great asset as a Certification in Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioural Therapy teacher and you Certification from The Academy of Hypnotic Arts can learn more on Chris’ course Chris is a member of: on hypnotherapy General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH) practice than Register of Evidence Based Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy (REBHP) you could International Stress Managers Association (ISMA) normally expect NHS Trusts Association (NHSTA) at this level. Listed in the NHSTA Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners Chris also hosts the weekly health program on Riviera FM. Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist Dip Hyp, Adv Dip Hyp, HPD, GQHP “ It’s exciting being a hypnotherapist… It’s fascinating to see how minds work, helping people is satisfying, and the more experience you gain the wider your case load can be - and the more interesting it all becomes. “
  • 3. What’s so good about our course? With over 10 years successful hypnotherapy provision The training also provides commercial aspects including plus the services of a modern, busy clinic, there is no marketing, the law and the Advertising Authority rules. It is a better environment in which to study, learn and become comprehensive course enabling students to change careers a therapist. and to be a successful hypnotherapist. Your training comprises two vital features spread over 10 Over the 10 months you will undertake research and months assignments plus some practical sessions under strict • Hypnosis supervision. • Hypnotherapy Without the hypnosis skills, hypnotherapy may become It all builds to achieving the Diploma in Hypnotherapy ineffective. As a result your future practice will struggle. Practice recognised and approved by the General This course ensures you have the professional skills to Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) and acceptance develop a successful practice and service. The tuition gives to the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and also the you a sound knowledge in both the theory and practice of Complementary & National Healthcare Council (CNHC) hypnotherapy. As a competent hypnotherapist you will be able to tackle issues such as stress management, ego strengthening, confidence building, weight control, smoking cessation, dealing with phobias and unwanted habits. Fleet Hypnosis Training Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist Dip Hyp, Adv Dip Hyp, HPD, GQHP Study under Devon’s leading Hypnotherapy Specialist Gain a recognised Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice Understand the practicalities of setting up your own practice
  • 4. Our Syllabus WeekenD 2 WeekenD 3 WeekenD 4 WeekenD 5 The course will last a minimum of 450 hours of THeoRy THeoRy THeoRy THeoRy which 170 hours are in-class •Rapport building •Resistant client or inflexible •What is stress? •Script writing training over a 20 day period •Receiving enquiries practitioner? •What causes stress? •When to pass a client on •Setting up a practice •Knowing your limits •Physiology of stress •Aftercare FReQUenCy: •Initial consultation •Client centred hypnotherapy •Anxiety reduction •Educating the client to adopt One weekend per month for •Hypnotherapy and the law •Treating the client •Mindfulness of breathing self-care procedures 10 months •Advertising Standards •How many sessions •Mindfulness of sound •Smoking cessation Authority •Writing a plan •Noisy environments – keep it •Parts therapy The remaining hours will •Assessing the needs of the •Keeping you safe internal •Symbolism consist of a combination of client •Forms and what to do with •Types of motivation forward reading material*, research •Testing for hypnosis them to or away from PRaCTICal and assignments. •Different deepeners •SUD scales •Recognising what motivates •Parts therapy •Abreactions – dealing with •Conversational hypnosis a client •Symbolism •Direct suggestion •Listening to your client •Verbal swish WeekenD 1 •Indirect suggestion – re-framing Learn the secrets of parts •metaphors PRaCTICal therapy by talking to the THeoRy PRaCTICal •Mindfulness subconscious mind, a •History of hypnosis PRaCTICal •Conversational hypnosis •Mindful inductions technique used when scripts •Uses •Deep trance •Body language •Swish alone just aren’t enough. Parts •Fears •Becoming Eon •Confidence building •Verbal swish therapy is an advanced •Misconceptions •Ego strengthening •Recognising language •Healing lake technique that accesses •Contra-indications •Circle of confidence patterns •Healing waterfall different parts of a client’s •Induction techniques •Time line work •Recognising thinking errors personality, a very powerful •Terminating trance •Script writing •Fork in the path method of creating successful •Coping to mastery When you are in practice one change for your client. PRaCTICal This important weekend of the biggest things you will •Progressive inductions teaches you ‘testing for This weekend you learn that come across as a practitioner •Eye fixation Induction hypnosis’. You learn how to be the client is always right, here is stress and anxiety related •Elman induction certain a client is in a hypnotic we teach you how to be issues. This weekend is key to •Snap induction state, before continuing adaptable to each client to suit starting you off in the right •Simple deepener treatment. This is an essential them best by being able to direction for understanding •Guided visualisation key to becoming a successful read their needs and how stress and anxiety can be hypnotherapist. You also learn understanding their viewpoint. treated through successful You will experience the how to write your own scripts This is a key factor in building hypnotherapy sessions. hypnotic phenomena first hand and deepen trances. The a successful practice and learn how to hypnotise weekend teaches you how to from this weekend. You also work with a client when they gain a firm basis of are in hypnosis, to create understanding hypnotherapy. change from within.
  • 5. Our Syllabus continued.... WeekenD 6 WeekenD 7 WeekenD 8 WeekenD 9 WeekenD 10 THeoRy THeoRy THeoRy THeoRy THeoRy •Thinking errors and how to •Regression •Smoking cessation •Recapping everything •Insurance recognise them •Age regression •Smoking the ASA & you covered so far, in particular •Keeping the books in order •ABC model of CBT •Past life regression – is it or •Reasons to quit •Stress •Data protection – record •Cognitive Behavioural isn’t it genuine? •Smoke filled room •Anxiety keeping Hypnotherapy (CBH) •Dangers •Fork in the path •Weight •GHR membership •The Downward arrow •Ab-reactions •Testing carbon monoxide •Smoking •NCH membership •Socratic questioning •How to incorporate parts levels •CBT techniques •Advice on setting up in •When to use •Weight Loss practice •When NOT to use •Fork in the path PRaCTICal •Marketing PRaCTICal •Emotional eating •Working ‘live’ with volunteers •Recording CD’s PRaCTICal •Boredom eating from the general public PRaCTICal •Introduction to CBT •Using different styles learnt •The buffet table (supervised). •Preparation for final so far •When to go further •Training practice for final assessment Learn the power of combining •Orange liquid assessment •Final assessment CBT with hypnotherapy to •Q&A PRaCTICal create your successful •Learning the styles to best Gain critical insight into your All you need to know about practice. Learn about the key factors of suit the client. hypnotherapy techniques by setting up in practice for regression, keeping you and •‘Being Present’. practising your new skills on a yourself, getting clients and your client safe and knowing •‘Learning your style of volunteer pitfalls to avoid. And your final when to use it and when not to therapy.’ assessment. use it. This increases your practice’s skillset. This weekend focuses on the most commercial aspects of hypnotherapy treatment, the bread and butter of your practice. This is an intense weekend giving you sound grounding in the treatment of two of the biggest health issues in the country/world.
  • 6. What you will need... •Students will need a reasonable command of the English language. ReaDInG lIST •You must be over the age of 16 years. •Hartland’s Medical & Dental Hypnosis – Heap & Aravind •A core reading list is opposite for complete reading outside the training •Scripts & strategies in hypnotherapy – Roger P Allen sessions. •Hypnosis for inner conflict resolution – Roy Hunter •You will be expected to practice on volunteers such as family or friends •The art of hypnotherapy – Roy Hunter •You will keep a diary and submit it to the course tutor outlining the out- •Cognitive hypnotherapy – Alladin of-class hours worked. •Change your thinking – Dr Sarah Edelman •Written assignments will outline and demonstrate the thought processes in compiling a treatment plan for hypothetical clients, aCCReDITaTIon presenting symptoms such as anxiety, weight loss, smoking cessation, This is a Diploma level course in Hypnotherapy offering the opportunity and arachnophobia. to become a qualified hypnotherapist with a Diploma in Hypnotherapy •Students will show the skills learnt from weekend 3, by working with Practice. friends and family. •On the penultimate weekend (weekend 9) you will work on a member SUbjeCT To SUCCeSSFUl CoMPleTIon yoU WIll be - of the public in full supervised sessions. •Recognised and approved by General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) •Accepted to the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) •Accepted to the Complementary & National Healthcare Council (CNHC) Fleet Hypnosis Training Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist Dip Hyp, Adv Dip Hyp, HPD, GQHP
  • 7. What’s the cost? What are the benefits? We are offering the accredited diploma for •Study under Devon’s leading Hypnotherapy Specialist £1850 spread over the length of your course. £400 to be paid when booking followed by 10 •Gain a recognised Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice monthly payments of £145. •Understand the practicalities of setting up your own practice Alternatively, we are offering a £100 discount •Change of career and lifestyle on fees for those who want to pay in full prior •Work your own hours to starting the course. One payment of £1750. •emotionally and financially rewarding “ on successful completion of the course you will be ready and qualified to set up your own Hypnotherapy Practice where you will be able to charge upwards of £50 “ I got into hypnotherapy through curiosity, and found it wasn’t what I thought it was. I became fascinated by it, especially per hour. with helping others. For more information and to book your place... Enrol as a student with Chris today... Chris Fleet, Hypnotherapist Fleet Hypnosis, 55, Hyde Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 5BP. Tel: 01803 500 300, chris@fleethypnosis.com www.fleethypnosis.co.uk
  • 8. Fleet Hypnosis Training Start your new career today - call 01803 500 300 Fleet Hypnosis, 55, Hyde Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 5BP. Tel: 01803 500 300, chris@fleethypnosis.com www.fleethypnosis.co.uk Chris Fleet Limited, Registered Office: Grosvenor House, 1 New Road, Brixham, UK, TQ5 8LZ. Company No. 07212707