'The best practices' by KONSTANTIN KULAKSYZ at OdessaJS'2020OdessaJS Conf
How to develop web applications using Vue.js and implement best practices from the first day of development. Consider practical recommendations for using Vue.js, based on personal experience, thoughtful reading of documentation and analysis of best practices suggested by other developers. During the talk, you will learn what you can implement today in your development practice to make your web applications on Vue.js more productive and the development process more efficient.
Vadim Vorobyev, Black Beacon
We will talk about the technical intricacies of PC optimization in Unity on the example of The Godlike and share stories of development. How to use code generation, what Unity profiler can do, how to work with the UI and why you should not use LINQ.
Vadim Vorobyev, Black Beacon
We will talk about the technical intricacies of PC optimization in Unity on the example of The Godlike and share stories of development. How to use code generation, what Unity profiler can do, how to work with the UI and why you should not use LINQ.