The document outlines the agenda and notes from a meeting of the Japan Android Group Fukuoka. The agenda included introductions to Android, new Android features and devices, the Android architecture, developing "Hello World" apps, how Android connects to cloud services, and an overview of the Fukuoka chapter of the group. Meeting notes covered past and upcoming study meetings where members shared Android experiences and ideas and collaborated on Android projects.
The document outlines the agenda and notes from a meeting of the Japan Android Group Fukuoka. The agenda included introductions to Android, new Android features and devices, the Android architecture, developing "Hello World" apps, how Android connects to cloud services, and an overview of the Fukuoka chapter of the group. Meeting notes covered past and upcoming study meetings where members shared Android experiences and ideas and collaborated on Android projects.
The document discusses Adobe AIR, a cross-platform runtime that allows developers to deploy desktop applications using web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and Flash. It provides an overview of AIR and AIR 2.0 features, including support for native OS integration, WebKit, HTML5, CSS3, UDP, P2P, and TLS/SSL in AIR 2.0. The document also mentions an AIR contest and gallery, and promotes attending an AIR user group meeting in Shibuya on August 31, 2010 to learn more about developing AIR applications.
This document discusses physical computing and mentions Android, sign language interpreting gloves, and projects from Japan including an Android sign language interpreting glove. It also references websites about a sign language interpreting book, a museum publication, and architecture and engineering projects from Japan focusing on areas outside of personal computers and emphasizing image and design.
1) O documento descreve novas regras para o Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE), incluindo um novo público-alvo, nova forma de cálculo dos recursos e condi??es para repasse.
2) Agora polos presenciais da UAB que ofertem forma??o a professores também receber?o recursos do PDDE, calculados com um valor fixo de R$3.000,00 mais um valor variável de R$20,00 por aluno.
3) As novas regras estabelecem um prazo de 20 anos para guarda