Presentacionadaniel galindo fabianceronfabian bolañosEl documento presenta información sobre el Centro Comercial Anarkos, el primer centro comercial de Colombia inaugurado en 1971. Originalmente albergaba viviendas, oficinas, un teatro y locales comerciales, pero con el tiempo sufrió modificaciones que aumentaron la densidad con más de 600 unidades. Actualmente presenta problemas de infraestructura debido a construcciones no autorizadas que sobrecargan la estructura y congestionan las rutas de evacuación, creando riesgos de derrumbes, incendios y falta de ventilación.
Principles and elements of designNational Textile institute (NTI) department of Fashion designingContrast refers to differences in visual elements like color, value, texture, shape, and size that create visual interest. There are eight main types of contrast including pattern, edge, value, intensity, temperature, texture, shape, and size contrast. Contrast is important as it creates focus, helps organize information, and grabs attention. In fashion, contrast can refer to color combinations, shapes used as embellishments, or textures on a garment that enhance the design.
Design presentation Katie StanfieldThe document is an invitation for a 1970s disco themed silent auction fundraiser event. It provides information on a Facebook cover photo for the event and references DSAGSL, likely the organization hosting or related to the event, as well as a Facebook event cover photo.
Adult learners in higher educationaconnertonThis document discusses adult learners in higher education. It begins by noting that while access to higher education has increased for adult learners, institutions need to do more to support their success. The document then reviews theories of adult learning and the characteristics of adult learners. It discusses programs and distance learning options for adults. The document also examines research on teaching adult learners and prior learning assessment. It considers limitations of adult learning frameworks and debates around classifying adult learners as non-traditional. The goal is to address how to bridge the gap between adult learner access and success in higher education.
Technical Writing Katie StanfieldThe student proposes upgrading the outdated technology in Clark Hall classrooms at University of Missouri–Saint Louis. A student survey found 58 out of 60 students felt Clark Hall's learning tools were more antiquated than their previous schools. The proposal recommends installing SMART boards and dry erase boards in the 11 outdated classrooms, citing their benefits for students and teachers. The total estimated costs are under $60,000, and grants may be available to help with expenses. The upgrades would modernize Clark Hall and better prepare students for their future careers.
Social MediaKatie StanfieldA social media campaign in March 2016 called #21daysofworlddownsyndromeday significantly increased video views, engagement, and reach by strategically designing, posting, and promoting fan videos on social media. The campaign was successful, coming in as the #1 runner up for several national awards categories and increasing the number of page likes by 16.4%.
Design samplesKatie StanfieldDigital Design Examples
Full Digital Portfolio:
Presentacionadaniel galindo fabianceronfabian bolañosEl documento presenta información sobre el Centro Comercial Anarkos, el primer centro comercial de Colombia inaugurado en 1971. Originalmente albergaba viviendas, oficinas, un teatro y locales comerciales, pero con el tiempo sufrió cambios e irregularidades como la construcción de más locales que sobrecargaron la infraestructura y crearon riesgos de colapso o incendio. Actualmente tiene ventilación insuficiente, acumulación de gases en el sótano, y rutas de evacuación congestionadas que podrían dificultar una evacuación masiva en caso
Mini skripsi Mata Kuliah Media pembelajaran Matematikanuramalia07Mini skripsi ini membahas tentang media pembelajaran matematika yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran, seperti alat peraga, Microsoft Power Point, dan program interaktif Applet. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentingnya media pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran matematika dan jenis media yang dapat digunakan.
Presentacionadaniel galindo fabianceronfabian bolañosEl documento presenta información sobre el Centro Comercial Anarkos, el primer centro comercial de Colombia inaugurado en 1971. Originalmente albergaba viviendas, oficinas, un teatro y locales comerciales, pero con el tiempo sufrió modificaciones que aumentaron la densidad con más de 600 unidades. Actualmente presenta problemas de infraestructura, como sobrecarga estructural, falta de ventilación y evacuación, lo que genera riesgos de derrumbe o incendio.
Applets "Shooting Balls"nuramalia07WisWeb adalah situs Lembaga Freudenthal untuk pendidikan matematika sekunder (siswa dari 12 sampai 18 tahun). Fokus utama dari situs ini applet; program komputer kecil yang dijalankan melalui internet. Selain itu, situs ini menawarkan informasi tentang DME, Digital Matematika Lingkungan.
Applet adalah alat pembelajaran interaktif yang dapat digunakan siswa untuk beberapa tujuan, seperti untuk mengeksplorasi situasi masalah, untuk menemukan representasi atau konsep, untuk membangun dan mengeksplorasi 3D-benda, atau melatih keterampilan. Di dalam website ini terdapat lebih dari 30 applet yang bisa dimainkan. Untuk bermain applet ini dibutuhkan aplikasi JAVA.
Pada slide share ini saya akan mempublikasikan laporan tugas ICT saya dan kelompok saya mengenai Applets ini. Adapun applet yang kami yang menjadi fokus utama laporan kami adalah "Shooting Balls".
21 Days of Down syndrome Day CampaignKatie StanfieldA social media campaign in March 2016 called #21daysofworlddownsyndromeday significantly increased video views, engagement, and reach by strategically designing, posting, and promoting fan videos on social media. The campaign was successful, coming in as the #1 runner up for several national awards categories and increasing the number of page likes by 16.4%.
экологийн ёс суртахуун технологиKhatnaa Khajidaaekologin es surtahun
Karl marx, metodos, teoria del valor trabajo y la plusvaliaSophia Guillen AlcázarEl documento presenta una biografía de Karl Marx y describe los conceptos clave de su pensamiento filosófico y económico, incluyendo el materialismo histórico, la teoría del valor-trabajo y la plusvalía. También resume los principales métodos de Marx, como el método dialéctico y su enfoque de abstracción, concretización y verificación para analizar la economía. Finalmente, resume las obras más importantes de Marx como El Capital, El Manifiesto Comunista y la Crítica de la Economía Política.
Law of ReturnsLokesh PariharThe document discusses the law of returns, which explains how production changes when varying inputs in the short and long run. In the short run, under the law of variable proportions, total output initially increases at an increasing rate as labor is added to fixed capital, then increases at a diminishing rate until maximum output is reached. In the long run, the law of returns to scale describes how output changes proportionally when all inputs change equally - there can be increasing, constant, or diminishing returns to scale.
Return to scaleLokesh PariharThis document discusses production functions and returns to scale. It defines production functions and different types including short run and long run production functions. It then explains key features like substitutability, complementarity and specificity of factors. Next it covers returns to scale, defining it as the change in output when all inputs change proportionately. It details increasing, constant and decreasing returns to scale, providing examples. Causes of each type of return are also outlined.
1Q13 ISG Outsourcing Index, EMEAInformation Services Group (ISG)The ISG Outsourcing Index (formerly the TPI Index) provides a quarterly review of the latest sourcing industry data and trends for clients, service providers, analysts and the media. For more than a decade, it has been the authoritative source for marketplace intelligence related to outsourcing transaction structures and terms, industry adoption, geographic prevalence and service provider performance.
Tecnología de los 60Carlos ColomerThe document lists various models of vehicles from different manufacturers such as Tesla, Mercedes, Robotron, Astra, Flexaret, Mobylette, Vespa, Peugeot, Renault, Citroen, Alpha Roméo, Cadillac, Simca, Panhard, Jawa, Škoda, Tatra, Zetor, and Aero. Years are provided for some of the models. The document also lists two women's names: Ljuba Hermanová and Hana Vítová.
Apresentação Priscila e QuédimaDyone AndradeO documento descreve uma sequência de atividades em aulas para desenvolver a competência da escrita em alunos. As aulas trabalham com diferentes gêneros textuais como conto, história em quadrinhos, carta e receita a partir da história de Chapeuzinho Vermelho. As atividades incluem leitura, dramatização, reescrita e preparação de uma receita. O objetivo é que os alunos aprimorem habilidades como identificar gêneros, relações causais e elementos de narrativa.
Mini skripsi Mata Kuliah Media pembelajaran Matematikanuramalia07Mini skripsi ini membahas tentang media pembelajaran matematika yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran, seperti alat peraga, Microsoft Power Point, dan program interaktif Applet. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentingnya media pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran matematika dan jenis media yang dapat digunakan.
Presentacionadaniel galindo fabianceronfabian bolañosEl documento presenta información sobre el Centro Comercial Anarkos, el primer centro comercial de Colombia inaugurado en 1971. Originalmente albergaba viviendas, oficinas, un teatro y locales comerciales, pero con el tiempo sufrió modificaciones que aumentaron la densidad con más de 600 unidades. Actualmente presenta problemas de infraestructura, como sobrecarga estructural, falta de ventilación y evacuación, lo que genera riesgos de derrumbe o incendio.
Applets "Shooting Balls"nuramalia07WisWeb adalah situs Lembaga Freudenthal untuk pendidikan matematika sekunder (siswa dari 12 sampai 18 tahun). Fokus utama dari situs ini applet; program komputer kecil yang dijalankan melalui internet. Selain itu, situs ini menawarkan informasi tentang DME, Digital Matematika Lingkungan.
Applet adalah alat pembelajaran interaktif yang dapat digunakan siswa untuk beberapa tujuan, seperti untuk mengeksplorasi situasi masalah, untuk menemukan representasi atau konsep, untuk membangun dan mengeksplorasi 3D-benda, atau melatih keterampilan. Di dalam website ini terdapat lebih dari 30 applet yang bisa dimainkan. Untuk bermain applet ini dibutuhkan aplikasi JAVA.
Pada slide share ini saya akan mempublikasikan laporan tugas ICT saya dan kelompok saya mengenai Applets ini. Adapun applet yang kami yang menjadi fokus utama laporan kami adalah "Shooting Balls".
21 Days of Down syndrome Day CampaignKatie StanfieldA social media campaign in March 2016 called #21daysofworlddownsyndromeday significantly increased video views, engagement, and reach by strategically designing, posting, and promoting fan videos on social media. The campaign was successful, coming in as the #1 runner up for several national awards categories and increasing the number of page likes by 16.4%.
экологийн ёс суртахуун технологиKhatnaa Khajidaaekologin es surtahun
Karl marx, metodos, teoria del valor trabajo y la plusvaliaSophia Guillen AlcázarEl documento presenta una biografía de Karl Marx y describe los conceptos clave de su pensamiento filosófico y económico, incluyendo el materialismo histórico, la teoría del valor-trabajo y la plusvalía. También resume los principales métodos de Marx, como el método dialéctico y su enfoque de abstracción, concretización y verificación para analizar la economía. Finalmente, resume las obras más importantes de Marx como El Capital, El Manifiesto Comunista y la Crítica de la Economía Política.
Law of ReturnsLokesh PariharThe document discusses the law of returns, which explains how production changes when varying inputs in the short and long run. In the short run, under the law of variable proportions, total output initially increases at an increasing rate as labor is added to fixed capital, then increases at a diminishing rate until maximum output is reached. In the long run, the law of returns to scale describes how output changes proportionally when all inputs change equally - there can be increasing, constant, or diminishing returns to scale.
Return to scaleLokesh PariharThis document discusses production functions and returns to scale. It defines production functions and different types including short run and long run production functions. It then explains key features like substitutability, complementarity and specificity of factors. Next it covers returns to scale, defining it as the change in output when all inputs change proportionately. It details increasing, constant and decreasing returns to scale, providing examples. Causes of each type of return are also outlined.
1Q13 ISG Outsourcing Index, EMEAInformation Services Group (ISG)The ISG Outsourcing Index (formerly the TPI Index) provides a quarterly review of the latest sourcing industry data and trends for clients, service providers, analysts and the media. For more than a decade, it has been the authoritative source for marketplace intelligence related to outsourcing transaction structures and terms, industry adoption, geographic prevalence and service provider performance.
Tecnología de los 60Carlos ColomerThe document lists various models of vehicles from different manufacturers such as Tesla, Mercedes, Robotron, Astra, Flexaret, Mobylette, Vespa, Peugeot, Renault, Citroen, Alpha Roméo, Cadillac, Simca, Panhard, Jawa, Škoda, Tatra, Zetor, and Aero. Years are provided for some of the models. The document also lists two women's names: Ljuba Hermanová and Hana Vítová.
Apresentação Priscila e QuédimaDyone AndradeO documento descreve uma sequência de atividades em aulas para desenvolver a competência da escrita em alunos. As aulas trabalham com diferentes gêneros textuais como conto, história em quadrinhos, carta e receita a partir da história de Chapeuzinho Vermelho. As atividades incluem leitura, dramatização, reescrita e preparação de uma receita. O objetivo é que os alunos aprimorem habilidades como identificar gêneros, relações causais e elementos de narrativa.
T 02 imou13 slideshare mindmapYuri BogachkovОбзорная информация по сервисам храниние презентаций и коллектиывнх майн карт. В рамках дистаницоггого тренига "Интренет маркетинг образовательных услуг "
Мастерская Школы Тренеров Института Тренинга. Функциональные тренерыTraining Institute - ARB Pro GroupКомпании все больше поручают сотрудникам -- экспертам в своих областях - разработать тренинги и обучать других сотрудников, партнеров, клиентов.
Как сделать добротный тренинг и успешно проводить его, если у тебя есть другая основная работа?
Как HR может поддержать обучение и дальнейшую работу функциональных тренеров?
Поделимся 5 летним опытом успешной подготовки функциональных тренеров -- как построить программу, какие применять инструменты, как поддержать разработку и на что не стоит тратить время функциональных тренеров.
Анна Грибанова, Ирина Марковская, тренеры-консультанты ГК «Институт Тренинга -- АРБ Про»
2. План
Сервис способствует решению педагогических задач;
Сервис развивает качества личности;
Сервис формирует и развивает способы деятельности;
Сервис можно использовать в групповой деятельности;
Сервис можно использовать для обмена опыта с коллегами;
Ограничения сервиса.
3. Сервис способствует решению педагогических задач
1) Находить любые фотографии, для конкретной темы урока, то есть
решение образовательных, воспитательных и развивающих задач;
2) Можно состоять в группах и обмениваться фото, по теме урока и т.д.;
3) Сохраняет время, то есть подбирает фото для тебя: Фликром алгоритм,
автоматически определит интересность фото, учитывая количество
просмотров, комментариев, добавлений в «в любимое», «авторитет»
комментирующих, добавления в группы
4) Загружать, показывать и хранить фото.
4. Сервис развивает качества личности
1) Общение в сервисе с другими участниками;
2) Развитие технических навыков;
3) Обмен опытом;
4) Учиться дальше.
Совершенствование, отработка уже имеющихся
5. Сервис формирует и развивает способы деятельности
Сервис учит, помогает при работе с фотографиями, видео.
Оттачивает технические навыки.
При подборе такой информации к уроку, формирует
интерес у обучающихся.
6. Сервис можно использовать в групповой деятельности
1) Можно создавать группы;
2) Обмениваться фото внутри группы;
Группы создают по интересам и по профессиональным
7. Сервис можно использовать для обмена опыта с
Группы среди учителей, для помощи друг другу или обмена
опытом. То есть подбор фото информации, видео