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open licensing & the future
      for collections
                         Museums and the Web 2009
                               April 15-18, 2009
                          Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

paula bray
manager, visual & digitisation services
Photography by Jean-Francois Lanzarone

   8th April 2008 we were
allowed to take a RISK
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
This initiative

has set a benchmark to change policy at the

           and raised a bunch of questions

what measures


better access

new business model
insert book pic

    Photography by Jean-Francois Lanzarone

traditional image licensing models
      usually based on conventional print publication

are they suf鍖cient?

will they see museums
into the future?
                        Photography by Paula Bray
not how will we provide fast & ef鍖cient
                                  dissemination of our content?

                                                           that will bene鍖t
                                                        the education sector

Live fast? by Giampaolo Macorig
charge fees!
currently most of us

                  digital 鍖les

           & in a variety of ways
no standard model
do current models bene鍖t
    education sector?

     Photography by Geoff Friend

                  to enable

Powerhouse Museum

extensive Photo Library collection

      licensed for a variety of applications
      with only 20% discount for education
over 500,000 images

       pic of photo library

     all size 鍖ts one by gnosis/johnr

doesnt help education sector
only 20% discount for scholarly use
it can takes days to get our stuff

併snail兵 by Lastaii
public requires fast services now
Museum Open by johnlamb

open access: not typical policy
              for image licensing
change is required

use this as example of open access model
reduce costs

connect collections

    promotion         Open by splorp

why do open access?
REDUCE escalating fees for education to copy

        併2007_03_05兵 by DennisSylvesterHurd

         Australian schools: payed $50,000,000 in
             2006 part VB statutory licensing

               jumped $10,000,000 from 2005
enable rich research

 併Research Medical Center Library兵 by Gwen's River City Images
encourage innovation

併Modernism in Australia兵 by Dan Hill
it is REALLY complicated

        orphan works
       access priorities
signi鍖cant challenge

         varied across institution
      hard to adopt standard model
   global differences in copyright acts
Australian Copyright Act 1968

併copyright兵 by pfffpustekuchen

               no fair use
         fair dealing = limited
        S200AB new provision?
                                            doesnt work

                                             on-line has changed delivery
                                               models need reviewing
                                                  administration costs

                                 are we really seeing what our audience wants?

open the gate by blondie 478
open access is not new
     there have been previous models
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
1997 and 2004

  not-for pro鍖t and independent membership organisation
explored ways to address the lack of resources available for
 educational use, manage complicated rights and licensing
one of the 鍖rst to address the need for digital
content to be accessible via a group of works
          under a standard license
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
Aim: content for research and academic purposes
     for a variety of educational institutions.
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
to reduce the costs for education

free high-resolution images to be used
for scholarly purposes

link to the participating institutions
rights and permissions
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
all these models
                                 help towards
                            unlocking collections
Photography by Paula Bray
April 8th 2008

             unlocking our photographic collections
we started
high value

   sydney centric

     sold copies

   rarely exhibited

no major publication

   not known for
photographic content

reservation from some
     no measures

    possible drop
     in income

in the 鍖rst four weeks
                     230 contacts
                     2500 + tags
20 times more visitation than on our site
currently projected as
some thought it was risky

                   we let go

鍖rst Powerhouse Museum project :content freely accessible
not all content

 Glass negative, half plate, 'Ocean Wave Hotel', unattributed studio, Sydney, Australia, c. 1880-1923
 Silver gelatin dry plate glass negative in portrait format. The Tyrrell Collection Inventory records the above caption but does not attribute the
 negative to a studio.

 The negative is not fully catalogued.
perfect for the Commons

          change to policy
& a big
what happened ?
Tyrrell sales didn兵t drop

some expectation they would
general sales have increased slightly
can increased visitation
encourage sales?
important for institutions that rely on income
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
critical measure for
these results are a
          a future open-access initiative

           if sales can remain the same then the question
           of income generation needs to be addressed as
                 either neutral or potentially bene鍖cial
income is low
remembering that overall

in comparison to other income streams across the organisation

         venue hire
what is the value of promotion?

             access never greater
            community connection
       informed about other collections
what do we really want?

Paul Hagon
started conversations
Photography by Paula Bray

we learned that this contact had only
             visited the Museum
          once in the last ten years

                               Congrats on sticking with it for
                               the 500. Actually, as regards
                               content, I just want more of the
                               same. Whatever you choose to
                               put up is good for me.
visits regularly now
                               I can 鍖nd stuff I think I want any
blogs about our images         day of the week by searching
comments on Photo of the Day   around the internet, the PHM
                               collection search, or Flickr. But
                               what I cant 鍖nd for myself, and
                               what I like here is the serendipity
                               of seeing something youve
                               chosen, for your reasons, to
                               show to us.
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections
Image courtesy Randwick City Library Services
                                                Photo of the Day
Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections

                       Photo of the Day
Photography by Sutto
where are we heading?

              Going up by Jim Frazier

Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic
Powerhouse Museum

  investigate new provisions in the copyright act
      review acquisition license agreements
 allow options for copyright holders = CC license
we need a
new business model for
   image licensing
new 鍖ne art printing service

income streams still required   併EPSON Stylus CX5600兵 by ? 1 Adam
    creator remuneration
experimenting with print product
open access image
free download for
scholarly purposes on the website

         Photograph by Paula Bray

  tracking methodologies: see what public want
What an Impression! by dougjoubert

   hope: to make an impression to review models
    and start talking about how to do this better
bene鍖t the education sector

               併coney island school bus lot兵 by bk dauphin
reduce the escalating costs to access
  IMAGES from publicly funded
with great thanks to the

                   initiated by George Oates 2008
thank you
                          Museums and the Web 2009

                                      Frederick Miller
                             Powerhouse Museum photographers
                   all Flickr members using Creative Commons licenses

paula bray
manager, visual & digitisation services

More Related Content

Flickr Commons: Open licensing and the future for collections

  • 1. open licensing & the future for collections Museums and the Web 2009 April 15-18, 2009 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA paula bray manager, visual & digitisation services paulab@phm.gov.au www.powerhousemuseum.com/imageserices
  • 2. Photography by Jean-Francois Lanzarone 8th April 2008 we were allowed to take a RISK
  • 4. This initiative has set a benchmark to change policy at the Museum! and raised a bunch of questions
  • 5. how ? what measures community better access new business model
  • 6. insert book pic Photography by Jean-Francois Lanzarone traditional image licensing models usually based on conventional print publication
  • 7. outdated are they suf鍖cient? will they see museums into the future? Photography by Paula Bray
  • 8. not how will we provide fast & ef鍖cient if dissemination of our content? that will bene鍖t the education sector Live fast? by Giampaolo Macorig
  • 9. charge fees! currently most of us 4 reproduction access production prints digital 鍖les & in a variety of ways
  • 11. do current models bene鍖t education sector? Photography by Geoff Friend to enable research & innovation
  • 12. Powerhouse Museum extensive Photo Library collection licensed for a variety of applications with only 20% discount for education
  • 13. over 500,000 images pic of photo library
  • 14. o稼艶-壊庄噛艶-鍖t壊-温鉛鉛 all size 鍖ts one by gnosis/johnr doesnt help education sector
  • 15. only 20% discount for scholarly use
  • 16. it can takes days to get our stuff 併snail兵 by Lastaii
  • 17. public requires fast services now
  • 18. Museum Open by johnlamb open access: not typical policy for image licensing
  • 19. why?
  • 20. change is required use this as example of open access model
  • 21. reduce costs research innovation connect collections promotion Open by splorp why do open access?
  • 22. REDUCE escalating fees for education to copy 併2007_03_05兵 by DennisSylvesterHurd Australian schools: payed $50,000,000 in 2006 part VB statutory licensing jumped $10,000,000 from 2005
  • 23. enable rich research 併Research Medical Center Library兵 by Gwen's River City Images
  • 24. encourage innovation 併Modernism in Australia兵 by Dan Hill
  • 25. it is REALLY complicated copyright creators attribution income orphan works access priorities
  • 26. signi鍖cant challenge varied across institution hard to adopt standard model global differences in copyright acts
  • 27. Australian Copyright Act 1968 併copyright兵 by pfffpustekuchen no fair use fair dealing = limited S200AB new provision?
  • 28. o稼艶-壊庄噛艶-鍖t壊-温鉛鉛 doesnt work on-line has changed delivery models need reviewing administration costs are we really seeing what our audience wants? open the gate by blondie 478
  • 29. open access is not new there have been previous models
  • 31. 1997 and 2004 not-for pro鍖t and independent membership organisation explored ways to address the lack of resources available for educational use, manage complicated rights and licensing
  • 32. one of the 鍖rst to address the need for digital content to be accessible via a group of works under a standard license
  • 34. Aim: content for research and academic purposes for a variety of educational institutions.
  • 36. Aim: to reduce the costs for education free high-resolution images to be used for scholarly purposes link to the participating institutions rights and permissions
  • 39. all these models help towards unlocking collections Photography by Paula Bray
  • 40. April 8th 2008 unlocking our photographic collections we started
  • 41. high value sydney centric sold copies rarely exhibited no major publication not known for photographic content reservation from some no measures possible drop in income
  • 42. visitation in the 鍖rst four weeks 40,000 views 230 contacts 2500 + tags
  • 43. 20 times more visitation than on our site currently projected as
  • 44. some thought it was risky we let go 鍖rst Powerhouse Museum project :content freely accessible
  • 45. not all content 併fully-catalogued兵 Description Glass negative, half plate, 'Ocean Wave Hotel', unattributed studio, Sydney, Australia, c. 1880-1923 Silver gelatin dry plate glass negative in portrait format. The Tyrrell Collection Inventory records the above caption but does not attribute the negative to a studio. The negative is not fully catalogued.
  • 46. perfect for the Commons change to policy & a big
  • 48. Tyrrell sales didn兵t drop some expectation they would
  • 49. general sales have increased slightly
  • 50. can increased visitation encourage sales? important for institutions that rely on income
  • 54. critical measure for these results are a a future open-access initiative if sales can remain the same then the question of income generation needs to be addressed as either neutral or potentially bene鍖cial
  • 55. income is low remembering that overall in comparison to other income streams across the organisation venue hire admission publications
  • 56. what is the value of promotion? access never greater community connection reputation participation engagement informed about other collections
  • 57. what do we really want? connection community engagement innovation research participation
  • 60. Paul Hagon innovation
  • 64. Photography by Paula Bray discoveries
  • 65. we learned that this contact had only visited the Museum once in the last ten years Congrats on sticking with it for the 500. Actually, as regards content, I just want more of the same. Whatever you choose to put up is good for me. visits regularly now I can 鍖nd stuff I think I want any blogs about our images day of the week by searching comments on Photo of the Day around the internet, the PHM collection search, or Flickr. But what I cant 鍖nd for myself, and what I like here is the serendipity of seeing something youve chosen, for your reasons, to show to us.
  • 67. Image courtesy Randwick City Library Services Photo of the Day
  • 69. Text Text Photo of the Day Photography by Sutto
  • 70. where are we heading? Going up by Jim Frazier Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic
  • 71. Powerhouse Museum plans investigate new provisions in the copyright act review acquisition license agreements allow options for copyright holders = CC license
  • 72. we need a new business model for image licensing
  • 73. new 鍖ne art printing service income streams still required 併EPSON Stylus CX5600兵 by ? 1 Adam creator remuneration
  • 75. open access image repository
  • 76. free download for scholarly purposes on the website Photograph by Paula Bray tracking methodologies: see what public want
  • 77. What an Impression! by dougjoubert hope: to make an impression to review models and start talking about how to do this better
  • 78. bene鍖t the education sector 併coney island school bus lot兵 by bk dauphin
  • 79. reduce the escalating costs to access IMAGES from publicly funded collections
  • 80. with great thanks to the initiated by George Oates 2008
  • 81. thank you Museums and the Web 2009 & Frederick Miller Powerhouse Museum photographers all Flickr members using Creative Commons licenses paula bray manager, visual & digitisation services paulab@phm.gov.au www.powerhousemuseum.com/imageserices