The document appears to be notes from a science class that are difficult to read due to the student sitting in the back of the class. It discusses definitions of density and buoyancy, how to calculate density using mass and volume, states of matter, and how to clean up liquid spills. The notes end with recommendations to watch videos or read Lord of the Rings.
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Fluid quiz notes
2. Hello.All these notes and facts are from
science class today.I may have
misspelled som stuff because I couldn't
see the board as I sit in the far back, or
because Aris' handwriting was too
messy. So go blame him instead.
3. Defintion: the tendency for an object to
sink or float based on its DENSITY
differences with its surroundings.For an
object to float, the buoyant force on a
submerged object is equal to the weight
of the fluid that is displaced.
4. Density=M VM=DxVV= M VWe
use grams (g) to describe Mass.We use
mililiters or cubic centimeters (mL or cm3)
to describe Volume.So, to mesure
density, we use g/mL or g/cm3.Chapter
8.2. Question page 226, 1-8
5. The buoyant force on a submorged
object is equal to the WEIGHT of the fluid
that is deplaced.
6. 1. All matter is made up of particles.2. In
gas, there are spaces between particles.3.
In liquids and solids, the particles are closer
together and they have strong forces of
attraction between them.4. All particles are
in constant motion.5. Temperature affects
the speed at which particles move.6. All
particles of one substance are
identical.Chapter 7.2. Review page
198, questions on page 202, 1-6.
7. Water spills are worse than solid spills
because:1) Spreads faster and farther2)
Difficult to clean3) Affect marine life
8. How to clean them up1. Burning (light a
fire)2. Boom (fence it)3. Skimer (skim the
surface)4. Biorrenditation (have bacteria
nom it up)5. Sorbents (acts like a
sponge)6. Dispersance (chemicals break
it down)Chapter 9.2, pg 260, 1-7
12. Yay~
You have officially finished this power
point presentation I made in a short
amount of time for you. It just took a long
time because I forgot to
save, dinner, and tea (it was my sisters
birthday) and my sister was repeatedly
kicking me off the computer. And also, I
couldnt share the original copy. So I had
to re-do it.
If you watch that whole video, I will have
utter respect for you.
14. Or, if you find that boring (that means
that you don't have any taste, in my
opinion), then amuse yourself while
watching this:
15. Go read the Lord of the Rings.
Seriously. Its better than you think.