Grapefruit is a book of instructions and scores for performance pieces by Yoko Ono, an artist known for her work with the Fluxus art movement in the 1960s. The book contains short texts describing actions to be performed that often involve everyday objects. Many of the pieces in Grapefruit use humor, randomness, or minimal instructions to subvert expectations.
En un lugar de La Mancha naci坦 el amor de una persona, un ni単o que desde peque単o mostr坦 afici坦n por el f炭tbol y el Bar巽a aunque lo que mejor se le daba era jugar con madera. Ahora, ese amor es la gu鱈a que le da todo lo mejor y la hace re鱈r y feliz, y ella siempre lo querr叩 con todo su coraz坦n.
Dorchester Ltd is considering building a new manufacturing plant in the US to expand its candy production and sales in North America. The initial cost of the plant would be $7 million. Local debt financing of $1.5 million at 7.75% interest would be provided. Dorchester must decide whether to issue additional debt in pounds sterling at 10.75% or US dollars at 9.5%.
Building the new plant would allow Dorchester to serve the entire North American market and realize higher profits of $4.40 per pound sold. However, the analysis of costs, revenues, tax rates, debt financing, and exchange rates is complex given the international dimensions. A full capital budgeting analysis is required to
Este documento promociona los cosm辿ticos naturales de la marca Oriflame, destacando que usan ingredientes naturales y extractos vegetales, no realizan pruebas en animales, envasan sus productos de forma ecol坦gica y ofrecen oportunidades para ascender profesionalmente vendiendo sus productos. Adem叩s, tienen una gran variedad de cosm辿ticos para todas las edades con una excelente relaci坦n calidad-precio.
This document provides an overview of Nouveau R辿alisme and Pop Art movements in Europe and America during the 1950s and 1960s. It features over 100 artworks by major figures like Yves Klein, Arman, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, and others. The artworks depicted range from paintings and sculptures to installations, films, and photographs that incorporate popular imagery and objects in new ways.
Accessible Everywhere On your iPad, iPhone, at home, at vacation... even on the beach. As long as you have a device with internet access, you can access both Bidify and the Bidsson Auction.
La performance es una forma de arte esc辿nico que involucra acciones en vivo del artista y tiene ra鱈ces en el happening y el arte conceptual. Se desarroll坦 en la d辿cada de 1960 de la mano de pioneros como Joseph Beuys, Marina Abramovi y Carolee Schneemann. La performance se distingue de otras artes por centrarse en el cuerpo del artista y la relaci坦n con la audiencia m叩s que en un objeto.
Motivasi karyawan berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja. Motivasi adalah dorongan untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan guna mencapai tujuan. Teori-teori motivasi seperti hierarki kebutuhan Maslow, teori X dan Y McGregor, dan teori Herzberg menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi.
El documento define la performance como un arte de acci坦n que utiliza el cuerpo y elementos expresivos para comunicar un mensaje de forma inmediata al p炭blico. Surge de antecedentes como rituales ancestrales y manifestaciones art鱈sticas vanguardistas del siglo XX. Algunas caracter鱈sticas clave son la interacci坦n con el p炭blico, el uso de materiales y vestuario variados, y la fusi坦n de distintas disciplinas art鱈sticas. La performance rompe con la noci坦n del arte como objeto y pone al artista en la obra misma. Existen diversas variantes como el body art
Makalah ini membahas tentang jaringan komputer dan konsep dasarnya. Jaringan komputer memungkinkan berbagi sumber daya seperti printer dan aplikasi antar komputer. Ada beberapa topologi jaringan seperti bintang, cincin, pohon dan bus. Makalah ini juga membahas sistem operasi peer-to-peer dan client-server serta jenis-jenis jaringan seperti LAN, WAN dan internet.
Dokumen tersebut membahas implementasi Pancasila di era reformasi. Pancasila sebagai dasar negara semakin kehilangan legitimasi dan rujukan setelah rezim Orde Baru. Namun, Pancasila tetap diakui sebagai ideologi kebangsaan dan dasar negara berdasarkan ketetapan MPR. Dokumen ini menganalisis tantangan dalam melaksanakan Pancasila di era reformasi.
Makalah ini membahas tentang determinan dan cara menghitung determinan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode seperti perkalian elementer, operasi baris elementer, ekspansi kofaktor, dan aturan Cramer. Determinan merupakan nilai penting dalam perhitungan matriks."
Performance art emerged in the late 19th/early 20th century from experimental art and theatrical performances. It creates contact with basic human instincts and concerns through violating borders. The document profiles three influential performance artists: Marina Abramovic, known for physically and emotionally demanding ritualistic performances exploring themes of the Balkans, relationships and vulnerability; Joseph Beuys who used performance, installations and multimedia to promote social and political reform influenced by his experiences in WWII; and Chris Burden who endangered his life in performances addressing sociological and environmental issues.
Performance art is a genre of art that uses the artist's own body as a medium. It emerged in the early 20th century from movements like Dada, Constructivism, and Futurism. Notable early performance artists included Yves Klein and Allan Kaprow, who created Happenings in the 1960s that involved audience participation. Pioneers in the 1970s like Vito Acconci, Chris Burden, and Marina Abramovic tested the boundaries between artist and viewer. Abramovic's 1974 piece Rhythm 0 had dangerous elements. Performance art gained more mainstream acceptance in the 1980s and 1990s, with works by Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh and Karen Finley.
Makalah ini membahas tentang kehidupan beragama di lingkungan keluarga. Pembahasan meliputi keluarga ilahi menurut Alkitab, hubungan antara suami-istri dan orang tua-anak, serta pembentukan kepribadian anak secara agamis di lingkungan keluarga melalui kasih, disiplin, dan kehadiran Kristus. Makalah ini juga membahas pentingnya ritual keagamaan seperti family altar dalam memupuk kehidupan beragama yang
O documento discute os conceitos de atuante, texto e p炭blico na performance art鱈stica. Ele tamb辿m aborda determina巽探es espaciais e temporais, hibridez entre artes, e exemplos de performances realizadas por artistas como Ping Chong, Alex Oliveira, Ricardo Alvarenga e Cindy Sherman.
El documento resume la historia y evoluci坦n del performance art, destacando sus or鱈genes en el happening de los a単os 60, el movimiento Fluxus y el teatro de la crueldad de Artaud. Tambi辿n describe las diferentes variantes del g辿nero como el body art y behaviour art, as鱈 como los materiales y vestuarios utilizados. Finalmente, resalta las contribuciones pioneras de Charlotte Moorman y Nam June Paik al fusionar la m炭sica, el v鱈deo y la performance.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang matriks, dimulai dari pengertian matriks, kamus data matriks, pemrosesan matriks seperti pengisian elemen, penjumlahan, dan perkalian matriks, serta pendekatan penyimpanan matriks jarang menggunakan array tunggal.
Este documento lista recursos que pueden usarse en una performance art鱈stica. Entre los recursos se incluyen el cuerpo humano, la danza, la luz, el sonido, las instalaciones, las met叩foras, el vestuario, la pintura, los textos, y la poes鱈a visual. La imaginaci坦n del artista es el l鱈mite principal a la hora de decidir qu辿 recursos usar.
El documento resume la historia y caracter鱈sticas del performance art, incluyendo sus or鱈genes en movimientos de principios del siglo XX como el futurismo, dada鱈smo y surrealismo. Explica diferentes tipos de performance como el happening, fluxus, body art, sniggling, acci坦n po辿tica e intervenciones. Tambi辿n menciona artistas reconocidos como Marina Abramovic, Joseph Beuys y eventos espec鱈ficos como la plantaci坦n de un 叩rbol en Puerto Rico.
This document provides an overview of Nouveau R辿alisme and Pop Art movements in Europe and America during the 1950s and 1960s. It features over 100 artworks by major figures like Yves Klein, Arman, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, and others. The artworks depicted range from paintings and sculptures to installations, films, and photographs that incorporate popular imagery and objects in new ways.
Accessible Everywhere On your iPad, iPhone, at home, at vacation... even on the beach. As long as you have a device with internet access, you can access both Bidify and the Bidsson Auction.
La performance es una forma de arte esc辿nico que involucra acciones en vivo del artista y tiene ra鱈ces en el happening y el arte conceptual. Se desarroll坦 en la d辿cada de 1960 de la mano de pioneros como Joseph Beuys, Marina Abramovi y Carolee Schneemann. La performance se distingue de otras artes por centrarse en el cuerpo del artista y la relaci坦n con la audiencia m叩s que en un objeto.
Motivasi karyawan berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja. Motivasi adalah dorongan untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan guna mencapai tujuan. Teori-teori motivasi seperti hierarki kebutuhan Maslow, teori X dan Y McGregor, dan teori Herzberg menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi.
El documento define la performance como un arte de acci坦n que utiliza el cuerpo y elementos expresivos para comunicar un mensaje de forma inmediata al p炭blico. Surge de antecedentes como rituales ancestrales y manifestaciones art鱈sticas vanguardistas del siglo XX. Algunas caracter鱈sticas clave son la interacci坦n con el p炭blico, el uso de materiales y vestuario variados, y la fusi坦n de distintas disciplinas art鱈sticas. La performance rompe con la noci坦n del arte como objeto y pone al artista en la obra misma. Existen diversas variantes como el body art
Makalah ini membahas tentang jaringan komputer dan konsep dasarnya. Jaringan komputer memungkinkan berbagi sumber daya seperti printer dan aplikasi antar komputer. Ada beberapa topologi jaringan seperti bintang, cincin, pohon dan bus. Makalah ini juga membahas sistem operasi peer-to-peer dan client-server serta jenis-jenis jaringan seperti LAN, WAN dan internet.
Dokumen tersebut membahas implementasi Pancasila di era reformasi. Pancasila sebagai dasar negara semakin kehilangan legitimasi dan rujukan setelah rezim Orde Baru. Namun, Pancasila tetap diakui sebagai ideologi kebangsaan dan dasar negara berdasarkan ketetapan MPR. Dokumen ini menganalisis tantangan dalam melaksanakan Pancasila di era reformasi.
Makalah ini membahas tentang determinan dan cara menghitung determinan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode seperti perkalian elementer, operasi baris elementer, ekspansi kofaktor, dan aturan Cramer. Determinan merupakan nilai penting dalam perhitungan matriks."
Performance art emerged in the late 19th/early 20th century from experimental art and theatrical performances. It creates contact with basic human instincts and concerns through violating borders. The document profiles three influential performance artists: Marina Abramovic, known for physically and emotionally demanding ritualistic performances exploring themes of the Balkans, relationships and vulnerability; Joseph Beuys who used performance, installations and multimedia to promote social and political reform influenced by his experiences in WWII; and Chris Burden who endangered his life in performances addressing sociological and environmental issues.
Performance art is a genre of art that uses the artist's own body as a medium. It emerged in the early 20th century from movements like Dada, Constructivism, and Futurism. Notable early performance artists included Yves Klein and Allan Kaprow, who created Happenings in the 1960s that involved audience participation. Pioneers in the 1970s like Vito Acconci, Chris Burden, and Marina Abramovic tested the boundaries between artist and viewer. Abramovic's 1974 piece Rhythm 0 had dangerous elements. Performance art gained more mainstream acceptance in the 1980s and 1990s, with works by Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh and Karen Finley.
Makalah ini membahas tentang kehidupan beragama di lingkungan keluarga. Pembahasan meliputi keluarga ilahi menurut Alkitab, hubungan antara suami-istri dan orang tua-anak, serta pembentukan kepribadian anak secara agamis di lingkungan keluarga melalui kasih, disiplin, dan kehadiran Kristus. Makalah ini juga membahas pentingnya ritual keagamaan seperti family altar dalam memupuk kehidupan beragama yang
O documento discute os conceitos de atuante, texto e p炭blico na performance art鱈stica. Ele tamb辿m aborda determina巽探es espaciais e temporais, hibridez entre artes, e exemplos de performances realizadas por artistas como Ping Chong, Alex Oliveira, Ricardo Alvarenga e Cindy Sherman.
El documento resume la historia y evoluci坦n del performance art, destacando sus or鱈genes en el happening de los a単os 60, el movimiento Fluxus y el teatro de la crueldad de Artaud. Tambi辿n describe las diferentes variantes del g辿nero como el body art y behaviour art, as鱈 como los materiales y vestuarios utilizados. Finalmente, resalta las contribuciones pioneras de Charlotte Moorman y Nam June Paik al fusionar la m炭sica, el v鱈deo y la performance.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang matriks, dimulai dari pengertian matriks, kamus data matriks, pemrosesan matriks seperti pengisian elemen, penjumlahan, dan perkalian matriks, serta pendekatan penyimpanan matriks jarang menggunakan array tunggal.
Este documento lista recursos que pueden usarse en una performance art鱈stica. Entre los recursos se incluyen el cuerpo humano, la danza, la luz, el sonido, las instalaciones, las met叩foras, el vestuario, la pintura, los textos, y la poes鱈a visual. La imaginaci坦n del artista es el l鱈mite principal a la hora de decidir qu辿 recursos usar.
El documento resume la historia y caracter鱈sticas del performance art, incluyendo sus or鱈genes en movimientos de principios del siglo XX como el futurismo, dada鱈smo y surrealismo. Explica diferentes tipos de performance como el happening, fluxus, body art, sniggling, acci坦n po辿tica e intervenciones. Tambi辿n menciona artistas reconocidos como Marina Abramovic, Joseph Beuys y eventos espec鱈ficos como la plantaci坦n de un 叩rbol en Puerto Rico.
The document lists several American pop artists from the 1960s including Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, and Roy Lichtenstein. It provides information on some of their most famous works such as Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans, Kiss, and Mao paintings as well as James Rosenquist's F-111 and President Elect works and Roy Lichtenstein's Drowning Girl and Girl with Ball paintings. The document appears to be cataloging major pop art pieces made in the 1960s and their artists.
The document lists several American pop artists from the 1960s including Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, and Roy Lichtenstein. It provides information on some of their most famous works such as Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans, Kiss, and Mao paintings as well as James Rosenquist's F-111 and President Elect works and Roy Lichtenstein's Drowning Girl and Girl with Ball paintings. The document appears to be cataloging major pop art pieces made in the 1960s and their artists.
The document lists several American pop artists from the 1960s including Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, and Roy Lichtenstein. It provides information on some of their most famous works such as Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans, Kiss, and Mao paintings as well as James Rosenquist's F-111 and President Elect works and Roy Lichtenstein's Drowning Girl and Girl with Ball paintings. The document appears to be cataloging major pop art pieces made in the 1960s and their artists.
The document lists several pop art works from the 1960s by American artists Roy Lichtenstein, Tom Wesselmann, Claes Oldenburg, and George Segal. It includes Lichtenstein's comic book-inspired paintings Whaam! and Little Big Painting, as well as his mirror piece Mirror #1. Works by Tom Wesselmann include his collage Still Life No. 12 and painting Great American Nude No. 57. Claes Oldenburg is represented by his storefront installation The Store, collage Underwear, and glass and enamel sculpture Pastry Case. Oldenburg also created the installation Floor Cake. George Segal is known for his plaster sculptures The Diner and Parking Garage.
The document lists several American pop artists from the 1960s including Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, and Roy Lichtenstein. It provides information on some of their most famous works such as Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans, Kiss, and Mao paintings as well as James Rosenquist's F-111 and President Elect works and Roy Lichtenstein's Drowning Girl and Girl with Ball paintings. The document appears to be cataloging major pop art pieces made in the 1960s and their artists.
This document provides an overview of key artists and works from the Pop Art movement from the 1950s-1960s. It includes brief descriptions and information on artworks by Richard Hamilton, Eduardo Paolozzi, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and Andy Warhol that helped establish Pop Art as a new genre focused on mass production and popular culture. The works incorporate techniques like collage, silkscreening, and incorporate everyday objects and imagery from advertisements, celebrities, and product branding into fine art.
The document lists several pop art works from the 1960s by American artists Roy Lichtenstein, Tom Wesselmann, Claes Oldenburg, and George Segal. It includes Lichtenstein's comic book-inspired paintings Whaam! and Little Big Painting, as well as his mirror piece Mirror #1. Works by Tom Wesselmann include his collage Still Life No. 12 and painting Great American Nude No. 57. Claes Oldenburg is represented by his storefront installation The Store, collage Underwear, and glass and enamel sculpture Pastry Case. Oldenburg also created the installation Floor Cake. George Segal is known for his plaster sculptures The Diner and Parking Garage.
The document lists several American pop artists from the 1960s including Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, and Roy Lichtenstein. It provides information on some of their most famous works such as Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans, Kiss, and Mao paintings as well as James Rosenquist's F-111 and President Elect works and Roy Lichtenstein's Drowning Girl and Girl with Ball paintings. The document appears to be cataloging major pop art pieces made in the 1960s and their artists.
This document provides an overview of key artists and works from the Pop Art movement from the 1950s-1960s. It includes brief descriptions and information on mediums for works by Richard Hamilton, Eduardo Paolozzi, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and Andy Warhol. Some of the highlighted works include Richard Hamilton's "Just what is it that makes todays homes so different, so appealing?" (1956), Jasper Johns' "Flag" (1954-55), Robert Rauschenberg's "Bed" (1955) and "Monogram" (1959), and Andy Warhol's "Marilyn Diptych" (1962).