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The Future of Fly Ash:
Dystopia or Hysteria?
Larry Sutter Ph.D., P.E., F.ASTM, F.ACI
Materials Science & Engineering
Michigan Technological University
 We expect one key property from concrete: Longevity
 Service demands have increased
 Use of aggressive deicing chemicals
 Increased expectations for reduced environmental
impact and lower initial and lifecycle costs
 SCMs assist meeting these goals
 cementitious material, supplementary, (SCM) - an inorganic
material that contributes to the properties of a cementitious mixture
through hydraulic or pozzolanic activity, or both
 DISCUSSIONSome examples of supplementary cementitious
materials are fly ash, silica fume, slag cement, rice husk ash, and
natural pozzolans. In practice, these materials are used in
combination with portland cement. (ASTM C125)
 cementitious material (hydraulic) - an inorganic material or a
mixture of inorganic materials that sets and develops strength by
chemical reaction with water by formation of hydrates and is capable
of doing so under water (ASTM C125)
Hydration Reaction
 Reaction of hydraulic cementitious materials with water results in production of
calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide (CH), also ettringite and
other hydrated aluminate phases (C-A-H)
 Examples: portland cement, slag cement, Class C fly ash
 Hydraulic Reaction:
Hydraulic Cement + Water C-S-H + CH
 C-S-H provides strength  desirable product
 CH provides little strength and is soluble, also is a reactant in many MRD
mechanisms  undesirable product
 SCMs consume CH through the pozzolanic reaction
 Improves strength
 Increases paste density
 Reduces alkali (ASR mitigation)
 Reduces rate of heat evolution due to hydration reaction
 Slower strength development
Hydration Reaction: Cement + Water C-S-H + CH
Pozzolanic Reaction: Pozzolan + CH + Water C-S-H
Pozzolanic Reaction
Effects of SCMs on Properly Cured Hardened Concrete
Reduced No/Little Effect
Fly ash Slag
Increase Varies
Strength Gain
Abrasion Resistance
Freeze-Thaw and Deicer-Scaling
Drying Shrinkage and Creep
Alkali-Silica Reactivity
Chemical Resistance
Concrete Color
Effects of SCMs on Properly Cured Hardened Concrete
Reduced No/Little Effect
Fly ash Slag
Increase Varies
Strength Gain
Abrasion Resistance
Freeze-Thaw and Deicer-Scaling
Drying Shrinkage and Creep
Alkali-Silica Reactivity
Chemical Resistance
Concrete Color
 Coal Fly Ash
 Silica Fume
General Characteristics - Composition
Increasing silica
Low calcium oxide
Increasing calcium
Moderate Silica
General Characteristics  Particle Size &
2 0
mic ro ns
2 0
mic ro ns
2 0
mic ro ns
2 0
mic ro ns
Slag Cement
Silica Fume
 The finely divided residue that
results from the process of
combustion of ground or
powdered coal and that is
transported by flue gasses
(ASTM 2015)
 Produced from pulverized coal
 Fuel stream may have other
components such as limestone,
trona, other additives for
pollution control
Coal Fly Ash
Coal Fly Ash Production
 Airborne residue from
coal combustion
processes collected from
the flue gases by a
variety of means
 Fabric filters
Coal Fly Ash Production
 Quality and consistency depends in part on burning conditions and fuel sources
 An important characteristic of coal combustion fly ash is the presence of residual
carbon intermixed with the fly ash
 Natural product of combustion  more prevalent in Class F ash
 Powder activated carbon (PAC) added to achieve pollution control goals
 Not all ash produced is acceptable for use in concrete
 Non-spec ash may be useful for other construction applications
 CLSM (flowable fill)
 Subgrade stabilization
Fly Ash Specification
 Fly ash is specified under ASTM C618 (AASHTO M 295) Standard
Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan
for Use in Concrete
 Chemical Requirements
 Classified based on the sum of the oxides (SUM) RECENT CHANGE
SUM (wt.%) = % SiO2 + % Al2O3 + % Fe2O3
 Class F and Class C  SUM  50%
 Class F  CaO  18% (low calcium oxide)
 Class C  CaO > 18% (high calcium oxide)
 Class N  SUM  70% (natural pozzolan source only)
Coal Fly Ash Specification
Class C Class F
Increasing Hydraulic Activity Increasing Pozzolonic Activity
Coal Fly Ash Specification
Shehata & Thomas, 2002
Shashiprakash and Thomas 2001
McCarthy et al 1990
Coal Fly Ash Specification
 Key Physical Requirements
 Fineness  amount retained on 325 mesh sieve
- Limit of 34% all classes
 Strength Activity Index (SAI)  relative strength of a mortar with
80% portland, 20% fly ash compared to control (100% portland
- Limit of 75% of control, all classes at 7 or 28 day
Strength Activity Index
Strength Activity Index
 Strength Activity Index is questioned as it allows inert materials to pass
 Experiments performed with non-pozzolanic quartz filler  at 20% replacement
they all pass the SAI
 Need a new test to measure SCM reactivity
Strength Activity Index Coal Fly Ash Characteristics
 Improved workability
 Decreased heat of hydration
 Reduced cost
 Potential increased sulfate
resistance and alkali-silica
reaction (ASR) mitigation
 Increased late strength, and
decreased shrinkage and
 Air-entraining admixture
adsorption by residual carbon in
the fly ash
 Slow initial strength gain (Class F)
 Fly ash variability
 How reactive is it?
Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment
 Air entraining admixtures (AEAs)
 organic compounds used to entrain a controlled amount of air
 AEAs typically contain ionic and non-ionic
surfactants made of natural sources such as
wood resins, tall oil, or synthetic chemicals
Schematic view of AEA molecule
Ionic portion (has a charge)
Strong attraction to water (hydrophilic)
Non-ionic (has no charge)
Little or no attraction to water (hydrophobic)
 Hydrophilic, anionic polar groups
(i.e. head) sorb strongly to the ionic
cement particles
 Hydrophobic, non-polar end of the
surfactants (i.e. tail) orient towards
the solution
 Stabilize (entrain) air bubbles,
prevent coalescing into larger
Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment
 Carbon in fly ash adsorbs
AEA from the concrete mix
 Reduces the amount of
AEA remaining in the water
to a point where the AEA is
no longer able to stabilize
the required volume of air
Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment
 Carbon content in fly ash is estimated by the loss on ignition
(LOI) test
 Determines the total volatile materials, not just carbon
 Test does not characterize the adsorption capacity of the carbon - most
 Two ashes can have the same LOI content but affect air
entrainment very differently
 Newly developed tests, such as the foam index test, iodine
number test, and direct adsorption isotherm test, provide
different approaches to measuring ash adsorption (NCHRP 749)
Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment
 An emerging issue is the use of powdered-activated carbon
(PAC) as an additive in the coal combustion process to
adsorb mercury from flue gases
 PAC is highly adsorptive
 A small amount may not significantly affect the LOI value but can
drastically affect the ash adsorption properties
 As PAC is more commonly included in coal fly ash, the need
for adsorption-based tests and specifications will increase
Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment
ASR Mitigation with Fly Ash
 Class F ash (pozzolanic) best at ASR mitigation
 Pozzolanic materials consume CH, reducing hydroxyl ions in pore
water, leads to ASR mitigation
 Because of the variability in ash properties, it is important to verify an
ashs mitigation potential
 Testing Fly Ash Mitigation  all tests are empirical, which means they
are based on experience and observation
 An empirical test only means something if you do it the same way
when testing, as you did when you made the observation and created
the test
ASR Mitigation with Fly Ash
 ASTM C1293 Concrete Prism Test
 Currently the most reliable test available  not infallible
 Not quick  one year minimum  two years when
validating SCM replacement
 Known drawbacks include alkali leaching that can lead to
errors in estimating the alkali threshold need for ASR to
ASR Mitigation with Fly Ash
 ASTM C1567
 Accelerated Mortar Bar Test
 Based on ASTM C1260
 Cannot be used unless
there is a reasonable
correlation between C1260
and C1293 for the
aggregate in question
Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity (AAR) Facts Book. Thomas, M.D.A., Fournier, B., Folliard, K.J.
ASTM C1293 Data
0.04% at 2 years
Specification Limit
ASTM C1567 Data  14 day (standard)
0.10% at 14 days
Specification Limit
ASTM C1567 Data  28 day (non-
0.10% at 14 days
Specification Limit
So whats the problem? The Problem
 Fly ash supplies are challenged by plant closures and
conversions to natural gas
 Fly ash spot shortages have been reported in many U.S.
 Concerns center on the fact that no other material is
available with the reserves that fly ash historically has
Coal-fired Power Plants are Being
Retired Navajo Generating Station
 2250 megawatt net coal-
fired powerplant
 Largest coal fired
electrical generating
station west of the
 Produces approximately
500,000 tons a year of
Class F fly ash
 Closed 2020
Coal-fired Power Plants are Being Retired
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2019
2020 2035
Ash Production is Dropping
So Whats Up With Fly Ash?
 Domestic fly ash production (new production) will be gradually
decreasing over the next 20 years and beyond
 Domestic production is predicted to stabilize (next 5 years)  reductions in
coalfired power will plateau (EIA 2019)
 Fewer plants, running at a higher percentage of capacity
 Suppliers believe that although total reserves may decrease, the volume of
quality ash as a percentage of total production will increase due to dry
handling  no more ponding
 Harvested ash from landfills/ponds will become a significant
fraction of the total reserves
So What Else is Up With Fly Ash?
 Other Challenges
 Pollution control measures will affect fresh ash
 Powdered Activated Carbon
 Competing with other markets for the material
 Lower supply  consider ash once rejected?
 Harvested Ash  A New Frontier
 What will replace fly ash if needed?
 * Slag cement (existing solution)
 * Harvested fly ash (emerging solution)
 * Ash Imports (emerging solution)
 Natural pozzolans (existing solution)
 Lower quality fly ash (last resort)
 New Materials (colloidal silica, ground glass)
 Straight cement
Are existing tests
and specifications
Slag Cement
 Produced from blast-furnace slag (reduction of
iron ore) in a blast furnace
 Predominately glassy structure with a composition
very similar to OPC.
 Slag cement is hydraulic and produces calcium
silicate hydrate (CSH) as a hydration product
hot slag
Slag is changed to glassy sand like
substance known as granulated blast
furnace slag  GBFS  then ground
Graphics used by permissionof the
Slag Cement Association
Slag Cement - Hydration
 Slag cement is hydraulic and produces calcium silicate hydrate
(C-S-H) as a hydration product
 Slag cement reacts slower than portland cement
 Hydration of portland cement produces C-S-H and CH
 CH reacts with the slag cement, breaking down the glass phases and causing the
material to react with water and form C-S-H
 Slag cement is not pozzolanic
 It does consume CH by binding alkalis in its hydration products
 Provides the benefits of a pozzolan
Slag Cement - Specification
 ASTM C989 (AASHTO M 302) Standard Specification for Slag
Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars
 Classifies the material under three categories: Grade 80, Grade
100, and Grade120
 The grade classification refers to the relative strength of mortar
cubes using the SAI test with a 50% replacement of OPC
 Uses standard reference cement
 75% of the Control 28-day strength = Grade 80
 95% of the Control 28-day strength = Grade 100
 115% of the Control 28-day strength = Grade 120
Slag Cement
 Because slag cement reacts slow:
 Setting time can be increased significantly compared to OPC concrete
 Has lower heat evolution making slag cement ideal for mass concrete placement where
control of internal temperatures is critical - up to 80% replacement of OPC with slag
cement is used for mass concrete
 Curing is essential for all concrete; it is even more critical with slag-cement-based concrete
 The slower reaction rate, especially at lower temperatures, is often overlooked, and this can
lead to scaling when not properly cured
 Slag cement is effective at mitigating ASR
 Requires higher replacement rates than Class F ash (e.g., > 50%)
Harvested Ash
 Significant volumes of high-
quality fly ash have been
 Approximately 2000 million
short tons produced 1974 -
 Approximately 650 million
short tons used 1974  2013
 ~33% utilization  1350 million
short tons disposed
 Not all is recoverable, but a
large fraction is
Production and Use of Coal Combustion Products in the U.S. ARTBA 2015
20.1 tons used
36.2 tons produced
Harvested Ash
 With diminishing production, ash marketers are turning to land
fills & ash ponds to recover fly ash
 Most harvested sources are Class F ash
 Limited research to date on performance of harvested ash
 All harvested sources will require processing
 Could lead to more uniformity - or less - depending upon
source and degree of processing
Harvested Ash
 Uniformity  ash in ponds will stratify based on density and strata in
land fills/ponds will represent different coal sources and burning
 Weathering  Does storage alter the chemical or physical nature of
the ash?
 Adulteration  many land fills/ponds hold bottom ash, scrubber
residue, and other wastes in addition to ash
 Infiltration  clays and other materials may infiltrate and co-deposit
 Testing  do current specifications provide tests & limits that will
adequately screen harvested ash?
Harvested Ash
 Concerns (continued)
 Current federal and state regulations require near-term closure of disposal
ponds, leaving insufficient time to recover and use all available ash
 Power producers have little to no incentive to use ash beneficially, closure
(cap-in-place) is the lowest cost option.
 Benefits of landfilled ash
 Well over a billion tons of ash in disposal
 Proper processing could provide a more uniform product
 Significant reserves could help limit cost increases although processing
will add costs
Imported Ash
Coal-fired Power Plants are Being
Source: CarbonBrief
Coal-fired Power Plants are Being
Source: CarbonBrief
 Certainly in the near term, and potentially long term, imports
will become a significant source
 Imports are already a significant contributor in some markets
 China is COMMITTED to keeping shipping costs low, making
imports cost effective (i.e., producing a large number of ocean-going
cargo ships at a fraction of the cost of western countries)
 For imports. issues of quality must be considered - TESTING
Natural Pozzolans
 With issues of availability for other SCMs, natural pozzolans and ASCMs are
attracting interest within the industry
 Examples of natural pozzolans include
 Some diatomaceous earths
 Opaline cherts and shale
 Volcanic ashes
 Various calcined clays and shales
 Some natural pozzolans can be used as mined
 Most require processing such as drying, calcining, or grinding - TESTING
Lower Quality - Increased Need for Testing
 So called off-spec ash is being considered
 Note: Existing ash specifications do not address performance (i.e.,
meeting the specification does not guarantee performance)
 If performance of a material can be demonstrated  use it
 Common off-spec issues
 Materials that are not coal fly ash are not off-spec; they are
simply not fly ash  but they may work
 Verify reserves
New Materials  Ground Glass
 Total Production (~ 11 million tons/year in U.S.)
 Container Glass (~ 3 million tons/year in U.S.)
 E-Glass (100,000 lbs/year in U.S.)
 Recycling capacity exceeds generation (U.S. EPA)
 Primary Processing  Grinding
 -325 mesh
 Composition is uniform
Nominal Glass Composition
Soda Lime Glass
Bottle Glass Plate Glass Display Glass
SiO2 71 71 63 60
Al2O3 1.8 0.4 18 12.5
Fe2O3 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.4
B2O3 0.01 0.02 2.0 0.0
MgO 0.90 3.9 2.5 2.9
CaO 11 9.3 0.1 21
Na2O 13 13 13 0.75
K2O 0.5 0.05 0.0 0.06
Bottom Ash
 ASTM is discussing a Class B for bottom ash
 Mimics the properties of the fly ash from the same coal but attributes
are subdued, relative to the fly ash
 Contributes to concrete properties
 Mitigates ASR
 Angular  increased water demand
 Commonly comingled with fly ash in harvested materials
Green, B. ACI Materials Journal, SP-254-8, 121132, 2008.
Kudyba-Jansen, A., Hintzen, H., Metselaar, R. Materials
Research Bulletin, 36, 1215  1230, 2001.
Class F Fly Ash
Colloidal Silica
Colloidal Silica
After J. Belkowitz, Intelligent Concrete LLC
Alternative SCMs
 Inorganic materials that react, as a pozzolan or hydraulic cement, and
beneficially contribute to the strength, durability, workability, or other
characteristics of concrete, and do not meet ASTM specifications
C618, C989, and C1240
 Examples include some slags or fly ash from co-combustion
processes such as coal with biomass
 Used in limited applications in some markets
 ASTM C1709 Standard Guide for Evaluation of Alternative
Supplementary Cementitious Materials (ASCM) for Use in Concrete was
developed to provide a clear methodology for evaluating these
Ternary Mixtures
 Concrete mixtures that contain OPC and two other materials in
the binder fraction
 The binder materials may be combined at the batch plant, or obtained as
a pre-blended product
 In general, ternary mixtures perform in a manner that can be
predicted by knowing the characteristics of the individual
 One benefit of ternary mixtures is that negative properties of a
one SCM can be offset by positive properties of another
Straight Cement?
 Once 3:5:6 doesnt apply (e.g., 6:6:6) the cement
replacement advantage is diminished
 Sustainability goals are important only if incentivized
 A higher cement content (low alkali loading) is not out of
reality IF the mixture meets performance
 ASR mitigation
 Sulfate attack prevention
 Physical properties
ASR Risk Mitigation - AASHTO
What about tests and specifications?
 Existing tests and specifications provide little information on performance
 As harvested materials and other sources become more common, new tests and
specifications are required that relate to performance (i.e., pozzolanic activity,
hydraulic activity, particle size, adsorption)
 Need to let go of historic limits/tests established in a completely different concrete
world that mean little now (e.g., SAI test, LOI)
 Specifications need to include blending SCMs
 Need to get more materials in the market while improving performance and quality
Trends in Specifications
 Concerns with consistent performance & use of harvested ash have caused
ASTM & AASHTO to re-evaluate specifications
 Measure reactivity (done)
 R3 tests (rapid, reliable, reproducible)  measure heat released by isothermal
calorimetry or else measure bound water - both for SCM exposed to CH solution
 Lime Pozzolanic Activity Test
 Particle size  need a better test
 Consider modifications to SAI
 Measure efficiency
Trends in Specifications
 Recently removed the Effectiveness in Controlling ASR test & limits
 Adsorption potential  just passed the foam index test at ASTM
 Use adsorption based tests rather than LOI
 Remove Autoclave soundness - nothing fails (pending)
 Remove available alkali test - Not required to assess ASR mitigation
 New natural pozzolan specification (pending)
 New performance-based specification (pending)
 SCMs are essential to concrete durability
 Key materials
 Fly Ash
 Slag cement
 Silica fume
 Emerging Materials
 Natural pozzolans
 Alternative SCMs
 All SCMs are expected to favorably affect the following but each
does so in varying degrees
 Heat of hydration
 ASR and Sulfate attack mitigation
 SCMs may or may not favorably affect the following
 Early strength
 Rate of strength gain
 Availability and use of SCMs is changing  fly ash is in short supply in
some markets
 Traditional material supplies will be challenged
 Trends will be towards more ternary mixtures where blends of SCMs
will be used
 New materials will enter the market place
 Testing of all materials and verification of performance in concrete will
become more important moving forward
 Near term solutions
 Other SCMs (e.g., slag, ground glass, natural pozzolans)
 Harvested Ash
 Straight cement  possible  durability may suffer if not
approached carefully

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  • 1. 12/3/2020 The Future of Fly Ash: Dystopia or Hysteria? Larry Sutter Ph.D., P.E., F.ASTM, F.ACI Materials Science & Engineering Michigan Technological University Background We expect one key property from concrete: Longevity Service demands have increased Use of aggressive deicing chemicals Increased expectations for reduced environmental impact and lower initial and lifecycle costs SCMs assist meeting these goals Definitions cementitious material, supplementary, (SCM) - an inorganic material that contributes to the properties of a cementitious mixture through hydraulic or pozzolanic activity, or both DISCUSSIONSome examples of supplementary cementitious materials are fly ash, silica fume, slag cement, rice husk ash, and natural pozzolans. In practice, these materials are used in combination with portland cement. (ASTM C125) cementitious material (hydraulic) - an inorganic material or a mixture of inorganic materials that sets and develops strength by chemical reaction with water by formation of hydrates and is capable of doing so under water (ASTM C125) Hydration Reaction Reaction of hydraulic cementitious materials with water results in production of calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide (CH), also ettringite and other hydrated aluminate phases (C-A-H) Examples: portland cement, slag cement, Class C fly ash Hydraulic Reaction: Hydraulic Cement + Water C-S-H + CH C-S-H provides strength desirable product CH provides little strength and is soluble, also is a reactant in many MRD mechanisms undesirable product
  • 2. 12/3/2020 SCMs consume CH through the pozzolanic reaction Improves strength Increases paste density Reduces alkali (ASR mitigation) Reduces rate of heat evolution due to hydration reaction Slower strength development Hydration Reaction: Cement + Water C-S-H + CH Pozzolanic Reaction: Pozzolan + CH + Water C-S-H Pozzolanic Reaction Effects of SCMs on Properly Cured Hardened Concrete Reduced No/Little Effect Fly ash Slag Silica fume Natural Pozzolan Increase Varies Strength Gain Abrasion Resistance Freeze-Thaw and Deicer-Scaling Resistance Drying Shrinkage and Creep Permeability Alkali-Silica Reactivity Chemical Resistance Carbonation Concrete Color Effects of SCMs on Properly Cured Hardened Concrete Reduced No/Little Effect Fly ash Slag Silica fume Natural Pozzolan Increase Varies Strength Gain Abrasion Resistance Freeze-Thaw and Deicer-Scaling Resistance Drying Shrinkage and Creep Permeability Alkali-Silica Reactivity Chemical Resistance Carbonation Concrete Color Coal Fly Ash Slag Cement Silica Fume General Characteristics - Composition Increasing silica Low calcium oxide Pozzolanic Increasing calcium oxide Moderate Silica Hydraulic
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  • 6. 12/3/2020 Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment Air entraining admixtures (AEAs) organic compounds used to entrain a controlled amount of air AEAs typically contain ionic and non-ionic surfactants made of natural sources such as wood resins, tall oil, or synthetic chemicals Schematic view of AEA molecule Head Ionic portion (has a charge) Strong attraction to water (hydrophilic) Tail Non-ionic (has no charge) Little or no attraction to water (hydrophobic) Hydrophilic, anionic polar groups (i.e. head) sorb strongly to the ionic cement particles Hydrophobic, non-polar end of the surfactants (i.e. tail) orient towards the solution Stabilize (entrain) air bubbles, prevent coalescing into larger bubbles Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment Carbon in fly ash adsorbs AEA from the concrete mix water Reduces the amount of AEA remaining in the water to a point where the AEA is no longer able to stabilize the required volume of air bubbles Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment Carbon content in fly ash is estimated by the loss on ignition (LOI) test Determines the total volatile materials, not just carbon Test does not characterize the adsorption capacity of the carbon - most important Two ashes can have the same LOI content but affect air entrainment very differently Newly developed tests, such as the foam index test, iodine number test, and direct adsorption isotherm test, provide different approaches to measuring ash adsorption (NCHRP 749) Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment
  • 7. 12/3/2020 An emerging issue is the use of powdered-activated carbon (PAC) as an additive in the coal combustion process to adsorb mercury from flue gases PAC is highly adsorptive A small amount may not significantly affect the LOI value but can drastically affect the ash adsorption properties As PAC is more commonly included in coal fly ash, the need for adsorption-based tests and specifications will increase Fly Ash Carbon Affect on Air Entrainment ASR Mitigation with Fly Ash Class F ash (pozzolanic) best at ASR mitigation Pozzolanic materials consume CH, reducing hydroxyl ions in pore water, leads to ASR mitigation Because of the variability in ash properties, it is important to verify an ashs mitigation potential Testing Fly Ash Mitigation all tests are empirical, which means they are based on experience and observation An empirical test only means something if you do it the same way when testing, as you did when you made the observation and created the test ASR Mitigation with Fly Ash ASTM C1293 Concrete Prism Test Currently the most reliable test available not infallible Not quick one year minimum two years when validating SCM replacement Known drawbacks include alkali leaching that can lead to errors in estimating the alkali threshold need for ASR to occur
  • 8. 12/3/2020 ASR Mitigation with Fly Ash ASTM C1567 Accelerated Mortar Bar Test Based on ASTM C1260 Cannot be used unless there is a reasonable correlation between C1260 and C1293 for the aggregate in question Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity (AAR) Facts Book. Thomas, M.D.A., Fournier, B., Folliard, K.J. ASTM C1293 Data 0.04% at 2 years Specification Limit ASTM C1567 Data 14 day (standard) 0.10% at 14 days Specification Limit ASTM C1567 Data 28 day (non- standard) 0.10% at 14 days Specification Limit
  • 9. 12/3/2020 So whats the problem? The Problem Fly ash supplies are challenged by plant closures and conversions to natural gas Fly ash spot shortages have been reported in many U.S. markets Concerns center on the fact that no other material is available with the reserves that fly ash historically has provided Coal-fired Power Plants are Being Retired Navajo Generating Station 2250 megawatt net coal- fired powerplant Largest coal fired electrical generating station west of the Mississippi Produces approximately 500,000 tons a year of Class F fly ash Closed 2020
  • 10. 12/3/2020 Coal-fired Power Plants are Being Retired Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2019 2020 2035 Ash Production is Dropping So Whats Up With Fly Ash? Domestic fly ash production (new production) will be gradually decreasing over the next 20 years and beyond Domestic production is predicted to stabilize (next 5 years) reductions in coalfired power will plateau (EIA 2019) Fewer plants, running at a higher percentage of capacity Suppliers believe that although total reserves may decrease, the volume of quality ash as a percentage of total production will increase due to dry handling no more ponding Harvested ash from landfills/ponds will become a significant fraction of the total reserves
  • 11. 12/3/2020 So What Else is Up With Fly Ash? Other Challenges Pollution control measures will affect fresh ash Powdered Activated Carbon Trona Competing with other markets for the material Lower supply consider ash once rejected? Harvested Ash A New Frontier Options What will replace fly ash if needed? * Slag cement (existing solution) * Harvested fly ash (emerging solution) * Ash Imports (emerging solution) Natural pozzolans (existing solution) Lower quality fly ash (last resort) New Materials (colloidal silica, ground glass) Straight cement Are existing tests and specifications adequate? Slag Cement Produced from blast-furnace slag (reduction of iron ore) in a blast furnace Predominately glassy structure with a composition very similar to OPC. Slag cement is hydraulic and produces calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) as a hydration product hot slag water Slag is changed to glassy sand like substance known as granulated blast furnace slag GBFS then ground Graphics used by permissionof the Slag Cement Association Slag Cement - Hydration Slag cement is hydraulic and produces calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) as a hydration product Slag cement reacts slower than portland cement Hydration of portland cement produces C-S-H and CH CH reacts with the slag cement, breaking down the glass phases and causing the material to react with water and form C-S-H Slag cement is not pozzolanic It does consume CH by binding alkalis in its hydration products Provides the benefits of a pozzolan
  • 12. 12/3/2020 Slag Cement - Specification ASTM C989 (AASHTO M 302) Standard Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars Classifies the material under three categories: Grade 80, Grade 100, and Grade120 The grade classification refers to the relative strength of mortar cubes using the SAI test with a 50% replacement of OPC Uses standard reference cement 75% of the Control 28-day strength = Grade 80 95% of the Control 28-day strength = Grade 100 115% of the Control 28-day strength = Grade 120 Slag Cement Because slag cement reacts slow: Setting time can be increased significantly compared to OPC concrete Has lower heat evolution making slag cement ideal for mass concrete placement where control of internal temperatures is critical - up to 80% replacement of OPC with slag cement is used for mass concrete Curing is essential for all concrete; it is even more critical with slag-cement-based concrete The slower reaction rate, especially at lower temperatures, is often overlooked, and this can lead to scaling when not properly cured Slag cement is effective at mitigating ASR Requires higher replacement rates than Class F ash (e.g., > 50%) Harvested Ash Significant volumes of high- quality fly ash have been disposed Approximately 2000 million short tons produced 1974 - 2013 Approximately 650 million short tons used 1974 2013 ~33% utilization 1350 million short tons disposed Not all is recoverable, but a large fraction is Production and Use of Coal Combustion Products in the U.S. ARTBA 2015 20.1 tons used 36.2 tons produced Harvested Ash With diminishing production, ash marketers are turning to land fills & ash ponds to recover fly ash Most harvested sources are Class F ash Limited research to date on performance of harvested ash All harvested sources will require processing Drying Sizing Blending Could lead to more uniformity - or less - depending upon source and degree of processing
  • 13. 12/3/2020 Harvested Ash Concerns Uniformity ash in ponds will stratify based on density and strata in land fills/ponds will represent different coal sources and burning conditions Weathering Does storage alter the chemical or physical nature of the ash? Adulteration many land fills/ponds hold bottom ash, scrubber residue, and other wastes in addition to ash Infiltration clays and other materials may infiltrate and co-deposit Testing do current specifications provide tests & limits that will adequately screen harvested ash? Harvested Ash Concerns (continued) Current federal and state regulations require near-term closure of disposal ponds, leaving insufficient time to recover and use all available ash Power producers have little to no incentive to use ash beneficially, closure (cap-in-place) is the lowest cost option. Benefits of landfilled ash Well over a billion tons of ash in disposal Proper processing could provide a more uniform product Significant reserves could help limit cost increases although processing will add costs Imported Ash
  • 14. 12/3/2020 Coal-fired Power Plants are Being Retired? Source: CarbonBrief Coal-fired Power Plants are Being Retired? Source: CarbonBrief Imports Certainly in the near term, and potentially long term, imports will become a significant source Imports are already a significant contributor in some markets China is COMMITTED to keeping shipping costs low, making imports cost effective (i.e., producing a large number of ocean-going cargo ships at a fraction of the cost of western countries) For imports. issues of quality must be considered - TESTING
  • 15. 12/3/2020 Natural Pozzolans With issues of availability for other SCMs, natural pozzolans and ASCMs are attracting interest within the industry Examples of natural pozzolans include Some diatomaceous earths Opaline cherts and shale Tuffs Volcanic ashes Pumicite Various calcined clays and shales Some natural pozzolans can be used as mined Most require processing such as drying, calcining, or grinding - TESTING Lower Quality - Increased Need for Testing So called off-spec ash is being considered Note: Existing ash specifications do not address performance (i.e., meeting the specification does not guarantee performance) If performance of a material can be demonstrated use it Common off-spec issues LOI Fineness Materials that are not coal fly ash are not off-spec; they are simply not fly ash but they may work Verify reserves New Materials Ground Glass Total Production (~ 11 million tons/year in U.S.) Container Glass (~ 3 million tons/year in U.S.) E-Glass (100,000 lbs/year in U.S.) Recycling capacity exceeds generation (U.S. EPA) Primary Processing Grinding -325 mesh Composition is uniform
  • 16. 12/3/2020 Nominal Glass Composition Soda Lime Glass E-Glass Bottle Glass Plate Glass Display Glass SiO2 71 71 63 60 Al2O3 1.8 0.4 18 12.5 Fe2O3 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.4 B2O3 0.01 0.02 2.0 0.0 MgO 0.90 3.9 2.5 2.9 CaO 11 9.3 0.1 21 Na2O 13 13 13 0.75 K2O 0.5 0.05 0.0 0.06 Bottom Ash ASTM is discussing a Class B for bottom ash Mimics the properties of the fly ash from the same coal but attributes are subdued, relative to the fly ash Contributes to concrete properties Mitigates ASR Angular increased water demand Commonly comingled with fly ash in harvested materials Green, B. ACI Materials Journal, SP-254-8, 121132, 2008. Kudyba-Jansen, A., Hintzen, H., Metselaar, R. Materials Research Bulletin, 36, 1215 1230, 2001. Class F Fly Ash Colloidal Silica Colloidal Silica After J. Belkowitz, Intelligent Concrete LLC
  • 17. 12/3/2020 Alternative SCMs Inorganic materials that react, as a pozzolan or hydraulic cement, and beneficially contribute to the strength, durability, workability, or other characteristics of concrete, and do not meet ASTM specifications C618, C989, and C1240 Examples include some slags or fly ash from co-combustion processes such as coal with biomass Used in limited applications in some markets ASTM C1709 Standard Guide for Evaluation of Alternative Supplementary Cementitious Materials (ASCM) for Use in Concrete was developed to provide a clear methodology for evaluating these materials Ternary Mixtures Concrete mixtures that contain OPC and two other materials in the binder fraction The binder materials may be combined at the batch plant, or obtained as a pre-blended product In general, ternary mixtures perform in a manner that can be predicted by knowing the characteristics of the individual ingredients One benefit of ternary mixtures is that negative properties of a one SCM can be offset by positive properties of another Straight Cement? 3:5:6 Once 3:5:6 doesnt apply (e.g., 6:6:6) the cement replacement advantage is diminished Sustainability goals are important only if incentivized A higher cement content (low alkali loading) is not out of reality IF the mixture meets performance ASR mitigation Sulfate attack prevention Physical properties ASR Risk Mitigation - AASHTO
  • 18. 12/3/2020 What about tests and specifications? Existing tests and specifications provide little information on performance As harvested materials and other sources become more common, new tests and specifications are required that relate to performance (i.e., pozzolanic activity, hydraulic activity, particle size, adsorption) Need to let go of historic limits/tests established in a completely different concrete world that mean little now (e.g., SAI test, LOI) Specifications need to include blending SCMs Need to get more materials in the market while improving performance and quality Trends in Specifications Concerns with consistent performance & use of harvested ash have caused ASTM & AASHTO to re-evaluate specifications Measure reactivity (done) R3 tests (rapid, reliable, reproducible) measure heat released by isothermal calorimetry or else measure bound water - both for SCM exposed to CH solution Lime Pozzolanic Activity Test Particle size need a better test Consider modifications to SAI Measure efficiency Trends in Specifications Recently removed the Effectiveness in Controlling ASR test & limits Adsorption potential just passed the foam index test at ASTM Use adsorption based tests rather than LOI Remove Autoclave soundness - nothing fails (pending) Remove available alkali test - Not required to assess ASR mitigation (pending) New natural pozzolan specification (pending) New performance-based specification (pending)
  • 19. 12/3/2020 Summary SCMs are essential to concrete durability Key materials Fly Ash Slag cement Silica fume Emerging Materials Natural pozzolans Alternative SCMs Summary All SCMs are expected to favorably affect the following but each does so in varying degrees Strength Permeability Heat of hydration ASR and Sulfate attack mitigation SCMs may or may not favorably affect the following Early strength Rate of strength gain Cost Summary Availability and use of SCMs is changing fly ash is in short supply in some markets Traditional material supplies will be challenged Trends will be towards more ternary mixtures where blends of SCMs will be used New materials will enter the market place Testing of all materials and verification of performance in concrete will become more important moving forward Summary Near term solutions Other SCMs (e.g., slag, ground glass, natural pozzolans) Imports Harvested Ash Straight cement possible durability may suffer if not approached carefully