The document outlines a 4-step email marketing campaign for Flyer Spirit. Step 1 discusses collecting email addresses from in-store purchases, website accounts, and university databases. Step 2 explains creating tailored emails for different audiences around campus events. Step 3 identifies specific monthly times to send emails coordinated with events like basketball games, alumni weekend, and family weekend. Step 4 provides guidelines for writing the email content consistently across messages.
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Flyer Spirit Power Point 2 2[1]
1. Flyer Spirit
E-Mail Marketing Campaign
Presented by: Kacyn Neu, Lauren Huml, Amanda Peterson,
John Thunander, Kelly Bareswilt, and Lauren Kral
2. Step 1: Collecting E-mail
In store purchases
Sign up and receive a coupon
Users create an account to personalize
Bookstores database of emails
Office of Student Involvement and
Members of Greek Organizations
3. Step 2: Creating a variety of emails
for different target audiences
Things to think about each month when
sending the promotional email:
Target Market
Current Student
Current Students in Greek Organizations
Faculty/ Staff
All Flyer Spirit Customers
Subject line
4. Step 3: Identify specific times to
send out Emails
January: UD Basketball
February: Valentines day
March: Little Sibs weekend
April/May: Graduation/ Move Out
June/July: Alumni Weekend
August: Move in Weekend
September: Greek Week
October: Family Weekend
November: Black Friday (refer to as Red and Blue
December: Christmas
5. January
Event: UD Basketball
Target Market: All Flyer Spirit
Promotion: Promote UD apparel
Subject line: Make a free-throw and
win $10!
6. June/ July
Event: Alumni Weekend
Target Market: All Alumni
Promotion: Apparel associated with
alumni on sale
Subject Line: UD Alumni receive 30% off
7. October
Event: Family Weekend
Target Market: Parents
Promotion: Promote for-the-home merch
Subject: Spend $75 and get a free gift!
8. November
Event: Black Friday (Red and Blue Friday)
Target Market: All Flyer Spirit Customers
Promotion: on-line sales the day after
Subject Line: FREE SHIPPING on Black
9. Step 4: Create the actual Email
Guidelines for writing emails:
Keep the same font throughout all e-mails
Send the same e-mail address each time
Include website in ALL e-mails
Sign the e-mails either from the same department or same
Dont go CAP, underline, bold, or italics crazy
Use the same colors in subject lines (UD colors red and
blue); keep the theme throughout
Keep subject lines short and brief
Use call to attention word in e-mails
Possibly send around the same time each month (e.g. First
Wednesday of the month)
Utilize ATTENTION: state target market in the
subject line