The document discusses Flygt hydro turbines produced by Xylem. It provides an overview of Flygt's history in developing submersible pumps and turbines since 1947. Flygt offers a range of submersible hydro turbines that are reliable, efficient, and easy to install. Their turbines can be used across a variety of site conditions and applications. The document provides specifications for Flygt's turbine models and details their design features. It also discusses Xylem's aftermarket support services to optimize turbine performance.
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çDelys Neres1) O documento contém orações católicas de renúncia, cura e libertação de influências espirituais negativas.
2) Inclui orações para renunciar a espíritos como raiva, medo, luxúria, alcoolismo entre outros.
3) Também contém orações para renunciar a influências de religiões como espiritismo e invocações a santos católicos.
Livro Orações Para Todas As HorasNilson AlmeidaEste documento apresenta várias orações tradicionais católicas em português, com breves explicações sobre cada uma. As orações incluem o Sinal da Cruz, Credo, Pai-Nosso, Ave-Maria, Glória ao Pai, orações para as refeições, atos de fé, esperança e caridade, ato de contrição, orações ao Espírito Santo, anjo da guarda, Salve-Rainha, Consagração a Nossa Senhora, Angelus e Regina Coeli.
DZDzítestigoamigoEste documento trata sobre la iglesia de Cristo, su misión y ministerio en el mundo. Fue publicado por el Comité de Investigación Bíblica de la División Euroafricana de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día en 1993. Incluye siete capítulos que exploran definiciones de la iglesia, la intención de Jesús de fundar una iglesia, la autoridad de la iglesia, la iglesia del remanente, la relación entre la iglesia adventista y el movimiento ecuménico, la iglesia en el
Open The Eyes Of My HeartJello MacaraegThe document is a song about opening one's heart to see God. It repeats the phrase "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord" and expresses a desire to see God lifted up and shining in glory, pouring out power and love as the singer cries out that God is holy.
Rosário meditadoFernando M. KnapikRosário meditado com animação para que todos possam rezar e meditar as orações.
Projeção para se rezar o santo rosário meditado. Quando baixar verá as animações que ao clicar se terá a posição em que se está no terço. Ótimo para se rezar em família ou com um número muito grande de pessoas.
Redes arquitetura de redes rm osi e tcp_ipLuiz LadeiraSegue um trabalho que desenvolvi no curso de Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de sistemas sobre o aprendizado da arquitetura de redes RM/OSI e TCP/IP
O LEIGO ENQUANTO CRISTÃOPedro Francisco Moraes DeO documento discute a noção teológica de cristão e leigo. Um cristão é alguém batizado que vive de acordo com o compromisso do batismo, buscando a santidade. Um leigo é um membro integral da Igreja com função definida e importante, participando da missão de Cristo por meio do batismo.
Smp2 part b policy statements intro sections_finalSevern EstuaryThis document summarizes changes in shoreline management policies between the SMP1 and the proposed SMP2 around the Severn Estuary. Key points:
- Policy changes are proposed upstream of the River Usk, around Congresbury Yeo, the Avon, Alvington, Sharpness, the upper Severn, and the Noose and Elmore areas.
- Changes reflect a better understanding of long-term tidal flood risks in these areas and opportunities to create new intertidal habitat.
- The potential outcomes of these policy changes over 50-100 years include allowing tidal flood risks to certain areas to be managed more naturally in the long run.
Las redes inalambricasEsteebaan23Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de redes inalámbricas, incluyendo WPAN (redes de área personal inalámbrica), WMAN (redes de área metropolitana inalámbrica) y WWAN (redes de área amplia inalámbrica). También discute las ventajas e inconvenientes de las redes inalámbricas, así como los requisitos para que sean seguras.
Redes inalambricasemiliovillacisbEl documento describe las redes inalámbricas, incluyendo que permiten la conexión de computadoras sin cables, que actualmente ofrecen velocidades más bajas que las redes cableadas pero permiten movilidad, y que existen dos categorías principales: redes de área personal e infraestructura.
El deportemateo896El documento define el deporte como una actividad física reglamentada y competitiva que mejora la condición física. Explica que algunos deportes como el patinaje artístico comparten elementos artísticos y de espectáculo. Además, clasifica los deportes en diversas categorías como acuáticos, de motor, de equipo, entre otros.
AWS introAshish Mishra ☁AWS provides on-demand cloud computing services that can be used to host websites, store and process data, and more. It offers several categories of services including compute, storage, databases, analytics and security services. Users access AWS using management consoles, command line tools, SDKs or APIs depending on their needs. Pricing is pay-as-you-go and AWS offers a free tier for new users.
Redes inalambricas 4 gemiliovillacisbLa tecnología 4G permitirá velocidades de hasta 1 Gbps y conectividad para una gran variedad de dispositivos. Usará una arquitectura de red basada en paquetes llamada SAE que interconectará redes de acceso 3GPP y no-3GPP. Estándares como LTE, WiMAX y protocolos como OFDMA serán fundamentales para 4G.
Diagnostico proyectos organizacionales LMProyectoOrgEn esta actividad diagnostico insertamos un grupo de 4 carreras universitarias, incluyendo un alto detalle sobre cada una, donde se cursan, materia con mayor carga horaria, perfil de egresado, etc. Las carreras son: "Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas", "Ingenierìa en Electrónica","Ingenierìa Naval" y "Astronomìa"
Flygt Submersible PumpsRheoserve Industrial SolutionsSince they were developed over sixty years ago,
customers have come to trust the compact, heavy-duty
design of Flygt submersible pumps. The Flygt brand
was the first to provide a practical, heavy-duty electric
submersible pump that could withstand the severe
demands of construction site and mine dewatering
and yet still offer total portability
Nlb catálogo de accesoriosAlejandro Alberto Barrios BernalesWater Jetting Accessory Catalog.
up to 40,000 psi (2,800 bar)
Catalogo de Accesorios de Hidrolavadora.
Mas de 40.000 psi.
Ds 2600 280Jorge GonzalezThe document summarizes Flygt 2600 sludge pump series. Key points:
- The pumps are designed to handle sludge and liquids with solids up to 80 mm in size and 20% solids concentration, ensuring maximum uptime.
- Features like a hardened impeller, wear-resistant lining, and large inlet/discharge enable it to handle tough applications.
- It is easy to service with components like a single-cartridge seal and external inspection ports.
5100 5150 serienStig HenriksenThe removal
of abrasive slurry, an essential operation
in many industries, makes heavy demands
slurry pumps. Designed to solve the specific problems
of pumping high-density slurry, 5100/5150,
the latest generation
of submersible slurry pumps
from Xylem, is a cost-effective solution offering
true reliability.
Marine Market Applications & InnovationsAltra Industrial MotionThe companies of Altra Industrial Motion offer many critical drivetrain products utilized in marine applications including clutches & brakes, couplings, universal joints, linear actuators and turning, locking and braking systems
60 Hz Flygt N-Pump Series BrochureRica BaudinThe document summarizes Flygt N-pump series self-cleaning pumps. It describes their patented self-cleaning impeller technology which allows solids to pass through the pump without reducing efficiency over time. This sustained high efficiency lowers energy costs compared to conventional pumps. The pumps have a broad capacity range from 2.2 to 870 horsepower and can handle various applications like wastewater, stormwater, and industrial processes. Key features highlighted include modular components, durable seals and bearings, compliance with industry standards, and different installation methods.
SEW_Australia _MiningBrochure_2013Nathan LanghamThis document discusses SEW-EURODRIVE's products and services for the mining industry. It describes their gear units, frequency inverters, and services including training, plant surveys, commissioning, and repairs that are tailored for mining applications. Their product lines include planetary, helical, and bevel gear units in a wide range of sizes up to 500kNm that can handle applications like conveyors, stackers, pumps, and more. They also provide customized solutions.
Weg crusher-duty-3-phase-motor-usacd0808-brochure-englishDaniel GarcíaThe document provides information about WEG's W22 Crusher Duty three-phase motor. The motor has been redesigned for higher performance and energy efficiency while retaining features of the previous W21 model. It is designed for the demanding requirements of rock crushing industry. Key features include rugged construction using high-quality materials, energy savings, long lifetime even in aggressive environments, easy maintenance and installation. It complies with EISA 2007 efficiency regulations and can operate with VFDs up to 575V without modifications, providing flexibility. The document also includes specifications, dimensions, and technical details of the motor models in different horsepower ratings. It recommends using WEG's TPH series of Crusher Duty soft starters to complete the solution for
AViTEQ Unbalanced Motor BrochurePaul FletcherAViTEQ Unbalance motors can be used as drives for almost each case of application in the vibration feeder technology and over all industries. Unbalanced motors are the preferred drive system, in particular if it depends on high throughput of bulk material.
Escavadeira cat 5130b85283081The document provides information on the Caterpillar 5130B hydraulic shovel/backhoe. It can be configured as a front shovel or backhoe and is matched to haul with Cat 777D, 773D, or 775D trucks. Key features summarized are:
- It has an operating weight of 181,000-182,000 kg and bucket capacity of 9.0-11.0 m3 or 8.5-18.3 m3. It is powered by a 641 kW Cat 3508B engine.
- The document discusses the machine's hydraulics, powertrain, structures, undercarriage, operator station, monitoring system, buckets, and modular design.
Редукторы серии U Power JacksArveThe document summarizes Power Jacks' new U-Series of subsea screw jacks and bevel gearboxes. The U-Series products are designed to operate efficiently underwater at depths up to 3,000m as standard. The line includes subsea screw jacks in various configurations (rotating, translating) and bevel gearboxes. Both product types are proven to perform in demanding subsea conditions for applications like positioning equipment and actuating connectors.
Reliable BOP Control Reels for Critical OperationsReel Power Marine & EnergyReelPower ME manufactures custom bop control reels for a variety of applications including military, aerospace, oil & gas, mining, and construction. Our dependable bop control reel manufacturer at Reel Power ME, engineered for critical operations in the oil and gas industry. Ensure safety and efficiency with our high-quality solutions.
Volvo EC210D: Powerful and Reliable Excavator for Heavy-Duty Taskspalinfra74The Volvo EC210D is a versatile excavator designed for efficiency and reliability. With the Volvo EC210D, achieve superior performance in tough tasks. The Volvo EC210D combines advanced features with durability, making the Volvo EC210D ideal for construction projects. Choose the Volvo EC210D for exceptional productivity and long-lasting value on-site
Smp2 part b policy statements intro sections_finalSevern EstuaryThis document summarizes changes in shoreline management policies between the SMP1 and the proposed SMP2 around the Severn Estuary. Key points:
- Policy changes are proposed upstream of the River Usk, around Congresbury Yeo, the Avon, Alvington, Sharpness, the upper Severn, and the Noose and Elmore areas.
- Changes reflect a better understanding of long-term tidal flood risks in these areas and opportunities to create new intertidal habitat.
- The potential outcomes of these policy changes over 50-100 years include allowing tidal flood risks to certain areas to be managed more naturally in the long run.
Las redes inalambricasEsteebaan23Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de redes inalámbricas, incluyendo WPAN (redes de área personal inalámbrica), WMAN (redes de área metropolitana inalámbrica) y WWAN (redes de área amplia inalámbrica). También discute las ventajas e inconvenientes de las redes inalámbricas, así como los requisitos para que sean seguras.
Redes inalambricasemiliovillacisbEl documento describe las redes inalámbricas, incluyendo que permiten la conexión de computadoras sin cables, que actualmente ofrecen velocidades más bajas que las redes cableadas pero permiten movilidad, y que existen dos categorías principales: redes de área personal e infraestructura.
El deportemateo896El documento define el deporte como una actividad física reglamentada y competitiva que mejora la condición física. Explica que algunos deportes como el patinaje artístico comparten elementos artísticos y de espectáculo. Además, clasifica los deportes en diversas categorías como acuáticos, de motor, de equipo, entre otros.
AWS introAshish Mishra ☁AWS provides on-demand cloud computing services that can be used to host websites, store and process data, and more. It offers several categories of services including compute, storage, databases, analytics and security services. Users access AWS using management consoles, command line tools, SDKs or APIs depending on their needs. Pricing is pay-as-you-go and AWS offers a free tier for new users.
Redes inalambricas 4 gemiliovillacisbLa tecnología 4G permitirá velocidades de hasta 1 Gbps y conectividad para una gran variedad de dispositivos. Usará una arquitectura de red basada en paquetes llamada SAE que interconectará redes de acceso 3GPP y no-3GPP. Estándares como LTE, WiMAX y protocolos como OFDMA serán fundamentales para 4G.
Diagnostico proyectos organizacionales LMProyectoOrgEn esta actividad diagnostico insertamos un grupo de 4 carreras universitarias, incluyendo un alto detalle sobre cada una, donde se cursan, materia con mayor carga horaria, perfil de egresado, etc. Las carreras son: "Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas", "Ingenierìa en Electrónica","Ingenierìa Naval" y "Astronomìa"
Flygt Submersible PumpsRheoserve Industrial SolutionsSince they were developed over sixty years ago,
customers have come to trust the compact, heavy-duty
design of Flygt submersible pumps. The Flygt brand
was the first to provide a practical, heavy-duty electric
submersible pump that could withstand the severe
demands of construction site and mine dewatering
and yet still offer total portability
Nlb catálogo de accesoriosAlejandro Alberto Barrios BernalesWater Jetting Accessory Catalog.
up to 40,000 psi (2,800 bar)
Catalogo de Accesorios de Hidrolavadora.
Mas de 40.000 psi.
Ds 2600 280Jorge GonzalezThe document summarizes Flygt 2600 sludge pump series. Key points:
- The pumps are designed to handle sludge and liquids with solids up to 80 mm in size and 20% solids concentration, ensuring maximum uptime.
- Features like a hardened impeller, wear-resistant lining, and large inlet/discharge enable it to handle tough applications.
- It is easy to service with components like a single-cartridge seal and external inspection ports.
5100 5150 serienStig HenriksenThe removal
of abrasive slurry, an essential operation
in many industries, makes heavy demands
slurry pumps. Designed to solve the specific problems
of pumping high-density slurry, 5100/5150,
the latest generation
of submersible slurry pumps
from Xylem, is a cost-effective solution offering
true reliability.
Marine Market Applications & InnovationsAltra Industrial MotionThe companies of Altra Industrial Motion offer many critical drivetrain products utilized in marine applications including clutches & brakes, couplings, universal joints, linear actuators and turning, locking and braking systems
60 Hz Flygt N-Pump Series BrochureRica BaudinThe document summarizes Flygt N-pump series self-cleaning pumps. It describes their patented self-cleaning impeller technology which allows solids to pass through the pump without reducing efficiency over time. This sustained high efficiency lowers energy costs compared to conventional pumps. The pumps have a broad capacity range from 2.2 to 870 horsepower and can handle various applications like wastewater, stormwater, and industrial processes. Key features highlighted include modular components, durable seals and bearings, compliance with industry standards, and different installation methods.
SEW_Australia _MiningBrochure_2013Nathan LanghamThis document discusses SEW-EURODRIVE's products and services for the mining industry. It describes their gear units, frequency inverters, and services including training, plant surveys, commissioning, and repairs that are tailored for mining applications. Their product lines include planetary, helical, and bevel gear units in a wide range of sizes up to 500kNm that can handle applications like conveyors, stackers, pumps, and more. They also provide customized solutions.
Weg crusher-duty-3-phase-motor-usacd0808-brochure-englishDaniel GarcíaThe document provides information about WEG's W22 Crusher Duty three-phase motor. The motor has been redesigned for higher performance and energy efficiency while retaining features of the previous W21 model. It is designed for the demanding requirements of rock crushing industry. Key features include rugged construction using high-quality materials, energy savings, long lifetime even in aggressive environments, easy maintenance and installation. It complies with EISA 2007 efficiency regulations and can operate with VFDs up to 575V without modifications, providing flexibility. The document also includes specifications, dimensions, and technical details of the motor models in different horsepower ratings. It recommends using WEG's TPH series of Crusher Duty soft starters to complete the solution for
AViTEQ Unbalanced Motor BrochurePaul FletcherAViTEQ Unbalance motors can be used as drives for almost each case of application in the vibration feeder technology and over all industries. Unbalanced motors are the preferred drive system, in particular if it depends on high throughput of bulk material.
Escavadeira cat 5130b85283081The document provides information on the Caterpillar 5130B hydraulic shovel/backhoe. It can be configured as a front shovel or backhoe and is matched to haul with Cat 777D, 773D, or 775D trucks. Key features summarized are:
- It has an operating weight of 181,000-182,000 kg and bucket capacity of 9.0-11.0 m3 or 8.5-18.3 m3. It is powered by a 641 kW Cat 3508B engine.
- The document discusses the machine's hydraulics, powertrain, structures, undercarriage, operator station, monitoring system, buckets, and modular design.
Редукторы серии U Power JacksArveThe document summarizes Power Jacks' new U-Series of subsea screw jacks and bevel gearboxes. The U-Series products are designed to operate efficiently underwater at depths up to 3,000m as standard. The line includes subsea screw jacks in various configurations (rotating, translating) and bevel gearboxes. Both product types are proven to perform in demanding subsea conditions for applications like positioning equipment and actuating connectors.
Reliable BOP Control Reels for Critical OperationsReel Power Marine & EnergyReelPower ME manufactures custom bop control reels for a variety of applications including military, aerospace, oil & gas, mining, and construction. Our dependable bop control reel manufacturer at Reel Power ME, engineered for critical operations in the oil and gas industry. Ensure safety and efficiency with our high-quality solutions.
Volvo EC210D: Powerful and Reliable Excavator for Heavy-Duty Taskspalinfra74The Volvo EC210D is a versatile excavator designed for efficiency and reliability. With the Volvo EC210D, achieve superior performance in tough tasks. The Volvo EC210D combines advanced features with durability, making the Volvo EC210D ideal for construction projects. Choose the Volvo EC210D for exceptional productivity and long-lasting value on-site
CS663E-CP663-CS683E-E(4fb) VIBROCOMPACTADORAAgustinCahuana21. The document provides specifications for three soil compactor models (CS-663E, CP-663E, CS-683E) manufactured by Caterpillar, including their engine, propulsion system, vibratory system, operator station, and serviceability features.
2. Key features highlighted are the Cat 3056 engine, dual propel pump system, pod-style vibratory weight system, ergonomic operator station with optional cab, and one-piece hood providing excellent visibility and service access.
3. The models are designed for reliability, serviceability, and operator comfort, with enhancements to production capabilities.
Mining & Aggregate Market Applications & InnovationsAltra Industrial MotionThe companies of Altra Industrial Motion offer many critical drivetrain products utilized in mine and quarry applications including clutches & brakes, enclosed gearing and geared motors, couplings, overload clutches and torque-limiting devices, and belted drives.
WIRELINE & SLICKLINE UNITS.pdfReel Power Marine & EnergyWireline & slickline units are used for running and retrieving downhole tools, performing light duty wireline and fishing operations. Compact, lightweight, low maintenance yet fully functional single drum wireline unit housed in a robust frame with stainless steel engraved control console.
Teikoku General Brochureodang wijayaThe document provides information on Teikoku, the world's largest manufacturer of canned motor pumps. It describes key features of Teikoku canned motor pumps including their sealless and leak-proof design, compact size requiring no alignment, ability to handle toxic and hazardous fluids, quiet operation, and field repairability. The pumps are suitable for applications involving vacuum, high pressure, high temperatures, and hazardous materials.
2. 2
World’s first submersible
drainage pump
First submersible
wastewater pump
Launch of first submer-
sible propeller pump
Launch of Flygt
submersible turbines
Introduction of automatic
adjusting runners
In 1983 the first Flygt submersible turbine was
installed in Sweden. Since then we have delivered
over 350 turbines around the world. Most of these
units are still in operation as of today.
Easy to install and service
Flygt submersible turbines can be installed in minutes, no assembly
or shaft alignment needed. Flygt smart installation concepts allow
easy removal for servicing.
Reliable and efficient
Submersible turbines offer high operational efficiency and great
reliability, no transmission shaft, couplings or intermediate
Invisible and quiet
Submerged operation and below ground installation make Flygt
turbines virtually silent and invisible.
As the largest submersible pump
manufacturer in the world, our experience
and history is placed into every submersible
turbine we manufacture. Installed in new
hydro plants or existing structures such as
old mill sites, submersible turbines are
extremely adaptable and can be made to
work at almost any site. With low initial
investment cost and long lifetime, the return
on investment in small scale hydro is short,
which leads to good profitability.
There’s a simple reason why submersible
turbines are chosen. Operating submerged,
and out of the way, no expensive super-
structure is required.
3. 3
Most common Flygt
turbine installations
Intake siphon
Open or covered flume with cylindergate
Traditional open or covered flume
Submerged underwater chamber
4. 4
Usable in applications with heads up to 20 meters
(65 ft) and flows up to 10 m³/s per unit, a wide
variety of site conditions can be accommodated
by our family of turbines.
Designed to run
and adapt
Auto-adjusts to varying flow
The four largest available turbines
offer an option with automatically
adjustable runners (semi-Kaplan turbines)
to handle varying flows and use in run-of-
the-river conditions.
0.5 1 2 5 Q (m³/s)10 20 50
EL 7556
EL 7570
EL 7585
EL 7600
EL 7620
EL 7650 2 units 3 units 4 units
5. 5
Model Power
Guide vane angles Column Ø
Propeller Ø
No. of blades Blade angles Blade
Max weight
EL 7556 40—170 50°, 57°, 63°, 70° 0.8 0.55 4 or 5 8° ~ 28° Fixed 1,700
EL 7570 40—430 50°, 57°, 63°, 70°, 77° 1.2 0.7 4 or 5 8° ~ 28° Fixed 4,000
EL 7585 110—700 50°, 57°, 63°, 70° 1.2 0.85 4 or 5 8° ~ 28° Fixed 7,200
4° ~ 32° Automatic*
EL 7600 110—700 50°, 57°, 63°, 70° 1.4 1.0 4 or 5 8° ~ 28° Fixed 7,800
4° ~ 32° Automatic*
EL 7620 110—700 50°, 57°, 63°, 70° 1.6 1.2 4 or 5 8° ~ 28° Fixed 8,800
4° ~ 32° Automatic*
EL 7650 170—700 57°, 63°, 70°, 77° 2.0 1.5 4 8° ~ 28° Fixed 11,400
4° ~ 32° Automatic*
*) Automatic propeller blade adjustment is only available on 4 Bladed Propellers.
All generators are fully submersible (IP68) to
a depth of at least 20 meters (65 ft). Long-life
bearings as well as class H insulated generator
provide extended operational lifetime.
With temperature sensors in the stator
winding and main bearing, as well as leakage
sensors in the stator housing and cable entry,
the generator can be monitored for problems
early, before they become severe.
The runners are available with four or
five blades and are available in
either aluminum bronze or stain-
less steel. The blade angle can
be manually set in 1 degree
Four or five different fixed
guide vane angles are available
to provide optimal performance
over a wide range.
An easily replicable wear ring
in aluminum bronze or stainless
steel will maintain high efficiency.
Planetary Gearbox
Turbines that require a speed increaser for
use with a generator are equipped with a
heavy duty planetary gear box designed for
both long life and high efficiency. The
gearbox is lubricated and cooled with gear
oil. It has a pressurization system for
lubrication, filtration and cooling. The gears
are designed for infinite life according to
the American Gear Manufacturers’
Association (AGMA) standards.
Unique seals – adding to reliability
Flygt mechanical seal systems
minimize shaft overhang, while
maximizing seal cooling and
lubrication. Two pairs of
mechanical shaft seals work
independently for double
safety. An extra level of safety is
provided by a double-grommet
cable sealing.
6. 6
made easy
Flume and cylinder gate
The flume is narrow in order to optimize
the flow of water into the turbine. In the
simplest of installations a cylinder gate
is placed over the inlet bellmouth. The
cylinder gate is balanced and closes by
gravity. It also prevents the creation of
vortices and allows low flume water depths.
A rubber seal ensures a tight gate seal.
The unit and seat
The submersible turbine-generator is a
completely integrated machine, including
gearbox if required.
As the generator is submerged, it is
cooled by the water flowing around it. This
allows for efficient and reliable operation.
The turbine rests on and seals against a
bottom seat. The turbine is held in place by
its own weight and the water pressure while
running. An anti-rotation device prevents
the turbine from rotation if a shockload
should occur.
Easy installation
The turbine is not bolted into the structure.
It is simply lowered down into the turbine
seat for installation. It can easily be raised
for inspection and service.
Draft tubes
Prefabricated elbow or straight conical draft
tubes recover dynamic energy downstream
of the runner. Each turbine size has a
matched draft tube to maximize the energy
7. 7
Smooth operation
With a service network
spanning 150 countries,
we might have a work-
shop close to your site
that can support you with
maintenance, repair,
spare parts and more.
We take pride in our
ability to help customers
overcome challenges
and optimize operations
by providing the right
solution to every specific
Find out more about
our TotalCare concept at
Xylem TotalCare is a comprehensive, integrated portfolio of services
designed to ensure that your water and submersible turbine equip-
ment keeps running at its best. Our knowledgeable and skilled
engineers are experts in turbine applications.
Aftermarket support
Flygt provides complete installation,
operation and maintenance manuals for
every product, including submersible
Regular maintenance contracts can
help ensure that the maximum power is
generated by the turbine. They can be
setup to ensure that the turbine is installed
at the times when it would generate the
most power.
Engineering support
Flygt offers detailed drawings for each
size of draft tube required. This reduces
design time and eases construction.
Available in CAD format, they can be
placed into construction drawings or
given to local fabrication shops to allow
construction near the project site,
reducing costly shipping charges.
Turbine optimization
Each turbine site is unique. Flygt tools help
optimizing the selection of turbines based
upon the information for your specific site.
Using the flow duration curves, as well as
the site layout, Flygt recommend the
number, size, and type of turbines that
should be used. This helps ensuring optimal
power generation. Flygt also offer CFD
(Computational Fluid Dynamics) to ensure
proper hydraulic conditions are present for
the turbines, and recommend solutions to
correct any adverse conditions found.
Generator monitoring
With the use of the MAS (Monitoring
And Status) system, the generator can be
monitored remotely. With monitoring of
temperature, leakage and vibration
maintenance can be planned for during
the low flow season. Using Modbus serial
communication, the MAS can send data to
almost any scada system used at your site.