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Presentation Research
Social Media
One option for me to present my work is through social media. Most people in the world use social media to communicate with friends and
connect with their interests. The most common ways that artists announce that they are going on tour is through a social media post along
with an image of the tour poster featuring tour dates, and a link for where to buy tickets.
My target audience is the age group of 18-21 so when looking into different social media sites, I would have to check which one my audience
uses the most. Facebook would be the least likely option, they tend to have an older user base and younger age groups don't often speak
about using Facebook in comparison to others. Promoting my tour on this website wouldn't be as succesful because it wouldn't reach my
target audience as a whole. This age group most often uses photo/video based sites such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. Artists most
commonly use these websites to connect with their fans too. If I presented my work on social media, for Instagram, I could create an account
where I can display my tour poster and album cover. I could create visuals for Instagram stories to further promote the tour. If I made a
website, I could also link this for viewers to purchase tickets for the shows. If I made a TikTok, I could create short visuals that go alongside
some songs my artist would be performing on tour, or follow what is currently trending and incorporate advertising the tour or tease potential
visuals since The Weeknd has creative concepts and visuals that fans enjoy. Alongside Instagram, artists often have a Twitter account in which
they promote their work and advertise upcoming events so I could also create a Twitter profile to coincide with this.
Another option to present my work is to create a website. I could present my tour concept, but demonstrate it as if it is an existing event.
When artists announce a tour, it is common for them to either create a new website for the tour, or remake their existing website to promote
the tour and give an audience a look at what the visuals might look like or the feel of the show. On my website I could easily present everything
I made on different pages, the home page could display my tour poster, along with a seperate list of the dates and a button that look like they
could purchase the tickets for different cities. On another page, I could promote my merch, including my album cover and zine that could also
be available for fans to purchase. Or because my work is subject to the tour I could tease fans with a look of the magazine that they could buy
at the shows. Along with the tour dates, on different pages I could include venue information, or ticket prices, VIP packages and where youll
be seated for the different prices. This would be helpful for my audience to find out about the tour and have understanding on tickets and
I could use Wix to make this website. This would be the easiest option as I already have made existing websites with Wix, including my FMP
website and have basic understanding on how to use the tools to create a visually appealing site. I would also most likely need to make
separate backgrounds and images for the website, alongside my FMP products.
Video Presentation
To present my work to people in the industry and explain my process behind it, I could create a video of my FMP with audio. Since I already
have options for now to display my final product, I also have to consider other people in media that may want to understand my creative
process. In this video, I could create visuals to help present my final products, as well as the step by step process it took to make each of my
products. Using audio instead of text on the screen would be more beneficial, if I am explaining something in detail, then the text on the
screen may get in the way of my products, or my audience may get bored of reading so much whilst also trying to see the presented work.
Whilst the photos are displaying on the screen, I could do a voiceover explaining what is happening in the video and my inspirations and
process behind each product. Combining the visual and audio aspect would keep the audience enticed and want to watch the video to see my
final completed products at the end.
One way that I can promote my tour is by making merchandise. Lots of artists also do this and sell items like hoodies that feature the
tour name and tour dates on. Presenting with merch would be beneficial because it can appeal to all, fans of this artist would want to buy and
wear the merch and this would advertise this event to the general public, because the logos and tour name would stand out and catch
their attention, making the name memorable- even if they weren't aware or planning to attend the tour beforehand. The types of
merchandise I would make is items of clothing like t-shirts and hoodies as these would likely be purchased by fans, and are also the best merch
option that would get my tour out there, aside from the promotional posters.
Final Outcome
In conclusion, I decided that the best option for me would be to create a video presentation to showcase all my work. I decided that this would
be the best option out of the other because within the video, I am going to be explaining my ideas and how my project came to be, along with
showing pictures of this process from the research stage to the final result. I also decided to create a social media page on Instagram to
announce my tour and display some of my work. Within this, I am going to make large grid images of some of my magazine pages and tour
poster to present The Weeknds album eras leading up to After Hours and his tour. On my FMP website on the production page, it also
showcases my work and looks similar to how I would want a separate website to look if I had ended up choosing that option.

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FMP Presentation Research.pptx

  • 2. Social Media One option for me to present my work is through social media. Most people in the world use social media to communicate with friends and connect with their interests. The most common ways that artists announce that they are going on tour is through a social media post along with an image of the tour poster featuring tour dates, and a link for where to buy tickets. My target audience is the age group of 18-21 so when looking into different social media sites, I would have to check which one my audience uses the most. Facebook would be the least likely option, they tend to have an older user base and younger age groups don't often speak about using Facebook in comparison to others. Promoting my tour on this website wouldn't be as succesful because it wouldn't reach my target audience as a whole. This age group most often uses photo/video based sites such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. Artists most commonly use these websites to connect with their fans too. If I presented my work on social media, for Instagram, I could create an account where I can display my tour poster and album cover. I could create visuals for Instagram stories to further promote the tour. If I made a website, I could also link this for viewers to purchase tickets for the shows. If I made a TikTok, I could create short visuals that go alongside some songs my artist would be performing on tour, or follow what is currently trending and incorporate advertising the tour or tease potential visuals since The Weeknd has creative concepts and visuals that fans enjoy. Alongside Instagram, artists often have a Twitter account in which they promote their work and advertise upcoming events so I could also create a Twitter profile to coincide with this.
  • 3. Website Another option to present my work is to create a website. I could present my tour concept, but demonstrate it as if it is an existing event. When artists announce a tour, it is common for them to either create a new website for the tour, or remake their existing website to promote the tour and give an audience a look at what the visuals might look like or the feel of the show. On my website I could easily present everything I made on different pages, the home page could display my tour poster, along with a seperate list of the dates and a button that look like they could purchase the tickets for different cities. On another page, I could promote my merch, including my album cover and zine that could also be available for fans to purchase. Or because my work is subject to the tour I could tease fans with a look of the magazine that they could buy at the shows. Along with the tour dates, on different pages I could include venue information, or ticket prices, VIP packages and where youll be seated for the different prices. This would be helpful for my audience to find out about the tour and have understanding on tickets and seating. I could use Wix to make this website. This would be the easiest option as I already have made existing websites with Wix, including my FMP website and have basic understanding on how to use the tools to create a visually appealing site. I would also most likely need to make separate backgrounds and images for the website, alongside my FMP products.
  • 4. Video Presentation To present my work to people in the industry and explain my process behind it, I could create a video of my FMP with audio. Since I already have options for now to display my final product, I also have to consider other people in media that may want to understand my creative process. In this video, I could create visuals to help present my final products, as well as the step by step process it took to make each of my products. Using audio instead of text on the screen would be more beneficial, if I am explaining something in detail, then the text on the screen may get in the way of my products, or my audience may get bored of reading so much whilst also trying to see the presented work. Whilst the photos are displaying on the screen, I could do a voiceover explaining what is happening in the video and my inspirations and process behind each product. Combining the visual and audio aspect would keep the audience enticed and want to watch the video to see my final completed products at the end.
  • 5. Merchandise One way that I can promote my tour is by making merchandise. Lots of artists also do this and sell items like hoodies that feature the tour name and tour dates on. Presenting with merch would be beneficial because it can appeal to all, fans of this artist would want to buy and wear the merch and this would advertise this event to the general public, because the logos and tour name would stand out and catch their attention, making the name memorable- even if they weren't aware or planning to attend the tour beforehand. The types of merchandise I would make is items of clothing like t-shirts and hoodies as these would likely be purchased by fans, and are also the best merch option that would get my tour out there, aside from the promotional posters.
  • 6. Final Outcome In conclusion, I decided that the best option for me would be to create a video presentation to showcase all my work. I decided that this would be the best option out of the other because within the video, I am going to be explaining my ideas and how my project came to be, along with showing pictures of this process from the research stage to the final result. I also decided to create a social media page on Instagram to announce my tour and display some of my work. Within this, I am going to make large grid images of some of my magazine pages and tour poster to present The Weeknds album eras leading up to After Hours and his tour. On my FMP website on the production page, it also showcases my work and looks similar to how I would want a separate website to look if I had ended up choosing that option.