This document outlines a focus improvement policy aimed at eliminating losses and reducing costs to improve an electrical brand globally. It establishes sub-committees to lead three focus improvement teams addressing material, tools, and engineering. The goals are to achieve and sustain zero losses from minor stops, measurements, defects, and downtimes, as well as a 30% reduction in manufacturing costs. An implementation timeline is provided with activities over 12 months to select improvement topics, understand situations, expose and eliminate abnormalities, analyze causes, implement improvements, check results, and consolidate gains. Training will cover identifying bottlenecks and losses and analytical techniques.
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Focus improvement Activity Plan
1. Focus Improvement
Eliminate Losses and impress powerful changes to make global Electrical Brand
Focus Improvement policy
Practice concepts of zero losses in every sphere of activity.
relentless pursuit to achieve cost reduction targets in all resources
Relentless pursuit to improve over all plant equipment effectiveness.
Extensive use of PM analysis as a tool for eliminating losses.
Focus of easy handling of operators
Achieve and sustain zero loses with respect to minor stops, measurement and adjustments,
defects and unavoidable downtimes. It also aims to achieve 30% manufacturing cost reduction.
Sub - Committee
HOM Samantha Alwis
TPM Coordinator Prasanga Sanjeewa
Pillar Leader Pramod Wattegedara
Production Engineer (Switch & Socket) Anupa de Silva
Design & Development Chaminda Dilruksha
Maintenance Lal Pushpakumara
QA Engineer Isuru Karunarathne
2. Three Focus Improvement Teams
1. Material improvement Team
Team Leader Mr. Prasanga Sanjeewa
Quality Member Mr. Ruwan / Sampath
Operators Samantha
Operator -
2. Tools improvement Team
Team Leader Mr. Thilina
Quality Member Viranga
Tool room Technician Wasantha
Operator -
3. Engineering improvement Team
Team Leader Lal Pushpakumara
Automation Member Chaminda Dilruksha
Engineering Technician Thilina / Samitha/ Kosala
Time Line
Activity/ Step Detailed Outline Time Duration
Select Improvement Topic Select & Register Topic
Form Project Idea
Plan Activities
1 Month
Understand Situation Identify Bottle necks in
Measure failures, defect
& other losses
Use baselines (Bench
mark) to set targets
1 Month
Expose & Eliminate
Thoroughly Study &
Expose Abnormalities
Restore deterioration
correct major flows
Establish basic
equipment condition
1.5 Month
3. Training & Development
Bottle necks Identification
Record failures, defect & other losses
Identification & Classification of 16 big losses
Analyze causes Stratify and analyze
Apply analytical
techniques (WWA's)
Employ specific
technology, fabricate
prototypes &conduct
1.5 Month
Implement Improvements Plan Improvements
o Make improvement
Proposal with drawings
o Budget Report
o Check for possible
adverse effect &
Provide instruction on
improved equipment,
operating methods
3 Months
Check Results Evaluate results with time
as improvement project
Check whether targets
have been achieved
If not, begin again from
1 month
Consolidate gains Draw up control standards
to sustain results
Formulate work standards
and manuals
Feed information back to
maintenance prevention
1 month