The document discusses the nature of money and different types of currencies. It notes that traditional national currencies are controlled by central banks and governments, and when spent, the money leaves the user's "tank" and does not return. Alternatively, it proposes the idea of community currencies that are designed to circulate within a local area and return to users over time, providing opportunities even during economic downturns. It provides the example of a "community way" program as a test case for implementing a local circulating currency.
The document promotes investing money in Duck Bank rather than traditional banks. It claims that ducks, unlike bankers, have no interest in spending money on luxuries and are trustworthy stewards of investments. Ducks allegedly perform calculations and secure money using their bills rather than complex machines. The document also asserts that Duck Bank is FDIC insured despite doubts about how insurance could be provided by a bank run by ducks.
TLE - Development of the circulation of moneydjpprkut
The document discusses the development of money and monetary systems throughout history. It begins with the barter system used in ancient times and the introduction of the first coins in Lydia. It then discusses the development of paper money in China and the largest banknote ever issued by the Philippines. The document also outlines the basic transactions between households and firms in an economy and some key macroeconomic concepts like unemployment, inflation, and economic growth. Finally, it discusses entrepreneurship and evaluating business opportunities based on factors like available markets, capital, skills, suppliers, manpower, and technology.
This is a temporary early draft of the Follow the Money presentation.
Added concept and graphics - more to come
For the offical OpenMoney slides - Please go here
Accounting for the Good and the BeneficialRick Lines
This document provides an introduction to principles of results-driven monetary design. It discusses how the current monetary system creates boom and bust cycles that leave people in debt and desperation. It argues that money is a specialized language that can be purposefully designed to foster the type of economy and society that is wanted. The goal is to present money in a simple way and show how communities can design their own money systems to enable prosperity even during economic crises.
Lots of people have an intuition that "fiat money" -- money based on government paper with no commodity like gold to "back" it -- is something of a scam, weak and doomed to failure. That intuition is wrong. Fiat money runs the world, obviously, and that isn't an accident. Here's how (I think) it works.
If you are starting and don't know what to do, this guide will help you understand every concept so you can start investing and take advantage of these big opportunities!
Essay on Time Value Of Money
Summary of Money as Debt Essay
Money Has A Major Impact On Society Essay
Definition Essay About Money
History Of Money Essay
Philosophy of Money Essay
Money and Banking Essay
Essay Good Money Management
What is Economics? Essay
Essay about History of Money
Examples Of Easy Ways To Save Money Essay
Money And Inequality In Society
Money And Happiness Essay
Having Money and Its Pros and Cons
What Is The Love Of Money Essay
The Future of Our Money Essay examples
Money Is Life Essay
money Essay
Essay On Money Market
This paper discusses alternatives to capitalism and explores gift economies. It summarizes different ways to change currency systems, such as changing who issues money or making it redeemable for different things. The paper advocates returning to gift relationships as seen in cultures where money was less important and people helped each other without price tags. It explores existing gift paradigms and their issues. Finally, it discusses the role of Islamic social business and charities in alleviating poverty, and plans to experiment with a system called COPIOSIS that uses a different type of currency called net benefit rewards.
Model of a flexible exchange rate regime for Complementary currenciesSehrGlobal
This document discusses complementary currencies as alternative monetary systems that can behave differently than official currencies. It proposes several types of complementary currencies, including demurrage currencies, time-based currencies, barter systems, and cryptocurrencies. The document then discusses how complementary currencies can help support local economies and business cycles by substituting for absent official money. It proposes a model where the exchange rate between a complementary currency and official currencies is flexible, allowing the complementary currency to have independent monetary policy.
The document discusses potential concepts for a product aimed at encouraging saving among Generation Y/Millennials. Concept A involves a "Tracklet" device that would attach to a debit card and notify the user via light or heat when their spending reaches a certain amount. Concept B is an app called "Pity Bank" where users adopt a digital "monetar" character representing their savings. Feeding the monetar by transferring money to savings provides emotional rewards and encourages regular saving. The concepts aim to make saving more tangible and fun to promote it among the target group.
The document appears to be a design project proposal for a concept called "Cash Conscious" that aims to study how Generation Y/Millennials interact with and think about money. Based on interviews with people aged 18-30, the project found that savings is not a high priority and money is often spent on daily necessities and small "silly" things. Two concepts are proposed: Tracklet, which tracks spending on a debit card via sensors, and Pity Bank, which gamifies savings by having users care for digital money-related pets that represent transferring money to savings.
The document appears to be a design project proposal for a concept called "Cash Conscious" that aims to study how Generation Y/Millennials interact with and think about money. Based on interviews with people aged 18-30, the project found that savings is not a high priority and money is often spent on daily necessities and small "silly" things. Two concepts are proposed: Tracklet, which tracks spending on a debit card via sensors, and Pity Bank, which gamifies savings by having users care for digital money-related pets that represent transferring money to savings.
The document discusses concepts for motivating Generation Y/Millennials to save money more effectively. Concept A involves a "Tracklet" device that attaches to the user's debit card and notifies them via light or heat when their spending reaches a certain amount. Concept B is an app called "Pity Bank" where the user adopts a digital "monetar" character representing their savings. Transferring money to savings feeds and cares for the monetar, appealing to emotions to incentivize consistent saving. The concepts aim to make saving more tangible, fun, and approachable for the target group.
As more and more transactions go digital, or plastic so to say, we look towards the future with a model that does away with currency notes and coins altogether and yet keeps alive the essential principle that money serves, without attaching any tangibility to it.
The document provides instructions on how to request and receive help with an assignment from the website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email; 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and choose one; 4) Receive the paper and ensure it meets expectations; 5) Request revisions if needed, as provides free revisions and guarantees original, high-quality content.
The document discusses research from the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion (IMTFI) on mobile phone usage and money in developing countries. IMTFI has funded research projects in over 30 countries exploring how people use both traditional and digital forms of money. The research uses mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, with an emphasis on long-term ethnographic study. Key findings include that people often use multiple currencies simultaneously and earmark different cash flows for different purposes. Researchers are also discovering nuanced "monetary ecologies" and finding that money takes on social and symbolic meanings in different cultural contexts.
Money remains the same in anyones hand, whether it is earned legally or illegally. A nation going poor with the money handled by bad people with good position is going to damage the environment in various ways like construction of poor quality structure with more estimation will make the structure to become damaged soon with generation of waste and consumption of next round of materials from the environment. There is a saying that anyone who plucks the honey will lick his hands, in the same way anyone who handles the money will also keep some percentage for his sincere work and he will use his position, degree and intelligence to handle the things. So it is very much essential to digitalis e the currency in order to prevent all types of corruption, black money and similar things and to save this earth for our living.
Economics as if People Really Mattered - Week OneConor McCabe
Presentation from workshop in Amnesty Centre, Galway. Week one of the six-week series, Economics As If People Really Mattered, organised by the Vicky Donnelly of the Galway One World Centre
Thoroughly Modern Money - How to Design a CurrencyPhoebe Bright
If you are considering setting up a new currency, whether it is a small local currency or you are more ambitious, this presentation describes how you might go about designing a currency that meets your needs.
Fiat currencies issued by strong stable states are generally very effective despite potential ethical concerns over management. While claims about fiat money being weak, prone to debasement, or unstable can sometimes be true, they are rarely true of currencies issued by states that can tax citizens and have diversified economies. For now, major fiat currencies provide more effective price stability than existing cryptocurrencies.
This document discusses cultural relativism and its impact on the world. Cultural relativism is the idea that all cultures are equal and no one culture is better than another. It was created and elaborated on by three main philosophers - Franz Boas, Edward Sapir, and Benjamin Lee Whorf. The document examines both the benefits and criticisms of cultural relativism as a concept.
The document introduces Circles, a proposed cryptocurrency on the Ethereum blockchain that aims to implement a basic universal income. Circles would provide a basic income by issuing new coins on a weekly basis to anyone who creates an account. The rules preventing fraud are implemented in a smart contract to ensure transparency and tamper-proof execution without a central authority. Circles combines aspects of decentralized currencies like Ripple with the concept of a basic income in the form of a standard weekly credit for all users. The proposal suggests Circles could be used alongside traditional currencies and help grow the idea of basic income from the bottom up in society.
The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarized work.
How To Write A Good Synthesis Essay. Online assignment writing service.Natasha Barnett
The document provides instructions for creating an account, submitting a paper request, and reviewing bids from writers on the platform in order to receive help with an assignment. It also describes the revision process, guarantees of original and high-quality content, and emphasizes the site's commitment to customer satisfaction. The purpose is to outline the steps students can take to get assistance with their school assignments through the HelpWriting service.
How Do I Write A Reflective Essay. Online assignment writing service.Cheraghearzu Donaldson
The document provides instructions for how to request and complete an assignment writing request on the website. It outlines 5 steps: 1) Create an account with valid email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The summary focuses on outlining the key steps in the process for requesting and receiving assignment help on the website.
The document provides an overview of Andy Tanner's "Rat Race Escape Plan" which aims to teach investors how to generate passive income from assets in order to achieve financial freedom and escape the rat race of relying on active income from employment. It describes the forces that keep most people trapped in the rat race such as a lack of education on other options, fear of the unknown, and being unwilling to work on alternative strategies. The plan is to purchase assets that produce ongoing cash flow from dividends, rent, or other means in order to cover expenses without needing employment income. Stocks are presented as one asset class that may be suitable due to low barriers to entry, flexibility, lack of required people skills, liquidity, and potential
油iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY consists of professional hackers who specialize in securing compromised devices, accounts, and websites, as well as recovering stolen bitcoin and funds lost to scams. They operate efficiently and securely, ensuring a swift resolution without alerting external parties. From the very beginning, they have successfully delivered on their promises while maintaining complete discretion.油 Few organizations take the extra step to investigate network security risks, provide critical information, or handle sensitive matters with such油 油professionalism. The iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY team helped me retrieve $364,000 that had been stolen from my corporate bitcoin wallet. I am incredibly grateful for their assistance and for providing me with additional insights into the unidentified individuals behind the theft.
油 油Webpage; www. iforcehackersrecovery. com
Email; contact@iforcehackersrecovery. com
whatsapp; +1 240. 803. 3. 706油 油油
This paper discusses alternatives to capitalism and explores gift economies. It summarizes different ways to change currency systems, such as changing who issues money or making it redeemable for different things. The paper advocates returning to gift relationships as seen in cultures where money was less important and people helped each other without price tags. It explores existing gift paradigms and their issues. Finally, it discusses the role of Islamic social business and charities in alleviating poverty, and plans to experiment with a system called COPIOSIS that uses a different type of currency called net benefit rewards.
Model of a flexible exchange rate regime for Complementary currenciesSehrGlobal
This document discusses complementary currencies as alternative monetary systems that can behave differently than official currencies. It proposes several types of complementary currencies, including demurrage currencies, time-based currencies, barter systems, and cryptocurrencies. The document then discusses how complementary currencies can help support local economies and business cycles by substituting for absent official money. It proposes a model where the exchange rate between a complementary currency and official currencies is flexible, allowing the complementary currency to have independent monetary policy.
The document discusses potential concepts for a product aimed at encouraging saving among Generation Y/Millennials. Concept A involves a "Tracklet" device that would attach to a debit card and notify the user via light or heat when their spending reaches a certain amount. Concept B is an app called "Pity Bank" where users adopt a digital "monetar" character representing their savings. Feeding the monetar by transferring money to savings provides emotional rewards and encourages regular saving. The concepts aim to make saving more tangible and fun to promote it among the target group.
The document appears to be a design project proposal for a concept called "Cash Conscious" that aims to study how Generation Y/Millennials interact with and think about money. Based on interviews with people aged 18-30, the project found that savings is not a high priority and money is often spent on daily necessities and small "silly" things. Two concepts are proposed: Tracklet, which tracks spending on a debit card via sensors, and Pity Bank, which gamifies savings by having users care for digital money-related pets that represent transferring money to savings.
The document appears to be a design project proposal for a concept called "Cash Conscious" that aims to study how Generation Y/Millennials interact with and think about money. Based on interviews with people aged 18-30, the project found that savings is not a high priority and money is often spent on daily necessities and small "silly" things. Two concepts are proposed: Tracklet, which tracks spending on a debit card via sensors, and Pity Bank, which gamifies savings by having users care for digital money-related pets that represent transferring money to savings.
The document discusses concepts for motivating Generation Y/Millennials to save money more effectively. Concept A involves a "Tracklet" device that attaches to the user's debit card and notifies them via light or heat when their spending reaches a certain amount. Concept B is an app called "Pity Bank" where the user adopts a digital "monetar" character representing their savings. Transferring money to savings feeds and cares for the monetar, appealing to emotions to incentivize consistent saving. The concepts aim to make saving more tangible, fun, and approachable for the target group.
As more and more transactions go digital, or plastic so to say, we look towards the future with a model that does away with currency notes and coins altogether and yet keeps alive the essential principle that money serves, without attaching any tangibility to it.
The document provides instructions on how to request and receive help with an assignment from the website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email; 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and choose one; 4) Receive the paper and ensure it meets expectations; 5) Request revisions if needed, as provides free revisions and guarantees original, high-quality content.
The document discusses research from the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion (IMTFI) on mobile phone usage and money in developing countries. IMTFI has funded research projects in over 30 countries exploring how people use both traditional and digital forms of money. The research uses mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, with an emphasis on long-term ethnographic study. Key findings include that people often use multiple currencies simultaneously and earmark different cash flows for different purposes. Researchers are also discovering nuanced "monetary ecologies" and finding that money takes on social and symbolic meanings in different cultural contexts.
Money remains the same in anyones hand, whether it is earned legally or illegally. A nation going poor with the money handled by bad people with good position is going to damage the environment in various ways like construction of poor quality structure with more estimation will make the structure to become damaged soon with generation of waste and consumption of next round of materials from the environment. There is a saying that anyone who plucks the honey will lick his hands, in the same way anyone who handles the money will also keep some percentage for his sincere work and he will use his position, degree and intelligence to handle the things. So it is very much essential to digitalis e the currency in order to prevent all types of corruption, black money and similar things and to save this earth for our living.
Economics as if People Really Mattered - Week OneConor McCabe
Presentation from workshop in Amnesty Centre, Galway. Week one of the six-week series, Economics As If People Really Mattered, organised by the Vicky Donnelly of the Galway One World Centre
Thoroughly Modern Money - How to Design a CurrencyPhoebe Bright
If you are considering setting up a new currency, whether it is a small local currency or you are more ambitious, this presentation describes how you might go about designing a currency that meets your needs.
Fiat currencies issued by strong stable states are generally very effective despite potential ethical concerns over management. While claims about fiat money being weak, prone to debasement, or unstable can sometimes be true, they are rarely true of currencies issued by states that can tax citizens and have diversified economies. For now, major fiat currencies provide more effective price stability than existing cryptocurrencies.
This document discusses cultural relativism and its impact on the world. Cultural relativism is the idea that all cultures are equal and no one culture is better than another. It was created and elaborated on by three main philosophers - Franz Boas, Edward Sapir, and Benjamin Lee Whorf. The document examines both the benefits and criticisms of cultural relativism as a concept.
The document introduces Circles, a proposed cryptocurrency on the Ethereum blockchain that aims to implement a basic universal income. Circles would provide a basic income by issuing new coins on a weekly basis to anyone who creates an account. The rules preventing fraud are implemented in a smart contract to ensure transparency and tamper-proof execution without a central authority. Circles combines aspects of decentralized currencies like Ripple with the concept of a basic income in the form of a standard weekly credit for all users. The proposal suggests Circles could be used alongside traditional currencies and help grow the idea of basic income from the bottom up in society.
The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarized work.
How To Write A Good Synthesis Essay. Online assignment writing service.Natasha Barnett
The document provides instructions for creating an account, submitting a paper request, and reviewing bids from writers on the platform in order to receive help with an assignment. It also describes the revision process, guarantees of original and high-quality content, and emphasizes the site's commitment to customer satisfaction. The purpose is to outline the steps students can take to get assistance with their school assignments through the HelpWriting service.
How Do I Write A Reflective Essay. Online assignment writing service.Cheraghearzu Donaldson
The document provides instructions for how to request and complete an assignment writing request on the website. It outlines 5 steps: 1) Create an account with valid email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The summary focuses on outlining the key steps in the process for requesting and receiving assignment help on the website.
The document provides an overview of Andy Tanner's "Rat Race Escape Plan" which aims to teach investors how to generate passive income from assets in order to achieve financial freedom and escape the rat race of relying on active income from employment. It describes the forces that keep most people trapped in the rat race such as a lack of education on other options, fear of the unknown, and being unwilling to work on alternative strategies. The plan is to purchase assets that produce ongoing cash flow from dividends, rent, or other means in order to cover expenses without needing employment income. Stocks are presented as one asset class that may be suitable due to low barriers to entry, flexibility, lack of required people skills, liquidity, and potential
油iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY consists of professional hackers who specialize in securing compromised devices, accounts, and websites, as well as recovering stolen bitcoin and funds lost to scams. They operate efficiently and securely, ensuring a swift resolution without alerting external parties. From the very beginning, they have successfully delivered on their promises while maintaining complete discretion.油 Few organizations take the extra step to investigate network security risks, provide critical information, or handle sensitive matters with such油 油professionalism. The iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY team helped me retrieve $364,000 that had been stolen from my corporate bitcoin wallet. I am incredibly grateful for their assistance and for providing me with additional insights into the unidentified individuals behind the theft.
油 油Webpage; www. iforcehackersrecovery. com
Email; contact@iforcehackersrecovery. com
whatsapp; +1 240. 803. 3. 706油 油油
HBS Study examines which freelance groups ChatGPT and AI is replacing on
Harvard Business School led 2024 study used Google Trends to prove freelance jobs based on manual-intensive skills (e.g., data entry and virtual office services, music and video services requiring human performers, and online tutoring services) were less affected by the proliferation of Generative AI and ChatGPT on online marketplaces like and Upwork over automation-prone jobs (e.g., writing, software development, iOS/Android app development, and WordPress web development).
Qualitative Fundamental Analysis of Tata Consultancy Services (NSE:TCS) based on company's Annual Report of FY2024.
Get a sense of the potential growth that TCS can achieve in medium to long term. By understanding its values, business and plan (strategies & opportunities).
YouTube video:
We are not SEBI RIAs. This presentation is not an investment advice. It is only for study and reference purposes.
Biography and Professional Career of Drew DoscherDrew Doscher
Drew Doscher has demonstrated financial acumen and upheld a substantial ethical standard, earning him the reputation of honest guy in a dishonest business. His transparent dealings and leadership during crises, such as the Barclays-Lehman merger, have only bolstered his standing in the finance community.
THSYU Launches Innovative Cryptocurrency Platform: A New Era of Secure and Ef...Google
THSYU, a trailblazer in the global cryptocurrency trading landscape, is thrilled to announce the launch of its cutting-edge trading platform. This innovative platform is meticulously designed to provide secure, efficient, and user-friendly trading solutions. With this development, THSYU solidifies its position in the competitive cryptocurrency market while demonstrating its commitment to leveraging advanced technology for the protection of user assets.
Tamil Nadu is a leading industrial hub in India, attracting foreign investment due to its strong infrastructure, logistics, and diverse manufacturing sector, including automobiles, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, textiles, electronics, and chemicals. The state has the second-highest GDP in India and houses the largest number of factory units (37,220), contributing 20% of Indias electronics production. It has a high concentration of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), accounting for one-third of the states exports, with key industrial estates like **Ambattur, Sriperumbudur, and Oragadam**. The **Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation (TANSIDCO)**, established in 1970, supports **MSMEs** by maintaining **41 Government Industrial Estates and 87 TANSIDCO Industrial Estates**, offering developed plots (5 cents to 1 acre) and various support services such as cluster development, technical guidance, and raw material assistance. Notable industrial estates include **Ambattur (one of Asias largest MSME hubs), Guindy (Indias first industrial estate), Sriperumbudur (home to Hyundai, Foxconn, and Samsung), Oragadam (major automotive hub), Irungattukottai (Renault-Nissan, BMW), and Vallam Vadagal (aerospace and defense industries).** These estates provide world-class infrastructure, including **reliable power, developed plots, common facility centers, strong connectivity (highways, ports, airports), 24/7 security, water supply, stormwater drains, sewage systems, green belts, and parks**, fostering a robust environment for industrial growth.
Agricultural Credit and Financial Inclusion: Role of Kissan Credit CardSunita C
This PowerPoint presentation provides an in-depth analysis of the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme, a government initiative aimed at providing timely and low-cost credit to farmers. It covers the scheme's objectives, eligibility criteria, loan limits, interest rates, and repayment structure. Additionally, the presentation explores the role of financial institutions, digital advancements in KCC, its impact on rural credit accessibility, and challenges in implementation. It also highlights recent policy reforms and government efforts to expand KCC coverage to benefit small and marginal farmers, livestock owners, and fishers.
APMC and E-NAM: Transforming Agricultural Markets in IndiaSunita C
This presentation explores the Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) and the Electronic National Agriculture Market (e-NAM), highlighting their role in improving market efficiency, price discovery, farmer empowerment, and challenges in agricultural trade and supply chain management.
1. follow the money..... "credit crisis" inevitably derives from油 the nature of the money in circulation
2. 油 Three things ... 油 油油 油 ... define money - legal tender, national currency - as we know it: 油 油油油 1油油油 the money has to be valuable as a thing in itself, so it will be accepted anywhere,油 油 油油 油油油 油油油 油 which requires 油油 油油油 2油油 油the money supply must be limited, the money has to be scarce 油油 油油油 油油油 油 which requires油 油 油油油 3油油油 issuance must be by trusted authorities 油油油 油油 油油油油 like central banks, and governments for instance. 油 All three of these are required to establish a money that has in itself a value entirely independent of the users - who are of no account in the process of money valuation or credit creation.油 A dollar's a dollar, a yen a yen - whatever your opinions. In every sense, it's their money, that we get to use if we can earn it or borrow it. 油 Credit is our opportunity to borrow their money. 油 So just where does that leave us?
3. tanked Money comes, money goes and the level in my tank rises and falls. 油 Sometimes it's high and I have choices, sometimes low and I don't have so many. 油 And it's the same for all - individuals, families, businesses, non-profits, governments and communities油 油 We've all our money in our tanks, and it all comes from somewhere else.油 We need the money for the stuff we need, so when we get the money, we spend the money, then the money's gone and we need another injection. 油 It's a classic recipe for addiction. 油 油
4. trickle down economics The economy is just a series of tanks (connected by a series of tubes?) and for every one of us, our particular tank sits below a multitude of tanks, some providing us with money, and below us there's a vast field of potential receivers.油油 油 Of the millions of tanks, we only connect with a few. Does anyone think that any of the money they spend somehow goes around and adds to their income? - that we can somehow spend ourselves into work? No chance.油油 Do the math if you need to. But don't take it personally - it's the same for us all.
5. Whether an individual, a family, business, corporation or government, it's just the same. 油 Each has their tank (or tanks, it makes no difference) and is getting from a whole bunch of tanks and is giving to a whole bunch of tanks and none has any significant control of the money flow. 油 NO control worth having. 油 All of us in the same sort of tanks, all of us running on our treadmills, all trying to survive, because we've got to try to survive, because there's no free lunch, you've got to have the money to do the deal, you've got to have the deal to make the life, so hustle, hustle, hustle. 油 This money system was founded on/in fear and greed and it's clearly very good in those sectors.油 It does what it does very well.油油 油 But a full tool box needs more than a carrot and a stick.油 There are things this money doesn't do very well, or can't do at all.油 油 Like any systemic income security for users.油 油 The money we spend isn't coming back. totally tanked
6. gone we don't know where it's gone 油 we just know it's gone and not coming back 油 even if we knew where, there's nothing we could do with that information and it doesn't remember us at all, much less owe us any loyalty or care. But this is common knowledge, so obvious that nobody gives it a thought It's a deeply " duh!" reality.油油 油 "Of course that's what it does.油 How else could money work?油 Is this news?" 油 "So it's always going away!油 So what?" So what if we had money that did come back?
7. what if we were to have money that would go round and come back again?油油 油 money that will circle around somehow out there when we spend it and come back to us in time 油 it somehow circulates and swirls around the markets that use it and comes back 油 we don't know the patterns, and that doesn't matter - the money comes back sometimes in small networks it comes back quickly, sometimes in large networks it's slower 油 but it's always coming back, always there for the earning what's that worth? money go round
8. value proposition the simplest form of evaluation is ranking - which do you prefer? 油 consider two $20 bills 油 one is normal - you know it's never coming back. 油 the other is not normal - and you think it will come back 油 which are you going to spend first? there is a differential between the dollar that goes and comes back and the dollar that just goes away this is an example of Greshams law - "bad money drives out good".油 But Gresham was thinking of competing commodity currencies - having no idea of circulating network or community currencies (cc). that cc circulate makes Greshams "bad" money (lower commodity value) real good (it comes back)
9. wiifm? what's in it for me? if I (and my business / employer / community / etc) can make it in this crazy mixed up world with just the usual money (the hard stuff) then what's in this money-go-round for me and my interests? how much value is there in moneys that come back? 油 is it worth my time to explore this? 油 what's my roi? That's case dependent, so the general answer offered is that using circulating moneys will have results that are positive, persistent, and substantial.油油油 油 "Substantial" change is often considered a difference that's seen to be a difference, and that's quite commonly about a 10% change in something. 油 Aim for at least 10%.油 So you'll know when it's working for you.油 油
10. patterns for all economic transactions - in the so-called formal economy - where things are paid for, bought and sold for money - there's a transfer of a good or service in one direction and a transfer of a piece of information, a symbol, a ticket in the other. hard goods, good services (or bad services) in one direction transferred from me to you, from you to him - at each juncture the money flows in the opposite direction - the two patterns are identical - they lay over each other - one would not happen without the other 油 (If I had time I'd draw a picture if I could draw - I'm sure you can draw it yourself.) every economic event, every exchange between an A and a B, has something "real" going one way, and something imaginary going the other. 油 the pattern of an economy is determined by the patterns that money is inclined to follow 油 different money forms support different patterns of trading油 油 油
11. test case The community way is a new approach to locally based fund-raising that can provide substantial long term support to many areas of need.油 油 Donations in community way $ connect three sectors of the local economy - community service organizations, business and people. Each gains from the recirculation of the money cw$, and nobody loses cash. 油 This program - youtube / pdf - is a general application intended to not only do what it does - raise funds for community needs - but also act as ignition for local / regional open money development collaborations. 油 It is designed for anywhere with a population over 100,000 (or less), for anyone with access to internet (direct or indirect), anytime they're ready (almost). All parts are well tested and the whole has been verified under adverse conditions, occasionally and briefly.
18. 油 油 normal money goes away 油油 油油 油油油 this we know, and we know that won't change 油油油 油 油油油 if there isn't a credit crisis, there will be soon enough 油 油 油 community currencies (cc) give us money that goes around 油油油 how can that be a problem? community way is a cost effective test case 油 crisis ~ opportunity