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I thought that I would indulge in a little Food for Thought.
We have a relationship with everything in our lives and one of the most
intense relationships that we have is with food.

 We can not survive for long without food; it is fundamental to our
existence. Our relationship with food is different for each of us. Some of us
eat to live, some live to eat. Food is often used to sooth our emotional pain,
as a means self punishment or reward. It also nourishes our bodies to keep
us healthy and is a means of creating and maintaining social bonds.

Food can also become a source of stress. We are bombarded by the Media
and Government Departments about which foods are bad for us and which we
can and cant eat. Then ideas change and we are told that we can now eat
things that were previously taboo! We are hit with Atkins Diets, Israeli
Diets, Fat Free Diets, CSIRO Diets, Celebrity Diets, etc. Are you confused?

          We have umpteen cooking shows on TV showing us how to make
          wonderful meals for ourselves and our families with good
          wholesome fresh food. More confusion as these TV Chefs use
ingredients like butter, cream, salt, pasta and horror of horrors Potatoes!
Yes, the humble Spud has been demonized for years even though it has been
a staple food for generations and even improved the quality of the diet of
the population when it was first introduced into Europe in 1536 by the
Spanish. Is it no wonder that confusion reigns and our relationship with food
becomes a battle ground?

Apart from confusion there are other emotions evoked by food.

For example:
Guilt  why on earth do we feel guilty about eating food? Its ridiculous
when you think about it. Eating food has no effect on anyone but you. And if
you are eating a sensible well balanced diet most of the time, whats wrong
with indulging yourself now and again with treats like chocolate? As my
     Grandmother used to say A little bit of what you fancy does you good.

          I often hear people say things like I had a piece of cake when out
         at lunch with friends, so now I have to work out harder at the Gym
and eat less. You enjoyed giving yourself a treat at the time and thats fine.
So how is it productive to feel guilty about treating yourself? What is it
that makes you feel that you now have to punish yourself with extra
exercise and by starving yourself?

Fear  fear of being fat, of not being acceptable, of not being loved, of not
being good enough all have an impact on our relationship with food.

Control  in my experience people with eating disorders often feel that the
only thing that they can control in their lives is the food that they do or do
not put into their mouths.

           Thin is IN, so many people go from diet to diet in an unachievable
           quest for the perfect body with the idea that when they are thin
           they will be lovable and accepted. I often hear people swapping
           stories with each other about the diets that they are on and how
fat they are; making those of us who are not dieting feel like we are

The sad fact is that diets do not work and many people ultimately end up
fatter than before which makes them feel even less lovable.
The good news is that science is now showing that you dont have to be thin
to be fit and healthy. The other bit of good news is that you are always
lovable for who you are, not what you weigh.

Compulsive eating expert Geneen Roth in her book Women Food and God
states I believe we are walking, talking expressions of our deepest
convictions; everything we believe about love, fear, transformation and God
is revealed in how, when and what we eat. I thought the eating guidelines
that Roth set to allow your body to reach its natural weight were
interesting, so here they are:
1. Eat when you are hungry
2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment. This does not include the car.
3. Eat without distractions. Distractions include radio, television,
newspapers, books, intense or anxiety-producing conversations or music.
4. Eat what your body wants
5. Eat until you are satisfied.
6. Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others.
7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.

For those of you who are interested, Geneen Roths book Women Food and
God is available through The Book Depository web site. I found it to be an
interesting read and highly recommend it.

Did You Know That?

      The can opener was invented 48 years after cans were introduced.
      Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine.
      Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space
       because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them.
      Some Eskimos have been known to use refrigerators to keep their
       food from freezing.
      Bakers used to be fined if their loaves were under weight, so they
       used to add an extra loaf to every dozen, just in case -- hence, the
       expression "baker's dozen"

And Finally  A Thought For The Day:

                Live every moment like its your last chance to eat Chocolate!

                I hope you enjoyed my Food for Thought!

         Hilary Thompson, The Out and About Therapist.


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Hilary Thompson
A Week Of Inspirations
A  Week  Of  InspirationsA  Week  Of  Inspirations
A Week Of Inspirations
Hilary Thompson
A Week Of Inspirations
A Week Of Inspirations A Week Of Inspirations
A Week Of Inspirations
Hilary Thompson

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Food for thought

  • 1. I thought that I would indulge in a little Food for Thought. We have a relationship with everything in our lives and one of the most intense relationships that we have is with food. We can not survive for long without food; it is fundamental to our existence. Our relationship with food is different for each of us. Some of us eat to live, some live to eat. Food is often used to sooth our emotional pain, as a means self punishment or reward. It also nourishes our bodies to keep us healthy and is a means of creating and maintaining social bonds. Food can also become a source of stress. We are bombarded by the Media and Government Departments about which foods are bad for us and which we can and cant eat. Then ideas change and we are told that we can now eat things that were previously taboo! We are hit with Atkins Diets, Israeli Diets, Fat Free Diets, CSIRO Diets, Celebrity Diets, etc. Are you confused? We have umpteen cooking shows on TV showing us how to make wonderful meals for ourselves and our families with good wholesome fresh food. More confusion as these TV Chefs use ingredients like butter, cream, salt, pasta and horror of horrors Potatoes! Yes, the humble Spud has been demonized for years even though it has been a staple food for generations and even improved the quality of the diet of the population when it was first introduced into Europe in 1536 by the Spanish. Is it no wonder that confusion reigns and our relationship with food becomes a battle ground? Apart from confusion there are other emotions evoked by food. For example:
  • 2. Guilt why on earth do we feel guilty about eating food? Its ridiculous when you think about it. Eating food has no effect on anyone but you. And if you are eating a sensible well balanced diet most of the time, whats wrong with indulging yourself now and again with treats like chocolate? As my Grandmother used to say A little bit of what you fancy does you good. I often hear people say things like I had a piece of cake when out at lunch with friends, so now I have to work out harder at the Gym and eat less. You enjoyed giving yourself a treat at the time and thats fine. So how is it productive to feel guilty about treating yourself? What is it that makes you feel that you now have to punish yourself with extra exercise and by starving yourself? Fear fear of being fat, of not being acceptable, of not being loved, of not being good enough all have an impact on our relationship with food. Control in my experience people with eating disorders often feel that the only thing that they can control in their lives is the food that they do or do not put into their mouths. Thin is IN, so many people go from diet to diet in an unachievable quest for the perfect body with the idea that when they are thin they will be lovable and accepted. I often hear people swapping stories with each other about the diets that they are on and how fat they are; making those of us who are not dieting feel like we are outsiders. The sad fact is that diets do not work and many people ultimately end up fatter than before which makes them feel even less lovable. The good news is that science is now showing that you dont have to be thin to be fit and healthy. The other bit of good news is that you are always lovable for who you are, not what you weigh. Compulsive eating expert Geneen Roth in her book Women Food and God states I believe we are walking, talking expressions of our deepest convictions; everything we believe about love, fear, transformation and God is revealed in how, when and what we eat. I thought the eating guidelines that Roth set to allow your body to reach its natural weight were interesting, so here they are:
  • 3. 1. Eat when you are hungry 2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment. This does not include the car. 3. Eat without distractions. Distractions include radio, television, newspapers, books, intense or anxiety-producing conversations or music. 4. Eat what your body wants 5. Eat until you are satisfied. 6. Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others. 7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure. For those of you who are interested, Geneen Roths book Women Food and God is available through The Book Depository web site. I found it to be an interesting read and highly recommend it. Did You Know That? The can opener was invented 48 years after cans were introduced. Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them. Some Eskimos have been known to use refrigerators to keep their food from freezing. Bakers used to be fined if their loaves were under weight, so they used to add an extra loaf to every dozen, just in case -- hence, the expression "baker's dozen" And Finally A Thought For The Day: Live every moment like its your last chance to eat Chocolate! I hope you enjoyed my Food for Thought! Hilary Thompson, The Out and About Therapist. www.theoutandabouttherapist.com