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Food incs
Cohesive marketing
This documentarys ideology is to promote producing food naturally rather
than relying on unsustainable and unethical methods of producing food.
They also look at the ways that industries promote the eating of unhealthy
This is consistent with the rest of the Food Inc.'s marketing
campaign products. For example the blue sky is a convention
of Food Inc.'s because it represents the natural environment
that they want to protect natural farming techniques. Another
way that this product is similar to many of food incs other
products is that it contains a cow with a barcode on it. This is
used to show that cows along with other animals should be
produced in sustainable and ethical ways instead of being
produced in unsustainable and unethical ways.
This is consistent with the rest of the Food Inc.'s
marketing campaign products. For example the
blue sky is a convention of Food Inc.'s because it
represents the natural environment that they
want to protect natural farming techniques.
Another way that this product is similar to many
of food incs other products is that it contains a
cow with a barcode on it. This is used in ironic
way to show that cows should be used in a
sustainable way.
Film screening
Although this product maintains many of the elements of the
other products in this marketing campaign. For example the
cow with a barcode, which represents that we are treating
animals and the environment in general as products instead
of protecting the environment in a sustainable way. They also
have decided to make the green much more prominent in
this product than in other products, which is possibly to
make it more obvious that the documentary is to do with
(protecting) the environment due to green symbolically
being related to the environment.
The website shares many of the properties of
other products in this marketing campaign. For
example the blue sky and field of grass are all
properties of the other parts of this marketing
campaign. These represent the fact that they
want to protect the natural environment as well
natural farming techniques given that the blue
sky and field represent the natural environment.

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  • 2. Ideology This documentarys ideology is to promote producing food naturally rather than relying on unsustainable and unethical methods of producing food. They also look at the ways that industries promote the eating of unhealthy food.
  • 3. DVD This is consistent with the rest of the Food Inc.'s marketing campaign products. For example the blue sky is a convention of Food Inc.'s because it represents the natural environment that they want to protect natural farming techniques. Another way that this product is similar to many of food incs other products is that it contains a cow with a barcode on it. This is used to show that cows along with other animals should be produced in sustainable and ethical ways instead of being produced in unsustainable and unethical ways.
  • 4. Poster This is consistent with the rest of the Food Inc.'s marketing campaign products. For example the blue sky is a convention of Food Inc.'s because it represents the natural environment that they want to protect natural farming techniques. Another way that this product is similar to many of food incs other products is that it contains a cow with a barcode on it. This is used in ironic way to show that cows should be used in a sustainable way.
  • 5. Film screening Although this product maintains many of the elements of the other products in this marketing campaign. For example the cow with a barcode, which represents that we are treating animals and the environment in general as products instead of protecting the environment in a sustainable way. They also have decided to make the green much more prominent in this product than in other products, which is possibly to make it more obvious that the documentary is to do with (protecting) the environment due to green symbolically being related to the environment.
  • 6. Website The website shares many of the properties of other products in this marketing campaign. For example the blue sky and field of grass are all properties of the other parts of this marketing campaign. These represent the fact that they want to protect the natural environment as well natural farming techniques given that the blue sky and field represent the natural environment.