1. In an investigation, a group of pupils added different amounts of preservatives in four
glasses of fruit juice . Table below shows the time taken for the fruit juice to become
牀牀牆牀 牀牀牆牀園逗迦, 牀牀鉦牀朽萎牀牀橿 牆牀朽朽牀朽牀朽 牀牀橿朽逗迦鉦 牀牀む牀逗 牆牀牀鉦萎牀橿牀 牀牀鉦牆牀
牆牀牀鉦牆牀牆牀牀牀橿逗迦 牀牀橿牀 牀牀巌牆牀牀鉦園牀園逗迦 牆牀牀萎牀む牀む牀萎. 牀牀牆牀牀朽牀 牀牀巌牆牀牀鉦 牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牀鉦
牀牀牀む牀む牀牆牀牆牀牀鉦牆牀 牆牀牀萎む牆牀む牆 牀牀鉦牆牀牀牀逗園む.
(a) State the thing that is,
牀牀逗牆牀朽萎牀橿朽牀園牆牀園牆 牀牀園逗牆牀牀牀逗牀.
i. Changed / 牀む園牀牀鉦萎牀 牀牀鉦園
(1 牀牀橿牀橿)
ii. Measured / 牀牀鉦萎牀 牀牀鉦園
(1 牀牀橿牀橿)
Amount of preservatives added (g)
牆牀牀萎牀牆牀牀牀牆牀牀牀牆牀 牀牀む牀逗 牆牀牀鉦萎牀橿橿逗牆
牀牀橿 (g)
Time Taken for the fruit Juice to become
spoil (week)
牀牀巌牆牀牀鉦 牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牀鉦 牀牀牀む牀む牀牆牀牆牀牀鉦牆牀
牆牀牀萎牆 (牀朽鉦萎牆)
3 1
6 2
9 3
12 4
2. (b) What is the aim of this investigation?
牀牀牆牀 牀牀萎鉦牆牀朽逗牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀?
(1 牀牀橿牀橿)
(c) State one relationship that can be made in the investigation.
牀牀牆牀 牀牀牆牀朽牆牀牀 牀蹍園牀 牀牀萎牀 牆牀む鉦牀萎牀牀逗牀牀牆 牀牀園逗牆牀牀牀逗牀.
(1 牀牀橿牀橿)
(d) Predict the time taken for the fruit juice to become spoil if 15g of preservative was
15g 牀牀む牀逗 牆牀牀鉦萎牀橿橿 牆牀牀萎牀牆牀牀牀牆牀牀牀牆牀牀鉦迦 牀牀巌牆牀牀鉦 牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牀鉦 牀牀牀む牀む牀牆牀牆牀牀鉦牆牀
牆牀牀萎む牆牀 牀牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀鉦牀牆 牆牀牀牆牀.
(1 牀牀橿牀橿)
3. 2. W, X and Y are three fresh identical fish. The fish are soaked in the tap water which
dissolved with different amount of salt.
W, X, 牀牀園牀園牆 Y 牀牆牀 牀朽牀牀牀鉦 牀牆牀牆牀 牀牀む逗 牀牆牀牆牀牀橿鉦牀牆. 牆牀朽朽牀朽牀朽 牀牀橿 牀牀牆牀牀
牀牆牀萎牆牀牀牀牆牀牀牀牆牀 牀牀巌鉦牆 牀牆牀萎逗迦 牀牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牀橿 牀牀 牆牀朽牆牀牀牀牆牀牀牀牆牀牀.
Table below shows the results of the investigation.
牀牀牆牀牀朽牀 牀牀牆牀朽逗牆 牀牆牀牀逗朽牀朽牆 牀牀鉦牆牀牀牀逗牆牀園む
Fish/ 牀牆牀牆 Time taken to spoilt (days)
牀牆牀牆牀牀橿 牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牀鉦 牀牀牀む牀む牀牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀 牀牀鉦迦牆 (牀牀鉦橿)
W 2
X 5
Y 7
(a) What is the purpose (aim) of the investigation?
牀牀牆牀 牀牀牆牀朽逗牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀?
(1 牀牀橿牀橿)
(b) Based on the investigation, state the following:
i. What is changed/ 牀む園牀牀鉦萎牀 牀牀鉦園
4. (1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
ii. What is measured/ 牀牀鉦萎牀牆 牀牀鉦園
(2 牀牆牀橿牀橿逗牀橿)
(c) Based on this investigation, write one conclusion.
牀牀牆牀 牀牀牆牀朽牀 牀牀牀逗牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牀鉦牀牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀 牀牀 牀牆牀牀逗朽逗牀 牀牀巌牀む朽牀牆.
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
(d) State one factor that needs to be kept the same in the investigation.
牀牀牆牀 牀牀牆牀朽朽逗迦 牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牀牀牀む牀む牆牀牀牀牆 牆牀朽牆牀牀逗 牀牀 牀牀鉦園逗牀牀牆 牀牆牀園逗牆牀牀牀逗牆牀朽牀牆.
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
5. 3. A group of pupils carry out an investigation. They put three fish with the same size in
each identical aquarium X and Y. The size of the fish after one month is shown in the
following diagram.
牀牀 牀牀鉦牀朽萎 牀牆牀巌牀朽逗牀萎 牀牀牆牀朽朽 牀牀牆牀園牀 牆牀牀園牀牆牀牀鉦牆牀牆牀牀萎. 牀牀朽萎牀牀橿 牀牆牀 牀牀橿朽鉦 牀牆牀牆牀園
牀牆牀牆牀園牆牀 X 牀牀園牀牀園牆 Y 牀牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀牆 牆牀む鉦牆牀牀逗牀橿逗迦 牆牀牀牀鉦牆牀牆牀牀萎. 牀牀 牀牀鉦むむ牀む逗園牀牀牆牀牀牆 牀牀牀逗園牆 牀牆牀牀逗牆
牀牀橿牀朽牆 牀牆牀巌牀牆牀牀鉦牆牀牆 牀牀牀牆牀牆 牀牀鉦牆牀牀牀逗牆牀園園.
(a). Based on the observation, write two reasons (inferences).
牀牀園牀牀園園逗む牀 牀牀牀逗牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牀鉦牀牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀 牀牀萎牆牀 牀牀牀逗む牀 牀牀巌牀む.
(2 牀牆牀橿牀橿逗牀橿)
(b). write one observation to support your reason in (a).
6. (a)-牀牀迦 牀牀牀 牀牀牀逗む迦牀牆牀牆 牀牀む鉦萎牀鉦 牀牀 牀牀園牀牀園園逗む牀 牀牀巌牀む.
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
(c). What is kept the same in this investigation?
牀牀牆牀 牀牀牆牀朽朽逗迦 牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牀牀牀む牀む牆牀牀牀牆牀牆 牀牀鉦園 牀牀?
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
The size of the fish also depends on the cleanliness of the water.
牀牆牀牀逗牆 牀牀橿朽 牀牆牀萎逗牆 牀む牀牆牀朽牀牆牀牀牆 牀牀鉦萎牀牆牀む橿牀橿.
(d) State the relationship based on the statement above.
牆牀牀園牀牀牀鉦牆牀牆 牀牆牀園牀牀園牆牀牆 牀蹍園牀牀 牀牀 牆牀む鉦牆牀萎牀牀牀逗牀牀牆 牀牆牀園逗牆牀牀牀逗牀.
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
7. 4. The table shows an investigation carried out by a group of pupils about stored
temperature for a type of food.
牀牆牀巌牀牆牀牀鉦牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀朽牆牀 牀牀 牀牀鉦牀朽牀萎 牀牆牀巌牀朽牀逗牀萎鉦迦 牀牀 牀朽牆牀 牀牀牀 牀牆牀園逗牆牀牀逗牆牀
牆牀朽牀牆牀牀牀逗牀迦牀逗迦 牆牀朽牀む牀 牆牀牀園牀牆牀牀鉦牆牀 牀牀萎鉦牆牀朽牀逗牀牀牆 牀牀鉦牆牀牆牀牀逗牆牀園.
(a) In this investigation, state
牀牀牆牀 牀牀萎鉦牆牀朽牀逗迦 牀牀逗牆牀朽牀萎朽牀牀朽牀園牀牆牀園牆 牀牆牀園逗牆牀牀逗牆牀.
i. What to keep the same?
牀牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牀牆牀む牀む牆牀牀牆牀 牀牀鉦園 牀牀牆牀?
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
ii. what to change?
牀む園牀牀牀鉦萎牀牆 牀牀鉦園 牀牀?
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
iii. What to observe?
牀牀鉦萎牀牆 牀牀鉦園 牀牀?
Stored temperature (0
牀牀牀 牆牀朽牀牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀 牆牀朽牀牆牀牀牀逗牀 (0
Deterioration time of X food (day)
牀牀牀 牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆牆牀牀鉦 牀牀牆牀む牀む牆牆牀牀鉦牆牀 牀牀鉦橿
10 9
20 5
30 2
40 3
50 5
8. (1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
(b) Predict the deterioration time of X food if the stored temperature is 450
C-牀牀迦 牀牀牀 牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆牆牀牀鉦 牀牀牆牀む牀む牆牆牀牀鉦牆牀 牆牀牀萎む牆牀 牀牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀鉦牀逗牆牀牀朽牆.
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
(c). what is the aim of the investigation?
牀牀牆牀 牀牀萎鉦牆牀朽牀逗牆 牆牀牀鉦牆牀牀牆 牀牀牆牀?
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
(d) What is the trend of the changes of the deterioration time of X food in this investigation?
牀牀牆牀 牀牀萎鉦牆牀朽牀逗迦 牀牀橿牀 牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牆牆牀牀鉦 牀牀牆牀む牀む牆牆牀牀鉦牆牀 牀牀鉦橿逗迦 牀蹍園牀牀牀牆牀牆牀橿牀 牀牀鉦園牀牀園む牀む逗牆
牀む牆牆牀 牀牀牆牀?
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
9. 5.
(a) What will happen to the size of dough P and Q after 20minutes?
20 牀牀逗牀逗牀牆牀牀橿牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀逗牆 P 牀牀園牀牀園牀牆 Q 牀牀逗牀牀牆牀 牀牀鉦朽牀逗牆 牀牀橿朽牀逗迦 牀蹍園牀牀牀牆牀牆 牀牀鉦園牀牀園牆 牀牀牆牀?
i. Size of dough P:
P 牀牀逗牀牀牆牀 牀牀鉦朽牀逗牆 牀牀橿:
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿)
10. ii. Size of dough Q:
Q 牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牆牀 牀牀鉦朽逗牀牆 牀牀橿:
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿逗)
(b). Give a reason to the changes in size of the dough.
牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牆牀 牀牀鉦朽逗牀牆 牀牀橿朽逗牀迦 牀蹍園牀牀牆牀牆牀橿牀 牀牀鉦園牀園む牀む逗牀園牀牀鉦 牀牀牀逗牀む牀迦牆 牀牆牀園逗牀牆牀牀逗牀牆牀.
i. dough P:
P 牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牆牀 牀牀鉦:
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿逗)
ii. dough Q:
Q 牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牆牀 牀牀鉦:
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿逗)
(c). State what to change in the investigation.
牀牀牆牀 牀牀萎鉦牆牀朽逗牀迦 牀む園牀牆牀鉦萎牀牆 牀牀鉦園逗牆牀牆牀牆 牀牆牀園逗牀牆牀牀逗牀牆牀.
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿逗)
(d). What can be concluded from the above investigation?
牀牀牆牀 牀牀萎鉦牆牀朽逗牀迦 牀牀牆牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀牀逗牆 牀牀園牀む逗 牀牆牀牀逗 牀牀牆牀?
(1 牀牆牀橿牀橿逗)