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Made by,Edmond
Supervised by Mr Benani

     -Macro Economic
     -Micro Economic
   Price trends
Global increase of Food:

 Increase of 12% from 2005 to
  2006, 24% in 2007 and Raise
  50% in January a great peak
 Decrease then increased 2009-
 Peaking again slightly to the
  one of 2008
 Between 2006 and 2008 average world prices
    for rice rose by 217%,
   wheat by 136%,
   corn by 125% and
    soybeans by 107%.
   soya by 87%, and maize 31%
 Scarcity of Resources(land,raw
  materialsdrought in grain
  producting countries
 Raise of Oil price
   - Hight cost of fertilizers
   - Hight cost of Food Transportation
   - Industrial agriculture
 Growth of world population
 Hight demand
 Financial speculation
 Lack of Rain
 Vulnerability of the current
  agricultural and food model


                                           o Increase of 12%
                                             from 2005 to 2006,
                                             24% in 2007, and a
                                             rise of about 50% in
                                             January and July

FAO Price Index at current prices (black
curve) and corrected for inflation (blue
curve) between January 2004 and May 2011
oRise of the oil s
price combined with
global raise of food
price and other
leads to the global
oGreat fear of Financial
market s:stocks markets
Example of Wall street,
oAffect the global
 Micro economic
o Switch to other foods or other business
o Wholesalers incresase more the price of food
o Retailers raise it again
o Purcahsing power become insignificant to
  afford the purchase of food
o Decrease of consumer confidence
o Increase of anger
oUnrest around the world

1.   Mauritania,      8 Morocco
2.   Cameroon         10 Mexico
3.   Senegal          11 Bolivia
4.   Burkina Faso     13 Yemen
5.   C担te d'Ivoire     14 Uzbekistan
6.   Egypt            15 Pakistan
7.   Bangladesh       16 Sri Lanka
8.   South Africa.   ..
Food raise of price e

         Interventions of Governements(bailout,being
         owner of certains banks..)

         More Grants to the farmers

         Support Small scale and sustainable production.

 Government intervention:
 -IFAD $200million to
  support poor farmers
 -April 30, 2008 creation of
  the organition of rice
  exporting countries
 - June 2008 the food and
  agriculture organization
  hosted conference in
  which $1.2 billion in food
 Ester,V.,2008.Causes Consequences and Alternatives:International
    Viewpoint[Online].Available at:<
    d 24 October 2011]
   Rolf,K.,Reinhard and Jutta,W.,2010. What Became of the Food Price
    Crisis in 2008?.[Online] Z端ric: Aussenwirtschaft.
   Swiss Review of International Economic Relations.Available at :<
    ed 24 October 2011]
   Food and Agricultural Organization Of the United Nations.2011 How
    does international price volatility affect domestic economies and
    food security?FAO
   Joachim,V.B.,2008. Food and financial crises: Implications for agriculture
    and the poor.IFPRI Policy Brief 7.Washington,DC:International Food Policy
    Research Institute

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Food raise of price e

  • 1. Casablanca 27/10/2011 2007-2008 Made by,Edmond Supervised by Mr Benani
  • 2. Content Historic Causes Consequences -Macro Economic -Micro Economic Alternatives References
  • 3. Historic Price trends Global increase of Food: Increase of 12% from 2005 to 2006, 24% in 2007 and Raise 50% in January a great peak Decrease then increased 2009- 2010 Peaking again slightly to the one of 2008
  • 4. Between 2006 and 2008 average world prices for rice rose by 217%, wheat by 136%, corn by 125% and soybeans by 107%. soya by 87%, and maize 31%
  • 5. Causes Scarcity of Resources(land,raw materialsdrought in grain producting countries Raise of Oil price - Hight cost of fertilizers - Hight cost of Food Transportation - Industrial agriculture
  • 6. Growth of world population Hight demand Financial speculation Lack of Rain Vulnerability of the current agricultural and food model
  • 7. Consequences MacroEconomic o Increase of 12% from 2005 to 2006, 24% in 2007, and a rise of about 50% in January and July 2008. FAO Price Index at current prices (black curve) and corrected for inflation (blue curve) between January 2004 and May 2011
  • 8. oRise of the oil s price combined with global raise of food price and other leads to the global inflation oGreat fear of Financial market s:stocks markets Example of Wall street, oAffect the global Economy
  • 9. Micro economic o Switch to other foods or other business o Wholesalers incresase more the price of food o Retailers raise it again o Purcahsing power become insignificant to afford the purchase of food o Decrease of consumer confidence o Increase of anger
  • 10. oUnrest around the world 1. Mauritania, 8 Morocco 2. Cameroon 10 Mexico 3. Senegal 11 Bolivia 4. Burkina Faso 13 Yemen 5. C担te d'Ivoire 14 Uzbekistan 6. Egypt 15 Pakistan 7. Bangladesh 16 Sri Lanka 8. South Africa. ..
  • 12. Alternatives Interventions of Governements(bailout,being owner of certains banks..) More Grants to the farmers Support Small scale and sustainable production. IT IS NECESSARY TO GENERATE MECHANISM OF INTERVENTION AND REGULATION
  • 13. Government intervention: -IFAD $200million to support poor farmers -April 30, 2008 creation of the organition of rice exporting countries - June 2008 the food and agriculture organization hosted conference in which $1.2 billion in food aid
  • 14. References Ester,V.,2008.Causes Consequences and Alternatives:International Viewpoint[Online].Available at:< http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article1774>[Accesse d 24 October 2011] Rolf,K.,Reinhard and Jutta,W.,2010. What Became of the Food Price Crisis in 2008?.[Online] Z端ric: Aussenwirtschaft. Swiss Review of International Economic Relations.Available at :< http://www.nadel.ethz.ch/publikationen/food_price_crisis.pdf>[Access ed 24 October 2011] Food and Agricultural Organization Of the United Nations.2011 How does international price volatility affect domestic economies and food security?FAO Joachim,V.B.,2008. Food and financial crises: Implications for agriculture and the poor.IFPRI Policy Brief 7.Washington,DC:International Food Policy Research Institute