FoodRecruit offers a flat fee recruitment service for the food industry at 90% lower cost than traditional recruiters. They advertise jobs on major job boards, search large CV databases, screen candidates, and provide client reports and interview arrangements. FoodRecruit aims to pass on savings from online recruitment methods to food industry customers while maintaining a high quality, full-service recruitment process. Their flat fee model allows them to charge significantly less than percentage-based recruitment fees.
2. About Us Recruitment Process
FoodRecruit is a radical cost- Passing Savings Back to the Customer Job Advert Deliver
The use of job boards and social media has We create a job advert web optimised with We deliver an appraisal report and CV for each
effective recruitment solution made it easier, faster and cheaper for keywords, using 10+ years experience of writing shortlisted candidate, weekly or bi-weekly.
specifically for the food industry recruitment consultancies to identify effective online job adverts for our Food
and offers an extension to our candidates, but few recruiters have reduced Industry clients. Interview Candidates *
their fees to reflect this changing market. We will conduct telephone Interviews with your
existing food sector recruitment FoodRecruit bucks the trend and pass savings Advertise the Job preferred candidates and provide you with an
consultancy established in 2002. back to our food industry customers. We post the job advert to the UK’s major jobs Interview report for each candidate.
boards, social media and leading food industry
Low Cost High Quality job sites, with all adverts benefiting from 28 Arrange Interviews *
FoodRecruit delivers a full Our service will dramatically reduce your days of advertising. We will make all the arrangements for the
recruitment service at 90%* recruitment cost, whilst providing a high quality candidates to attend interviews and will keep in
less cost than a traditional recruitment service on par with, or surpassing, a CV Searching touch with selected candidates until the day
recruitment consultancy. traditional recruitment consultancy. We search in excess of 10 million CV’s on major they commence employment with you.
CV Databases to identify candidates with the
Why we charge a Flat Fee skills and experience relevant to your vacancy,
Because we charge a flat fee and earn income and encourage them to make an application.
on almost 100% of the vacancies we work on,
our fees can be 90%* lower than a traditional Response Management & Shortlist
recruitment consultancy. If we didn't charge an We shortlist or reject every applicant using your
upfront flat fee, this would not be possible. job description and the many years experience
we have in identifying relevant food industry
*90% saving based on our flat fee of £495 compared to * Premier Recruitment Service plan
traditional recruiters fee of 15% on a £33k pa vacancy
3. Advertising Your Job General Job Boards
We have utilised online recruitment for our Food We use multiple advertising channels, job
Industry clients since 2002, advertising in boards, career sites, social media platforms and
excess of a thousand food sector jobs. CV databases.
We apply this knowledge and experience to Some of the sites where your vacancy will
ensure your web optimised vacancy attracts the appear are listed here.
maximum number of relevant applications.
Food Job Boards
Specialist Job Boards
The job boards that FoodRecruit work with will display vacancies that are relevant to their demographic. This guarantees that
your vacancy will not appear on sites serving the wrong demographic and increases the relevance of applications received.
All trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos are used in good faith and remain the property of their rightful owners
4. Disciplines We Cover Pricing Plans
We recruit food industry professionals from
£18k pa to £100k pa for permanent and Service Price Description
interim roles into the following disciplines:
Standard Recruitment Service £495 Full 28-day Recruitment
‘our most popular service’ +VAT Consultancy Service
Category/Brand Management Chef/Culinary Compliance/Risk We create a web optimised job advert for your
Continuous Improvement/Lean Distribution Engineering approval – We post the job advert to major job
boards including General, Specialist & Food
Finance General Management Health & Safety/Environment
job boards – We search in excess of 10 million
Human Resources Hygiene Laboratory/Scientific CV’s on major CV Databases – We shortlist or
Marketing Manufacturing Materials Management reject all candidates using the job criteria and
Operations Packaging Planning our food industry experience - We deliver an
Process Product Development Purchasing appraisal report and CV for each shortlisted
Quality & Technical Sales/Account Management Senior Appointments candidate – You contact the candidates
directly to arrange interviews and assessment
Supply Chain Merchandising Grocery/Retail
– You make an offer of employment and agree
a start date with your selected candidate
Premium Recruitment Service £995 Full 28-day Recruitment Service plus
‘we take care of everything’ +VAT Timesaving Extras
Same as Standard Recruitment Service but
Why Use FoodRecruit we also conduct telephone Interviews with
preferred candidates and provide more
detailed interview reports – We make
arrangements for candidates to attend
interviews and manage the job offer process
Low Cost No Finders Fee
– We also keep in touch with selected
90% cheaper than a traditional recruitment We do not charge a ‘finders fee’. We charge a
candidates until the day they commence
consultancy, based on a £33k pa salary. For one-off flat fee at the beginning of the
employment with you
higher salaried positions the savings are even recruitment process with no hidden extras.
Reliability The CV’s you receive will contain full contact
Our flat fee recruitment consultancy service can
fill 90% of customer vacancies.
details for candidates. You are free to contact
them directly to discuss a current or future Guarantee
As Food Industry recruitment specialists we Low Risk By exposing your vacancy to a wide range of We also provide a 30-day Guarantee once your
focus our recruitment efforts entirely on the If we don’t fill your vacancy we will re-advertise food industry job boards, general and specialist chosen candidate commences employment. So
Food sector. Our extensive sector knowledge it, or credit your account so you can use our job sites, we are maximising your opportunity to if they leave your business or prove to be
benefits clients and candidates alike. recruitment service on a new vacancy. successfully recruit for your vacancy. However, unsuitable, we will provide our service for an
if the shortlist of CV’s we provide does not additional 28-days. This includes full job board
Honest Advice Speed enable you to fill your vacancy after the initial 28 advertising and CV searching to enable you to
If we don’t think our service is right for your Food Industry professionals will be able to view days of service, we will either: recruit a replacement free of charge.
vacancy, we will tell you so. your job advert and apply for your vacancy
within hours. 1. Re-advertise your vacancy on the major job
Multiple Recruits sites for a further 28-days, OR
We do not charge a fee for each employee
recruited. Employ one or five candidates for the 2. Add a credit to your Account to allow you use
same one-off flat fee. our full recruitment service on a new vacancy
5. Factory Manager, Production Manager, Sales Director, NPD
Technologist, Maintenance Engineer, Product Development
Manager, Quality Assurance Manager, Capacity Planning
Manager, Technical Manager, Brand Manager, Food Scientist,
Purchasing Manager, Technical Coordinator, Forecasting
Manager, Operations Manager, Design Engineer, Buyer, Sales
Director, Hygiene Manager, Financial Controller, Concept
Technologist, Laboratory Manager, Manufacturing Director,
Operations Controller, Head of Supply Chain, Chief Engineer,
Human Resources Manager, Sales Executive, Health & Safety
Manager, Production Planning Manager, Despatch Manager,
Manufacturing Accountant, Recipe Developer, Managing
Director, General Manager, Packaging Development Manager,
Food Initment
Procurement Director, Environmental Manager, Training
Manager, Engineering Manager, Business Director, Project
Engineer, Quality Supervisor, Production Shift Manager,
Supplier Assurance Manager, BRC Auditor, Specifications
Technologist, Process Development Technologist, Marketing
Director, Distribution Manager, Merchandiser, Business Unit
Manager, Brand Low Co Regional Manager, Key Account
High Manager, Development Chef, Innova-
Manager, WarehouseQ
Online ty
tions Director, Business Development Director, Category
Controller, Chocolatier, Microbiology Manager, Process Devel-
opment Technologist, R&D Manager, Logistics Manager,
Flavour Technologist, Demand Planning Manager, Process
Engineer, Commercial Director, Food Safety Manager, Auto-
mation Manager, Transport Manager, National Sales Manager,
Night Shift Manager, Continuous Improvement Manager,
Sensory Scientist, Facilities Engineer, Agronomist, Raw
Materials Controller, Manufacturing Line Leader, Head of
Technical Compliance, Factory Manager, Production Manager,
Sales Director, NPD Technologist, Maintenance Engineer,
Production Development Manager, Quality Assurance Man-
ager, Capacity Planning Manager, Technical Manager, Brand
Tel +44 (0)161 870 6927
Tel +44 (0)20 7060 5562
Food Recruit is a trading name of Food Careers Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 4564275