This ppt is based on the chapter food security in India of class 9th economics cbse board. It will make it easier for the students to come up with the chapter. Hope You'll enjoy.
3. Food security means something more than getting
two square meals . availability , accessibility, and
affordability comes under this.
Availability:-of food means food production within
the country ,food imports and the previous year
stock stored in govt. granaries.
Accessibility:-means food is within reach of every
Affordability:-implies that an individual has enough
money to buy sufficient safe and nutritious food.
5. The poorest sections might be insecure most of the
times so food security is important.
If in our country disaster of calamity happens like
flood ,tsunami ,or drought widespread failure of crops
causing famine ,etc so there food security is important.
FAMINE:-a famine is characterized by wide spread
deaths due to starvation epidemics caused by forced
using of contaminated water or decaying food.
Example:-the famine of Bengal in 1943 the famine
killed thirty lack people.
7. A large section of people suffer from food and
nutrition insecurity in India.
In rural areas the worst affect groups are landless
workers or the people who have little land or no land.
In urban areas families are those who are insecure are
working members generally ill paid occupations and
casual labour market.
The food insecure people are disproportionately large
in some regions of the country such as economically
backward states with large incidence of poverty.
8. Hunger is an aspect of food insecurity .hunger is not just an
expression of poverty it brings about poverty. the
attainment of food insecurity.
Types ::-::
Chronic:-chronic hunger is an consequence of diets
persistently inadequate in terms of quantity or quality . It
is also caused by low income people are not able to buy
food for survival.
Seasonal:-seasonal hunger is related to cycles of food
growing and harvestings .this is prevalent in rural areas
because of casual labour .this type of hunger exists when a
person is unable to get work for the entire year.
10. year Seasonal hunger Chronic hunger Total
In rural
1983 16.2 2.3 18.5
1993-94 4.2 0.9 5.1
1999-2000 2.6 0.7 3.3
In urban
1983 5.6 0.8 6.4
1993-94 1.1 0.5 1.6
1999-2000 0.6 0.3 0.9
11. THE percentage of seasonal as well as chronic hunger
has declined in INDIA .
India is aiming at self sufficiency in
food grains since independence
India adopted a new strategy in agriculture which
resulted in the GREEN REVOLUTION.
Then Indira Gandhi released wheat revolution in 1968
And then many revolutions are also released..
13. Buffer stock is the food grain .it comes from
farmers are paid pre announced price for
their crops this is called minimum support
The MSP is declared before sowing season
to provide incentives to the farmers to the
farmers raising production to the farmers
for raising the production of these crops.
14. The purchased grains are stored in govt grainaries
Buffer stock is created to distribute food grains in
the defict areas among the poorer strata of society
at a price lower than the market price also known
as issue price.
This also resolves the problem of shortage of food
during adverse weather conditions or during the
periods of calamity.
15. The food procured by the FCI is distributed
through govt. regulated ration shops among the
poorer sections of society . this is called PDS .