The document outlines the rules for break and lunch times for football on the school fields. Younger years 7, 8 and 9 are assigned to the lower goal of the all-weather field for breaks. Year 10 uses the top goal. For lunch, years 7 and 8 play on the extension field while year 9 uses the lower goal and year 10 the top goal of the all-weather field. Balls kicked over the fence into the car park will be confiscated.
3. Lunch Times
Year 9 Year 10
Years 7 & 8
Lower Goal Top Goal
4. Unfortunately
we will now
confiscate balls
that are kicked
over the fence
into the car
park. Please
practice good
ball control!
Breaks & Lunch Times
5. Breaks & Lunch Times
Break times: All-Weather Field only.
Years 7 , 8 & 9 at the lower goal
Year 10 at the top goal
Lunch times: Extension Field
Years 7 & 8 only
Lunch times: All-Weather Field
Year 9 at the lower goal
Year 10 at the top goal