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For beginners
Aim: To learn how to greet someone
To learn know numbers
To learn how to use TO BE verb
A brief summary of the Vocational
Training Center School in
Sukhbaatar province
 In 2004 the Vocational Training Center School
opened in Sukhbaatar province and prepared
students to be qualified candidates in the job market.
Courses of study include:
 Computer operation and functional personal
 Auto mechanics
 Construction bricklayer
 Railway construction
 Painters construction and maintenance
 Skin care specialist
There are two high tech laboratories, a library with
approximately 10,000 books, teachers and students
lounge, and student dormitory that houses about 80
students. There are 600 seats in the classrooms of
the Vocational Training Center school and it has
about 400 students.
For beginners
New vocabulary
 How are you / I am okay, I am good, I am fine,
I am not bad,/
 How are you doing
 Good morning
 Good afternoon
 Good evening
 Have a good evening
 Have a nice day
 See you later
 Nice to meet you
Sandra: Good morning, Jenny.
Jenny: ________, Sandra.
Sandra ________are you?
Jenny: ______, thanks. _______?
Sandra: Good.
Jenny: See you later.
Sandra: Ok. ________ a nice day.
Jenny: Thanks._______ too.
Sandra: Bye
The numeral
One eleven twenty  one
Two twelve thirty
Three thirteen forty
Four fourteen fifty
Five fifteen sixty
Six sixteen seventy
Seven seventeen eighty
Eight eighteen ninety
Nine nineteen one hundred
one thousand
Ten twenty one million
To be  勵亶仍 勵亞
丐唏仍唏唏仆亳亶 勵亞
 I - 弍亳
 You - 亳/ 舒
 We  弍亳亟
 They 亟
 He   //
 She   /仄
 It  仆 弍仂仍 /仄舒仍 舒仄舒仆 于仍 舒仄亞勵亶 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞
To be 勵亶仍 勵亞 / 弍舒亶, 弍仂仍仂, 弍仂仍 / 弍舒舒亞舒
I am I am a teacher.
She is He is a doctor.
We are We are children
Negative form 勵亞勵亶亞 仍弍
I am + not I am not a teacher.
She is + not He is not a doctor.
We are + not We are not children
Question form /舒 仍弍/
Am I Am I student?
Is She Is it smart phone?
Are We Are they an actress?
 Book: Work book
 Page: 5 ,
 Exercise: A and B
 Page 8
 Exercise: 1,2 and 3
Thank you for attention

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For beginners

  • 3. Aim: To learn how to greet someone To learn know numbers To learn how to use TO BE verb
  • 4. A brief summary of the Vocational Training Center School in Sukhbaatar province In 2004 the Vocational Training Center School opened in Sukhbaatar province and prepared students to be qualified candidates in the job market. Courses of study include: Computer operation and functional personal Auto mechanics Construction bricklayer Carpenter
  • 5. Plumbers Cooks Welder Electrician Railway construction Painters construction and maintenance Skin care specialist There are two high tech laboratories, a library with approximately 10,000 books, teachers and students lounge, and student dormitory that houses about 80 students. There are 600 seats in the classrooms of the Vocational Training Center school and it has about 400 students.
  • 7. New vocabulary Hello Hi How are you / I am okay, I am good, I am fine, I am not bad,/ How are you doing Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Have a good evening Have a nice day See you later Nice to meet you
  • 8. Sandra: Good morning, Jenny. Jenny: ________, Sandra. Sandra ________are you? Jenny: ______, thanks. _______? Sandra: Good. Jenny: See you later. Sandra: Ok. ________ a nice day. Jenny: Thanks._______ too. Sandra: Bye
  • 9. The numeral One eleven twenty one Two twelve thirty Three thirteen forty Four fourteen fifty Five fifteen sixty Six sixteen seventy Seven seventeen eighty Eight eighteen ninety Nine nineteen one hundred one thousand Ten twenty one million
  • 10. To be 勵亶仍 勵亞
  • 11. 丐唏仍唏唏仆亳亶 勵亞 I - 弍亳 You - 亳/ 舒 We 弍亳亟 They 亟 He // She /仄 It 仆 弍仂仍 /仄舒仍 舒仄舒仆 于仍 舒仄亞勵亶 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 唏仍唏唏仍仆唏/
  • 12. To be 勵亶仍 勵亞 / 弍舒亶, 弍仂仍仂, 弍仂仍 / 弍舒舒亞舒 仍弍 I am I am a teacher. He. She is He is a doctor. It You We are We are children They
  • 13. Negative form 勵亞勵亶亞 仍弍 I am + not I am not a teacher. He. She is + not He is not a doctor. It You We are + not We are not children They
  • 14. Question form /舒 仍弍/ Am I Am I student? He Is She Is it smart phone? It You Are We Are they an actress? They
  • 15. Exercises Book: Work book Page: 5 , Exercise: A and B Page 8 Exercise: 1,2 and 3
  • 16. Thank you for attention