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Force and Motion
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Velocity and Acceleration
What is motion?
A change in the position of an
object over time.
How do you know something is
in motion or has moved?
You use a reference point!
 A stationary (not moving) object
such as a tree, street sign, or a
line on the road.
Did the
What causes an object to move?
ALL motion is due to forces acting on
What is a force?
A push or a pull
Can more than
one force act on
an object at the
same time?
Example: Gravity is pulling
you down to Earth, the
ground is supporting
you, and your legs
moving you forward as
you run during Physical
The total combination of the
forces (opposites  and same
direction +) acting on an object is
called NET FORCE.
Balanced Forces
 A balanced force is one in which the net force equals ZERO.
 Do you think there will be any motion?
400 Newtons
400 Newtons
Unbalanced Forces
 An unbalanced force is one in which the net force is
greater than zero.
 Do you think there will be any motion?
25 Newtons 40 Newtons
2 N
The air resistance will negate 2
N of gravitational force which
will leave 48N of net force
pushing the sky divers to the
The force produced by the blue team is greater
than that of the purple team. So the net force
is 15N that would tip the ropes direction to the
Only an _______________ force can
change the motion of an object.
Example: Your dog can
cause you to move if he
pulls with enough force.
His force is greater than the force
youre using to stay in place
What would happen if an unbalanced force
acted on an object thats already in
 It will change the speed
or direction of the
 Example: Your little
brother is riding his
tricycle. You run up
behind him and give him
a push.
 Your force adds to the
existing force causing him
to speed up.
Unbalanced forces can act in the same
 Example: Youre pushing a cabinet across the room with a force of 15
N. Youre friend is pulling with a force of 10 N.
 What is the NET FORCE?
 What direction is the cabinet moving?
15N 10 N
When two forces
move in the same
direction the
forces are
combined. Here
the net force is
At the left side
Unbalanced forces can act in opposite
 Example: Two dogs are tugging on a rope. One dog pulls with a
force of 20N and the other pulls with a force of 25N.
 What is the NET FORCE?
 What direction is the rope moving?
25 Newtons
20 Newtons
At the
Motion and Force
Motion: A change in the position of an object over time. A reference point
enables a person to determine that something has moved or changed
*Remember Benny the beaver, we knew he moved because he got closer to
our tree, the reference point.
ALL motion is caused by a force or forces.
Force: A force is a push or pull on an object causing a change in speed or
NET FORCE: The total combination of the forces acting on an object is
called NET FORCE.
Opposites forces will take away from each other(counteract their force due
to opposing direction); the larger forces newton's are always above the
smaller forces newton's 50N- 40N= 10 N net force. Forces moving in the
same direction will be added together; 50N + 40 N= 90N net force
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
A Balanced Force: is a force in which the
net force equals ZERO and there is NO
300N of force opposing (-) 300N of
force= 0N
AN Unbalanced Force: is a force in which
the net force is GREATER than (>) Zero
causing motion.
400N of force opposing (-) 300N of
force= 100N an UNBALANCED force with
MOTION going in the direction of the
greater force in this case to the left or
toward team A.
Team B
*Special information to remember about
Unbalanced Forces
Unbalanced forces can act in
the same direction. IF the
forces are combining their
efforts the Newton Force is
combined (+) as well.
Unbalanced forces can be
demonstrated if two people
lift a couch or push a cabinet
from the same side.
Newtons 3 Laws of Motion
1st Law of Motion:
Things that are still stay still and things that are
moving keep moving with a steady speed unless
a force of some kind pushes or pulls on them.
2nd Law of Motion:
When a force acts (pushes or pulls) on an object,
it changes the objects speed or direction (in
other words it makes the object accelerate).
The bigger the force, the more the object
3rd Law of Motion:
When a force acts on an object, theres equal
force (called a reaction) acting in the opposite
direction. This law is sometimes written that
actions are equal and opposite.
Newtons 3 Laws of Motion
1st Law of Motion:
Things that are still stay still and things that are moving keep
moving with a steady speed unless a force of some kind pushes or
pulls on them.
Newtons 1st Law: The Law of
 An object at rest will remain at rest,
unless acted upon by an unbalanced
 An object in motion will continue moving,
in the same direction, at the same
speed, unless an unbalanced force acts
on it.
 Inertia is the tendency of objects
to resist a change in motion.
 Example: seatbelts!
 REMEMBER: Brain Pop 50 mph
50 mph
Force and motion   remind (2)
Mass and Inertia
If a car is going 50 kilometers
per hour and it comes to a
sudden stop, the people
inside continue moving 50
kilometers per hour unless a
force prevents their forward
motion through the windshield
Which is why WE wear
Newtons 3 Laws of Motion
2nd Law of Motion:
When a force acts (pushes or pulls) on an object, it changes the
objects speed or direction (in other words it makes the object
The bigger the force, the more the object accelerates.
 The mass of an object affects its inertia.
 Objects with more mass have more inertia than an object
with a smaller mass.
 Its harder to make a large object move or change the speed
and direction of it when its moving.
Another Example
 Train v. Car: Which will take longer to accelerate to 60 mph? Why?
Newtons 3 Laws of Motion
3rd Law of Motion:
When a force acts on an object, theres equal force
(called a reaction) acting in the opposite direction.
This law is sometimes written that actions are
equal and opposite.
Friction and Gravity
 Two forces that can always affect
 the motion of an object are
Friction and Gravity
What is friction?
 A force that opposes the motion of an object
 Its a contact force!
 Occurs when an object in motion rubs against a surface.
 The contact reduces the speed of the object and releases heat.
What affects the
amount of friction?
 The force of the push/pull
 The harder you push, the longer its
going to take friction to stop the
 The roughness of the surface
 The rougher the surface, the more
 The weight of the object
 The heavier the object, the more
What is gravity?
The force of attraction
between all objects.
The amount of gravity
depends on two things:
The objects masses
The distance between
the two objects
Since the earth is so
large, everything on it is
attracted to it even if
theyre not touching!
Example: Throwing a ball.
You throw a ball up, but
gravity pulls it back down
to earth.
You can counteract gravity
by catching the ball before
it hits the ground (you
provide the outside force!)
Force and motion   remind (2)
An object moving in a circle is experiencing an
acceleration. Even if moving around the perimeter of
the circle with a constant speed, there is still a
change in velocity and subsequently an acceleration.
This acceleration is directed towards the center of the
circle. And in accord with Newton's second law of
motion, an object which experiences an acceleration
must also be experiencing a net force.
The direction of the net force is in the same direction
as the acceleration. So for an object moving in a
circle, there must be an inward force acting upon it in
order to cause its inward acceleration.
This is sometimes referred to as the centripetal force
requirement. The word
centripetal (not to be confused with centrifugal)
means center seeking. For object's moving in circular
motion, there is a net force acting towards the center
which causes the object to seek the center.
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)
Force and motion   remind (2)

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Force and motion remind (2)

  • 1. Force and Motion Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Velocity and Acceleration
  • 2. Motion What is motion? A change in the position of an object over time. How do you know something is in motion or has moved? You use a reference point! A stationary (not moving) object such as a tree, street sign, or a line on the road. Did the beaver move? Yes!
  • 3. What causes an object to move? A FORCE! ALL motion is due to forces acting on objects! What is a force? A push or a pull MOTION
  • 4. Can more than one force act on an object at the same time? #2 #3 #1 YES! Example: Gravity is pulling you down to Earth, the ground is supporting you, and your legs moving you forward as you run during Physical Education. The total combination of the forces (opposites and same direction +) acting on an object is called NET FORCE.
  • 5. Balanced Forces A balanced force is one in which the net force equals ZERO. Do you think there will be any motion? NO! Examples: 50 N 50 N 400 Newtons 400 Newtons
  • 6. Unbalanced Forces An unbalanced force is one in which the net force is greater than zero. Do you think there will be any motion? YES! Examples: 25 Newtons 40 Newtons 2 N 50 N The air resistance will negate 2 N of gravitational force which will leave 48N of net force pushing the sky divers to the ground. The force produced by the blue team is greater than that of the purple team. So the net force is 15N that would tip the ropes direction to the right.
  • 7. Only an _______________ force can change the motion of an object. Example: Your dog can cause you to move if he pulls with enough force. His force is greater than the force youre using to stay in place
  • 8. What would happen if an unbalanced force acted on an object thats already in motion? It will change the speed or direction of the object. Example: Your little brother is riding his tricycle. You run up behind him and give him a push. Your force adds to the existing force causing him to speed up.
  • 9. Unbalanced forces can act in the same direction. Example: Youre pushing a cabinet across the room with a force of 15 N. Youre friend is pulling with a force of 10 N. What is the NET FORCE? What direction is the cabinet moving? 15N 10 N When two forces move in the same direction the forces are combined. Here the net force is 25N. 25N At the left side
  • 10. Unbalanced forces can act in opposite directions. Example: Two dogs are tugging on a rope. One dog pulls with a force of 20N and the other pulls with a force of 25N. What is the NET FORCE? What direction is the rope moving? 25 Newtons 20 Newtons 45N At the RIGHT side
  • 11. Motion and Force Motion: A change in the position of an object over time. A reference point enables a person to determine that something has moved or changed position. *Remember Benny the beaver, we knew he moved because he got closer to our tree, the reference point. ALL motion is caused by a force or forces. Force: A force is a push or pull on an object causing a change in speed or direction. NET FORCE: The total combination of the forces acting on an object is called NET FORCE. Opposites forces will take away from each other(counteract their force due to opposing direction); the larger forces newton's are always above the smaller forces newton's 50N- 40N= 10 N net force. Forces moving in the same direction will be added together; 50N + 40 N= 90N net force
  • 12. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces A Balanced Force: is a force in which the net force equals ZERO and there is NO MOTION. 300N of force opposing (-) 300N of force= 0N A BALANCED force with NO MOTION AN Unbalanced Force: is a force in which the net force is GREATER than (>) Zero causing motion. 400N of force opposing (-) 300N of force= 100N an UNBALANCED force with MOTION going in the direction of the greater force in this case to the left or toward team A. Team B
  • 13. *Special information to remember about Unbalanced Forces Unbalanced forces can act in the same direction. IF the forces are combining their efforts the Newton Force is combined (+) as well. Unbalanced forces can be demonstrated if two people lift a couch or push a cabinet from the same side.
  • 14. Newtons 3 Laws of Motion 1st Law of Motion: Things that are still stay still and things that are moving keep moving with a steady speed unless a force of some kind pushes or pulls on them. 2nd Law of Motion: When a force acts (pushes or pulls) on an object, it changes the objects speed or direction (in other words it makes the object accelerate). The bigger the force, the more the object accelerates. 3rd Law of Motion: When a force acts on an object, theres equal force (called a reaction) acting in the opposite direction. This law is sometimes written that actions are equal and opposite.
  • 15. Newtons 3 Laws of Motion 1st Law of Motion: Things that are still stay still and things that are moving keep moving with a steady speed unless a force of some kind pushes or pulls on them.
  • 16. Newtons 1st Law: The Law of Inertia An object at rest will remain at rest, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force An object in motion will continue moving, in the same direction, at the same speed, unless an unbalanced force acts on it.
  • 17. Inertia Inertia is the tendency of objects to resist a change in motion. Example: seatbelts! REMEMBER: Brain Pop 50 mph 50 mph
  • 19. Mass and Inertia If a car is going 50 kilometers per hour and it comes to a sudden stop, the people inside continue moving 50 kilometers per hour unless a force prevents their forward motion through the windshield Which is why WE wear SEATBELTS!!
  • 20. Newtons 3 Laws of Motion 2nd Law of Motion: When a force acts (pushes or pulls) on an object, it changes the objects speed or direction (in other words it makes the object accelerate). The bigger the force, the more the object accelerates.
  • 21. Mass The mass of an object affects its inertia. Objects with more mass have more inertia than an object with a smaller mass. Its harder to make a large object move or change the speed and direction of it when its moving.
  • 22. Another Example Train v. Car: Which will take longer to accelerate to 60 mph? Why?
  • 23. Newtons 3 Laws of Motion 3rd Law of Motion: When a force acts on an object, theres equal force (called a reaction) acting in the opposite direction. This law is sometimes written that actions are equal and opposite.
  • 25. Friction and Gravity Two forces that can always affect the motion of an object are Friction Gravity
  • 26. Friction and Gravity What is friction? A force that opposes the motion of an object Its a contact force! Occurs when an object in motion rubs against a surface. The contact reduces the speed of the object and releases heat.
  • 27. What affects the amount of friction? The force of the push/pull The harder you push, the longer its going to take friction to stop the object. The roughness of the surface The rougher the surface, the more friction. The weight of the object The heavier the object, the more friction.
  • 28. What is gravity? The force of attraction between all objects. The amount of gravity depends on two things: The objects masses The distance between the two objects
  • 29. Since the earth is so large, everything on it is attracted to it even if theyre not touching! Example: Throwing a ball. You throw a ball up, but gravity pulls it back down to earth. You can counteract gravity by catching the ball before it hits the ground (you provide the outside force!)
  • 31. An object moving in a circle is experiencing an acceleration. Even if moving around the perimeter of the circle with a constant speed, there is still a change in velocity and subsequently an acceleration. This acceleration is directed towards the center of the circle. And in accord with Newton's second law of motion, an object which experiences an acceleration must also be experiencing a net force. The direction of the net force is in the same direction as the acceleration. So for an object moving in a circle, there must be an inward force acting upon it in order to cause its inward acceleration. This is sometimes referred to as the centripetal force requirement. The word centripetal (not to be confused with centrifugal) means center seeking. For object's moving in circular motion, there is a net force acting towards the center which causes the object to seek the center.