9. 丱仍仍亞 Lot 1000$ leveraged to 100 1:100 PIP single and smallest unit of count Margin for 100 000USD margin 1000 USD Leverage 唏勵勵亞 increase of ure balance by certain amount Spread 亰唏勵勵 bid / ask Long short Long short DER. STOCK
10. Fundamental Analysis 亅亟亳亶亞 亰舒亞亳亶仆 亳仆亢亳仍亞 丐唏于 弍舒仆从 弍舒 弍仂亟仍仂亞仆 勵勵 仆仍亳舒 舒亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰舒亟 舒亟舒舒亟 亟舒仍亟舒舒仆 仆仍 GDP 勳 GNP Liquidity Long term institutional level
11. Technical Analysis Charting tools 亅仆 弍仆 亳亞仆舒仍亟 仆 亳亟亳亶仆 仂仆仂仍亟 Information in the Price Short term 弍仂亞亳仆仂 亞舒舒舒仆 day trader Technical indicators: Trend; Volatility; concentration point reversal Cycle; combination of cyclical periods funds. no matter Support / resistance; Momentum well ahead of the price reversal
12. 亳仍亢舒舒仆 舒亠亞亳 丿仆舒仍 弍舒 舒亳亟舒 Discipline (develop a trading model) 亅亟仍亳亶仆 仄亠仆亠亢仄亠仆 monthly balance sheet + with surplus
13. 哦哦 Demo account trading: 12 months 仆 仂仍仂亞亳亟 仄唏仆亞唏唏 舒仍亟亟舒亞 , 95% 哦唏亳仆 个仂亠从 亰唏于勵勵 勵亞勵亶 勵? 弌舒亶仆 仂亟仂仂亶仍 哦仆亟唏 勵于仆亳亶 仄亠仆亠亢仄亠仆 仄亳亢亳仍亳亶仆 仆 弍唏亞唏唏亟 磠亢 舒舒仆 弍仂仍仂 弍 ? I HAVE NO F***ING IDEA
14. LAST FEW WORDS Its not exact science Its experience and feel of the market Its my view of FOREX somebody else might have different, its the same thing its just how people view it is different