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Class:1 AB time:9.40-10.20
Theme:Literature Component.
Topic:JourneyTo The Centre Of The Earth novel C Charactersand characterizations
LearningOutcomes:Studentswill be able to relate theirexperiencesinawrittenform.
Objective/s:Atthe endof the lessonstudentswill be able toidentifycorrectanswersforthe given
tasksbasedfrom the novel charactersunderstanding.
1. Note-taking
2. Explanation
3. Drill (Oral questionsandanswerssession)
4. Practice
Moral values:Determination.
Resources:EnglishForm2 textbook.
Reflection:Studentscouldcompletetheirtaskswithinthe giventime.

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Form 1 ab lp 18 sept

  • 1. Class:1 AB time:9.40-10.20 Theme:Literature Component. Topic:JourneyTo The Centre Of The Earth novel C Charactersand characterizations LearningOutcomes:Studentswill be able to relate theirexperiencesinawrittenform. Objective/s:Atthe endof the lessonstudentswill be able toidentifycorrectanswersforthe given tasksbasedfrom the novel charactersunderstanding. Activities: 1. Note-taking 2. Explanation 3. Drill (Oral questionsandanswerssession) 4. Practice Moral values:Determination. Resources:EnglishForm2 textbook. Reflection:Studentscouldcompletetheirtaskswithinthe giventime.