The literature class covered the novel Journey To The Centre Of The Earth. Students took notes and participated in discussion to identify characters and their characterizations from the novel. Through oral question and answer practice, students demonstrated their understanding of the novel's characters. The goal was for students to be able to relate their experiences in writing and show determination as a moral value.
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Form 1 ab lp 18 sept
1. Class:1 AB time:9.40-10.20
Theme:Literature Component.
Topic:JourneyTo The Centre Of The Earth novel C Charactersand characterizations
LearningOutcomes:Studentswill be able to relate theirexperiencesinawrittenform.
Objective/s:Atthe endof the lessonstudentswill be able toidentifycorrectanswersforthe given
tasksbasedfrom the novel charactersunderstanding.
1. Note-taking
2. Explanation
3. Drill (Oral questionsandanswerssession)
4. Practice
Moral values:Determination.
Resources:EnglishForm2 textbook.
Reflection:Studentscouldcompletetheirtaskswithinthe giventime.