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Secondary School Lesson Plan

Date                   : 17th February 2012

Time/Duration          : 80 minutes (Double periods)

Class                  : Form 1 Epsilon

No. of student         :       /     students

Proficiency level      : Intermediate

Theme                  : Social Issues

Topic                  : Hospitality

Language skill focus   : Reading

Integrated skills          : Writing, Speaking, Listening

Language focus             : Vocabulary

Learning outcomes       : By the end Form 1, students should be able to:

                       1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE

                       1.1b Take part in conversation and discussion
                          iii. responding appropriately to questions.

                       2.0 LANGUAGE FOR INFORMATIONAL USE

                       2.2f Using dictionary
                          iv. using dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.

                           3.0 LANGUAGE FOR EASTHETIC USE

                           3.2 Dramatizing a text
                              i. acting out sections of a text.
Learning objectives      : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

                                  1. respond to teacher’s explanation and answer the questions
                                     asked by the teacher appropriately. ( Observable)

                                  2. work in pair to search for meaning of unfamiliar words
                                     found in the text. (Observable)

                                  3. work in group to act out a section from the text regarding
                                     table menace. (Achievable)

                                  3. Work individually and answer at least 5/7 comprehension
                                     questions based on the text given correctly. (Measureable)

Educational emphasis:
a) Thinking skills:
   Students are taught to think critically and use their background knowledge to guess the
   figurative meaning posed in the poem given.

b) Values and citizenship:
   Students are taught to be a moral person by being helpful, responsible and friendly when they
   are working in a group.

Moral values           : Students are taught to, be helpful, work hard and cooperatively to
                         achieve the goal.

Resource Materials     : Form 1 Text book, whiteboard, and marker

Vocabulary list        : Watery, broadly, molasses, piled, pitcher, kitchen, dinner, rude, guest, host
STAGE/          CONTENT/ SKILL          TEACHER/ PUPIL             AVA/
DURATION                                ACTIVITY                   RATIONALE

SET INDUCTION   Whole class.            1. Teacher greats          To tap students’
                                        students and asks          background
(5 MINUTES)     Questions.              students on how they       knowledge and create
                                        greet their quest at       students’ interest into
                1. Have you ever        home?                      the lesson.
                   received any guest
                   to your home?        2. Students answer
                                        teacher’s question.
                2. How do you great
                   them?                                           AVA
                                                                   White board and
                3. Have your parents                               marker
                   taught you on how
                   to great a guest?


PRE-READING     Individual              1. Teacher asks            To ensure that
                Whole class.            students to take out       students are able to
(10 MINUTES)                            their English Form 1       read out text using the
                                        text book and turn to      correct intonation.
                                        page 27.
                Reading                 2. Teacher then calls a    AVA
                Listening               student randomly and
                                        tells the person to read   English form 1
                                        a section of the text      textbook,
                                        aloud.                     White board and
                                        3. Other student will
                                        be called to continue
                                        reading the text until
                                        the end.

                                        4. Teacher will tap on
                                        pronunciation if
WHILE-READING   Pair work         Task 1                    Rationale

(25 MINUTES)    Skills            1. Teacher asks           To ensure that
                Listening         students to identify      students are able o use
                Reading           any unfamiliar words      the dictionary to
                                  from the text.            search for meaning of
                                                            unfamiliar words.
                                  2. Teacher asks
                                  students to read the
                                  sentence and try to
                                  understand the
                                  meaning using
                                  contextual clues.

                                  3. Students are then
                                  told to search for the
                                  meaning of the word
                                  in the dictionary and
                                  teacher compares the
                                  word with what
                                  students have given.      AVA
                                                            Text book page 27

                Individual Work   Task 2

                                  1. Teacher asks
                                  student to turn to page
                                  27-28 in their English
                                  Text book.

                                   2. Students’ are
                                  required to answer all
                                  the questions
                                  individually in their
                                  work book.

                Skills                                      AVA
                Writing                                     Text book page 27
POST-READING             WHOLE CLASS             1. Teacher divides        Rationale
                                                 students’ into groups.
(20 MINUTES)             GROUP WORK                                        To help student
                                                 2. Students’ are then     understand the lesson
                         Skills                  given different           much better.
                         Listening               situations at home
                         Speaking                where they will need
                                                 to receive their guest
                                                 and greet them.           AVA
                                                 3. Students will be       White board, marker
                                                 given 10 minutes to       pen.
                                                 discuss and act it out
                                                 according to their task
                                                 in 2minutes time.

                                                 4. The best group
                                                 which performs will
                                                 be praised.

CLOSURE                  Whole class             1. Teacher recaps the     Rationale
                                                 lesson of the day.
(5 MINUTES)              Skills                                            To ensure that
                         Listening               2. Teacher asks the       students learns the
                         Speaking                students on the moral     moral values gotten
                                                 value that they have      from the poem to be
                                                 learned.                  practiced in their daily


Evaluation           :

Follow-up Activity   : Students are asked to write short sentences on how their parents have
                         taught them to greet their guest at home.
Self-Reflection      :

Supervisor’s comment :

Appendix 2
Cue card which contains an extract of a line in the stanza taken from the
Form 1 hospitality
The river’s a wanderer
A nomad, a tramp,
He doesn’t choose one
To set up his camp.

The River’s a winder,
Through the valley and
He twist and he turns,
He just cannot be still.

The River’s a hoarder,
And he buries down
Those little treasures
That he wants to keep.

The River’s a baby
He gurgles and hums,
And sound like he’s
Sucking his thumbs.

The River’s a singer
As he dances along,
The countryside echoes
The notes of his song.

The River’s a monster
Hungry and vexed,
He’s gobbled up trees
And he’ll swallow you

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Form 1 hospitality

  • 1. Secondary School Lesson Plan Date : 17th February 2012 Time/Duration : 80 minutes (Double periods) Class : Form 1 Epsilon No. of student : / students Proficiency level : Intermediate Theme : Social Issues Topic : Hospitality Language skill focus : Reading Integrated skills : Writing, Speaking, Listening Language focus : Vocabulary Learning outcomes : By the end Form 1, students should be able to: 1.0 LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE 1.1b Take part in conversation and discussion iii. responding appropriately to questions. 2.0 LANGUAGE FOR INFORMATIONAL USE 2.2f Using dictionary iv. using dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words. 3.0 LANGUAGE FOR EASTHETIC USE 3.2 Dramatizing a text i. acting out sections of a text.
  • 2. Learning objectives : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. respond to teacher’s explanation and answer the questions asked by the teacher appropriately. ( Observable) 2. work in pair to search for meaning of unfamiliar words found in the text. (Observable) 3. work in group to act out a section from the text regarding table menace. (Achievable) 3. Work individually and answer at least 5/7 comprehension questions based on the text given correctly. (Measureable) Educational emphasis: a) Thinking skills: Students are taught to think critically and use their background knowledge to guess the figurative meaning posed in the poem given. b) Values and citizenship: Students are taught to be a moral person by being helpful, responsible and friendly when they are working in a group. Moral values : Students are taught to, be helpful, work hard and cooperatively to achieve the goal. Resource Materials : Form 1 Text book, whiteboard, and marker Vocabulary list : Watery, broadly, molasses, piled, pitcher, kitchen, dinner, rude, guest, host
  • 3. STAGE/ CONTENT/ SKILL TEACHER/ PUPIL AVA/ DURATION ACTIVITY RATIONALE SET INDUCTION Whole class. 1. Teacher greats To tap students’ students and asks background (5 MINUTES) Questions. students on how they knowledge and create greet their quest at students’ interest into 1. Have you ever home? the lesson. received any guest to your home? 2. Students answer teacher’s question. 2. How do you great them? AVA White board and 3. Have your parents marker taught you on how to great a guest? Skills Speaking Listening PRE-READING Individual 1. Teacher asks To ensure that Whole class. students to take out students are able to (10 MINUTES) their English Form 1 read out text using the text book and turn to correct intonation. page 27. Skills Reading 2. Teacher then calls a AVA Listening student randomly and tells the person to read English form 1 a section of the text textbook, aloud. White board and marker. 3. Other student will be called to continue reading the text until the end. 4. Teacher will tap on students’ pronunciation if necessary.
  • 4. WHILE-READING Pair work Task 1 Rationale (25 MINUTES) Skills 1. Teacher asks To ensure that Listening students to identify students are able o use Reading any unfamiliar words the dictionary to from the text. search for meaning of unfamiliar words. 2. Teacher asks students to read the sentence and try to understand the meaning using contextual clues. 3. Students are then told to search for the meaning of the word in the dictionary and teacher compares the word with what students have given. AVA Text book page 27 Individual Work Task 2 1. Teacher asks student to turn to page 27-28 in their English Text book. 2. Students’ are required to answer all the questions individually in their work book. Skills AVA Reading Writing Text book page 27
  • 5. POST-READING WHOLE CLASS 1. Teacher divides Rationale students’ into groups. (20 MINUTES) GROUP WORK To help student 2. Students’ are then understand the lesson Skills given different much better. Listening situations at home Speaking where they will need to receive their guest and greet them. AVA Content 3. Students will be White board, marker given 10 minutes to pen. discuss and act it out according to their task in 2minutes time. 4. The best group which performs will be praised. CLOSURE Whole class 1. Teacher recaps the Rationale lesson of the day. (5 MINUTES) Skills To ensure that Listening 2. Teacher asks the students learns the Speaking students on the moral moral values gotten value that they have from the poem to be learned. practiced in their daily lifestyle. AVA Homework Evaluation : Follow-up Activity : Students are asked to write short sentences on how their parents have taught them to greet their guest at home.
  • 6. Self-Reflection : Supervisor’s comment : Appendix 2 Cue card which contains an extract of a line in the stanza taken from the poem
  • 8. The river’s a wanderer A nomad, a tramp, He doesn’t choose one place To set up his camp. The River’s a winder,
  • 9. Through the valley and hill He twist and he turns, He just cannot be still. The River’s a hoarder,
  • 10. And he buries down deep Those little treasures That he wants to keep. The River’s a baby
  • 11. He gurgles and hums, And sound like he’s happily Sucking his thumbs. The River’s a singer
  • 12. As he dances along, The countryside echoes The notes of his song. The River’s a monster
  • 13. Hungry and vexed, He’s gobbled up trees And he’ll swallow you next.