1) The document is an application form for registering new electors in an Assembly Constituency in India.
2) It requests the occupant of a residence to provide names, identifying information, and ages of all adult citizens ordinarily residing in the premises who are eligible to vote.
3) Instructions explain that "ordinarily residing" means normally living in the house, and provides guidance on how to identify relationships and note ages for listing eligible electors.
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1. FORM 4
(See RULE 8)
Application For New Registration of Electors
The occupant of .
Sir/ Madam,
The preparation of the electoral roll for the Assembly Constituency in which you are residing has been taken
in hand. It will greatly facilitate my work if you will kindly complete the statement below after reading the attached
instruction and hand it over to my assistant who will call for it.
Electoral registration office of the .
Assembly Constituency..
Names and particulars of adult citizens ordinarily residing in the above premises
Name of citizen Particular as to Age on 1st January 2002
[Father or Mother or Husband]
1. Enter the names of all persons who have completed 18 years of age on or before the 1st of January of this year and
who are ordinarily residing in the premises.
2. Only the names of those who are citizens of India should be entered.
3. Enter against Serial No. 1 in the first column, the name of the head or other senior member of the family, provided
he or she has the qualification mentioned in the paragraph 1 and 2 above.
4. Ordinarily residing does not mean that the person should be actually in the house when you are filling in the
form. The person who normally live in the house should be included even though they may be temporarily absent,
e.g. on a journey or on business or in hospital. On the other hand, a guest or visitor, who normally lives elsewhere
but happens to be in the house at the time should not be included.
5. All ordinary residents of the house should be included, whether they are member of the family or not but do not
enter the name of the any person who is a member of the Armed Forces the of India or is employed under the
Government of India in a post outside of the India or the name of such persons wife if she ordinarily resides with
6. In the case of every male citizen enter in the second column the name of his father preceded by the word son
7. In the case of every female citizen, enter in the second column
i. the name of the husband preceded by the words wife of, if she is married;
ii. the name of the late husband preceded by the words widow of , if she be a widow; and
iii. the name of the [Father or Mother] preceded by the words daughter of , if she is married
8. In the third column enter the age of the citizen as accurately as possible, giving only the number of complete
years and ignoring months.