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Forming and using objects of 
collaboration within game 
Otso Hannula1, P辰ivi P旦yry-Lassila2, Anna Salmi1, Miia Jaatinen1 
1 Aalto University School of Science 
2 Laurea University of Applied Sciences 
24th Annual RESER Conference 
What makes a game?
A definition of a game 
1. Goal-oriented 
2. Rule-defined means of pursuing the goal 
3. Constraints on reaching the goal 
4. Voluntary participation 
Suits, B., 1978. Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia. Toronto, ON: 
University of Toronto Press.
A definition of a serious game 
1. Goal-oriented 
2. Rule-defined means of pursuing the goal 
3. Constraints on reaching the goal 
4. Voluntary participation 
5. Used to reach an outcome beyond the game itself
Games for service co-creation
The ATLAS game: 
service co-creation project planning
The ATLAS game 
Discussion Card
Theoretical conceptualization 
Objects of 
Nicolini et al. 
Carlile (2002, 
Paavola et al. 
Tertiary objects Transferring Monological 
Boundary objects Secondary objects Translating Dialogical learning 
Trialogical objects, 
Epistemic objects, 
Activity objects 
Primary objects Transforming Trialogical learning
Game structure 
1. Objects of collaboration 
2. Game rules which define relationships between the objects of 
3. Interaction between the players mediated by the objects of 
A system of shared objects of collaboration that 
enables game-like interaction between players
Predesigned Emergent 
Tangible  Game board 
 Co-creation methods 
 Game rules 
 Character figures 
 Answer notes 
 Backpack sheet 
Intangible  Case description  Project plan 
 Service concept 
 Expanded case description 
 Personal experiences 
Initial results
Final results and discussion 
Predesigned Emergent 
Tangible 1. Structure for moving 
forward in the process 
Tertiary objects: Material 
2. Tangible points for communicating 
abstract ideas 
Secondary objects: Boundary objects, 
Trialogical objects 
Intangible 3. A common goal 
Primary objects: Epistemic 
4. Form and develop ideas, introduce 
personal experiences 
Primary objects: Activity objects 
Secondary objects: Boundary objects, 
Trialogical objects
 Service co-creation and other knowledge co-creation 
activities can be enhanced by providing opportunities to 
form and use objects of collaboration 
 Trialogical objects play a key role in knowledge co-creation 
 Game structure has potential in supporting knowledge co-creation 
and other problem-solving 
Malaby, T.M., 2007. Beyond Play A New Approach to Games. 
Games and Culture 2, 95113. doi:10.1177/1555412007299434
Co-create and game on! 
The ATLAS game available for free at: http://atlas-research.fi/
The ATLAS game 
Participants Methods & tools Project definition

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Forming and Using Objects of Collaboration Within Game Structure

  • 1. Forming and using objects of collaboration within game structure Otso Hannula1, P辰ivi P旦yry-Lassila2, Anna Salmi1, Miia Jaatinen1 1 Aalto University School of Science 2 Laurea University of Applied Sciences 24th Annual RESER Conference 12.9.2014
  • 2. What makes a game?
  • 3. A definition of a game 1. Goal-oriented 2. Rule-defined means of pursuing the goal 3. Constraints on reaching the goal 4. Voluntary participation Suits, B., 1978. Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • 4. A definition of a serious game 1. Goal-oriented 2. Rule-defined means of pursuing the goal 3. Constraints on reaching the goal 4. Voluntary participation 5. Used to reach an outcome beyond the game itself
  • 5. Games for service co-creation
  • 6. The ATLAS game: service co-creation project planning
  • 7. The ATLAS game Roll Answer Map Discussion Card
  • 8. Theoretical conceptualization Objects of collaboration Nicolini et al. (2012) Carlile (2002, 2004) Paavola et al. (2004) Material infrastructure Tertiary objects Transferring Monological learning Boundary objects Secondary objects Translating Dialogical learning Trialogical objects, Epistemic objects, Activity objects Primary objects Transforming Trialogical learning
  • 9. Game structure 1. Objects of collaboration 2. Game rules which define relationships between the objects of collaboration 3. Interaction between the players mediated by the objects of collaboration A system of shared objects of collaboration that enables game-like interaction between players
  • 10. Predesigned Emergent Tangible Game board Cards Co-creation methods Game rules Character figures Participants Answer notes Backpack sheet Intangible Case description Project plan Service concept Expanded case description Personal experiences Initial results
  • 11. Final results and discussion Predesigned Emergent Tangible 1. Structure for moving forward in the process Tertiary objects: Material infrastructure 2. Tangible points for communicating abstract ideas Secondary objects: Boundary objects, Trialogical objects Intangible 3. A common goal Primary objects: Epistemic objects 4. Form and develop ideas, introduce personal experiences Primary objects: Activity objects Secondary objects: Boundary objects, Trialogical objects
  • 12. Conclusions Service co-creation and other knowledge co-creation activities can be enhanced by providing opportunities to form and use objects of collaboration Trialogical objects play a key role in knowledge co-creation Game structure has potential in supporting knowledge co-creation and other problem-solving Malaby, T.M., 2007. Beyond Play A New Approach to Games. Games and Culture 2, 95113. doi:10.1177/1555412007299434
  • 13. Co-create and game on! Contact: otso.hannula@aalto.fi @otsohannula The ATLAS game available for free at: http://atlas-research.fi/
  • 14. The ATLAS game Participants Methods & tools Project definition

Editor's Notes

  • #2: I will give us a challenge for this presentation. To make service development exciting, meaningful and collaborative.
  • #3: We have all played one game or another, and Id wager most of us have enjoyed a game at some point. Games provide us with a pleasurable sensation all of their own: to know what youre aiming for, but the goal is not too easy. You have to strive to succeed. And eventually, the sweet release of victory against the game or an opponent.
  • #4: If we want to make a game that
  • #6: The ATLAS project was a multidisciplinary project of design, innovation and organizational research into different methods used in service co-creation. The viewpoint of Enterprise Simulation Laboratory SimLab, of which we were all members at the time, were the collaborative processes across organizations.
  • #7: 3-5 players playing collaboratively with 2 facilitators Explore the three islands on the map and answer service co-creation related questions The players will plan a service co-creation project and learn about service co-creation methods
  • #8: ATLAS vs learning games
  • #9: Interaction analysis Video data of two separate sessions Research question: How does the game support service co-creation?
  • #10: Game as a collection of objects, relationships between objects, and
  • #15: ATLAS vs learning games